Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 7 Chapter 63: Diplomacy

Isabella rejected the proposal from the Toledo Archbishop's Palace and Noble Meeting!

When this news reached Andalusia, many people were at a loss because of an accident.

When Don Bavi announced that he was the Andalusian consul, the reason why so many people expressed their support for him, although there were indeed many of his accomplices, but more local nobles saw this The momentum is bound to cause great pressure on Isabella.

Isabella ’s use of the church manipulated by her to violently intervene in the affairs of the aristocratic territory is undoubtedly the destruction and provocation of the feudal system that has lasted for almost a thousand years. Although she is very clever and obscure, but not everyone can not see understand.

Many people decided to rise up to resist because they were aware of the crisis. In their view, Isabella's actions not only violated their interests, but also trampled on the ancient traditions, but she was only among the people and the nobles. The great prestige made the nobles dare not act rashly.

Don Bavi obviously acted resolutely after seeing this situation, and his choice was indeed correct. This can be seen from Seville's easy take-off almost in the morning. Participation The riotous noble guards quickly spread from the beginning to hundreds of cities, from just watching to participating in the riots. Andalusian nobles saw opportunities to demonstrate to the queen and show their power.

Then Don Bavi's move also proved that their guess was correct.

On the day after he was sworn in as the governor, Don Bavi wrote separate representations to the aristocratic conference in Toledo and the Archbishop ’s Palace, in which he emphasized the many injustices and countless cases he encountered in Andalusia. Similar to the similar encounters of the Andalusian nobles, he asked the parliament to convene a noble meeting. He was willing to rush to Toledo to defend himself to all people. At the same time, he sent a request to the Archbishop ’s Palace, hoping that the church could send a truly fair Pious people, not "a conspirator in the robes of a monk".

Don Bavi ’s two statements have been circulated among the Andalusian aristocracy before being sent out. People are admiring the risks for the Duke ’s rights and well-being of the Andalusian aristocracy. The mentioned things showed incomparable anger and enmity.

This atmosphere even made some impulsive nobles scream the slogan "Go ahead now".

At that time, no one doubted that Isabella would eventually have to choose to compromise under many pressures, and some people were already wondering how to get rid of the minions sent by the Queen to their territory once they returned to the territory. But before that, they must let them take it back and spit it out.

However, while excitedly waiting for the good news, the Andalusian nobles did not do anything. They actively organized the army and replenishment supplies. At the same time, they donated Don Bavi as the commander of the Andalusian noble coalition.

For Isabella, they put on a posture to promote peace.

But no one thought that, under the great pressure of the Andalusian nobles, and even the Castilian nobles who had heard the wind from other places, it was even more obvious that the Toledo noble meeting and the Archbishop's Palace In the hope of seeing a **** conflict between the royal family and the nobility, Isabella made the kind of decision that was unexpected to everyone.

"Isabella of Castile," standing in front of the Cathedral of Seville, Alexander sighed softly. "It is indeed the most remarkable monarch of this era."

Although I do n’t know what the Lord Duke had to do with the Queen of Castile, but I also know that the Lord is now planning a plan for that Queen.

Now that he heard the praise of Isabella in such an admirable tone, Shelle looked at Alexander a bit strangely.

"A brave soldier may not be a great general, but a general must have the same bravery as a soldier." Alexander smiled at Sher. "When almost everyone thinks there is only compromise, Isabella will It takes more than bravery to make such a decision, but also perseverance and wisdom different from ordinary people. "

Cher listened with some doubt, he didn't know what Alexander said, but it sounded like the queen seemed very powerful.

Alexander didn't speak anymore, but frowned tightly.

When he first heard the news, he thought Isabella was too arrogant, just like everyone else. After all, she still took such a tough attitude in this situation, which made some people feel incredible.

But soon he discovered that Isabella's response was correct, and even the only option.

At this time, any compromise, tolerance, or a slight retreat will become a powerful weapon that encourages the noble arrogance. Those nobles are like hungry wolves waiting for their prey to reveal flaws. Once Isabella shows a little bit Cowardly and fearful, they would pounce and tear her up mercilessly.

This is not unfounded speculation and exaggerated speculation. Any country that attempts to abolish feudal separatism and establish a unified kingship ruled on the bones of countless people and was built after removing countless obstacles.

This is especially true of Iberia. In this place where feudal lords are extremely powerful, Isabella's choice is undoubtedly correct.

"Awesome woman."

Alexander sighed secretly again in his heart.

It's just that despite understanding why Isabella chose so, the dilemma she faces is also obvious.

The upcoming war with Portugal will undoubtedly contain Isabella's main army, especially if Louis XII takes the opportunity to send troops to intervene, then she will face a more serious situation.

Although refusing to compromise with Andalusia is the only option at this time, how to deal with the enemies on both sides at the same time is the problem before Isabella.

What if I was Isabella?

Alexandria turned his mind on this. He believed that Isabella's victory over Enrique would never be based on bravery and perseverance, but her witty and flexible diplomatic skills were her main means of success.

Diplomacy? !

When the thought flashed through his heart, Alexander suddenly felt that he had found something key.

He stood there looking fixedly at the front, so that a young woman had to flee in embarrassment because of his blinking gaze.

Schell looked at the escaped woman with a trace of doubt. He didn't know when the master suddenly became interested in this look. Watching the woman running, she was so fat that she could almost sit on a horse. Back, Schell couldn't help but feel that the taste of the master became more and more singular.

At this moment, he heard Alexander whisper, and then quickly turned around and walked towards the cathedral.

The Archbishop of Andalusia was kidnapped by the rebels in the early morning and was rescued a few days later. Of course, the kidnappers have long disappeared, and the Archbishop has not been able to return to the cathedral smoothly.

Don Bavey put him under house arrest in the name of protecting the security. The archbishop, who encountered a prisoner comparable to Avignon, now spends his day counting the pigeons flying over his head.

The Cathedral of Seville is now under the responsibility of the assistant bishop who is called "The Don't Bavi" by the others.

However, the assistant bishop is clearly aware of his situation, so he does not participate in any Seville affairs except for performing his duties.

The arrival of Alexander made the assistant bishop a little nervous, and he was very careful about the duke from the Vatican. Sometimes he even wondered whether this was happening in secret.

Whenever I think of this, the assistant bishop feels cold.

But Alexander obviously did not consider the mood of assisting the bishop, so after seeing him, he said far away: "Bishop, I need your messenger to do something for me."

The assistant bishop nodded instinctively. He knew why Alexander had found him. This is probably the only place where he still has some use.

Since the 10th century, churches that have gradually formed a scale system throughout Europe have a more convenient and effective contact method than any secular country at that time. Among them, although they are not regular, they use the parish as a fixed line of nodes. Courier delivery has become the prototype of the postal network in Europe.

At its peak, this kind of messenger system owned by the church even once allowed the church to firmly grasp the diplomatic exchanges of various countries, so that it has appeared that the church chooses which messages to send and which are destined for their own interests. The stone sinks into the sea without falling.

This method of messenger delivery, which has the same great impact on diplomacy as the Carolingian Palace in the Vatican, has an inestimable effect everywhere, and in Iberia, it has a non-negligible impact.

Alexander has always been interested in this fast and effective "Church Information Highway". In Montina, he connected the information network formed by a Carolingian palace to his road network, which allowed him to be more than others. Early access to all kinds of information, and then decide whether it is the army or money that needs to be mobilized, and in Iberia, he needs much simpler.

"Bishop, I want your courier to leave immediately, which is very important," Alexander told the assistant bishop. "I want them to send me a letter to Bariado in the shortest possible time."

"Okay Duke," the assistant bishop grumbled and nodded. He looked at Alexandria's somber face, and after a little hesitation finally said, "Master Duke, what do you think will happen to Andalusia next?"

"The bishop asks you to rest assured that no matter what happens, the status of the church in Andalusia will not be shaken, which includes yourself."

Alexander ’s words slightly improved the appearance of the auxiliary bishop. He still knows a little about the duke who has a special status in the Vatican, at least in his opinion, since the duke has been mixed with the Andalusian turmoil Among them, then at least the pope should not stand idly by.

When Alexander handed a letter to the postman, he actually knew vaguely the answer to the guess in his heart, but he needed a final decision.

The road from Andalusia to Bariado is not peaceful, especially in Iberia, large areas of inaccessible forests have become such a hotbed of insecurity, and the dangers faced by people going out come from possible sudden illness, Beasts everywhere, there are almost everywhere robbers robbing money and killing lives.

However, this harsh environment has become the most suitable advantage for church messengers. In addition to the first two disasters that need to be directly avoided by the grace of God, an obvious church logo is also enough to protect the messengers from attacks from robbers. And persecution.

And Iberia's strong atmosphere of faith has indeed become the biggest protector of these messengers, and even the three secret letters written by Alexander, two of them were delivered to the old school street in Bariado.

Normezi was watching Alonso Bellugate carefully paint some ceramic toys, all of which were to be sent to the palace.

The toys that Alonso Berrugte made for Princess Juana ’s children obviously made Juana very happy, which also made the Queen quite happy. Isabella even met with this small and skillful artist.

When the messenger arrived, Alonso Berrugte was placing the last glazed puppet in a box on the window sill. These puppets would then be air-dried and sent to the palace, where An army of such dolls is waiting for them.

The arrival of the messenger surprised Normezi. He knew that if it was not an emergency, Alexander would not risk the leak of the secret to let the messenger of the church pass the message, so after confirming that the wax seal was not damaged, he immediately ordered Alonso · Belugat guarded the door, then took out the codebook and began to decipher the contents of the letter carefully.

The content of the secret letter surprised Normezi. Although Alexander ’s conjecture was somewhat ridiculous, Normezi decided to follow the Duke ’s instructions.

At the same time, in the famous red house in the city of Valladolid, Uliu, who had been there for a few days, also received a secret letter from Alexander.

"I have told Normezi to listen to the movement between Isabella and the French. This matter can also help Mrs. Olgala to explore as much as possible. I believe she should have a better way. It is worth noting that As soon as possible to calm down the Andalusian rebellion and stabilize Castilla, Isabella is likely to be at peace with the French! "Looking at the secret letter, Uliou frowned deeply and said to the letter He did not worry about the movement between Castile and the French. What really made Uliou uncomfortable was the following Alexander ’s instructions. “If things are really as I guessed, then in order to let Louis XII By agreeing not to intervene in the upcoming war, Isabella will most likely ask Ferdinand to abandon the conflict with the French army in Rome, which means that the French army will most likely gain the initiative in the Lombard war. "

Uliu silently looked at the secret letter in his hand. He knew that the old man ’s guess might seem a bit whimsical, but it really happened, and if these guesses really become reality, then it is not only Iberi that will be affected. Ya.

"This might be in trouble." Uliu groaned as a former official. He was actually more aware of Alexander's emphasis on the Italian peninsula than Machiavelli, who pretended to be the chief diplomat of the Principality, especially that scene. The war in the north was a great opportunity for Alexander to take advantage of it.

Uliu is not Aufrei and Gompati, he has no right to command the army of the Principality, nor can he bring tremendous wealth to Alexander like Grogning and Tiego, even he cannot be like Machiavelli He negotiated with the monarch of any country as an open diplomat, but as the person who followed Alexander the longest, he knew more than anyone else what Alexander wanted.

At this point, even Ruo Sha did not know Alexander's ambitions better than he did.

Destroy the peace between Castile and the French?

This idea was thrown aside by Uliu as soon as it appeared, he knew that the master would not let him do this completely unsure, and might even be caught by Isabella's dangerous act of finding clues. The key is if there is really With such a peace talk, Uliu couldn't think of any way to prevent the two countries from signing a contract.

This worry is also clearly reflected in Alexander's secret letter.

"There are three things we must determine now. First, is there such a conversation going on? Secondly, does Ferdinand agree with Isabella ’s proposal to stop the war with the French in Rome, and finally, determine God When will the Gong army withdraw? "

Looking at the last paragraph of the secret letter, Uliu's eyebrows were almost screwed together. He knew that the last point was the most important for the master, because with the truce between Aragon and France, the Italian battlefield is bound to follow Earthshaking changes have taken place.

Then in central Italy, the Principality of Romagna-Tuscany, which is adjacent to Lombardy as the main battlefield of the two sides, will be the first to be greatly affected.

Uliu has begun to feel that he can't imagine what will happen next ~ ~ This makes the Moors very upset.

He used to be proud of not panicking no matter what happened, but now he is upset because he can't see what happens next.

"This matter should be made known to Tiego," Uliu wondered. He knew that Tiego was in Valencia now, and it was clear that the Barriali was well mixed among the nobles of Aragon. "Maybe he There is a way to destroy this peace talk. "

Although this peace talk was only Alexander ’s guess, Uliu had directly taken this matter as a fact. After reading it again, he burned the secret letter, and then began to write to Tiego in Valencia. letter.

But what Uliu did not expect was that his messenger hadn't arrived yet, and Tiego had sent secret messages of the same content from Aragon.

"I heard very important news from the Zaragoza court. Queen Isabella is trying to persuade Ferdinand to stop the armistice with the French in Rome. She sent to Venice to recall the emissaries of Gonzalo just recently When Valencia boarded the ship, the war in Rome could have changed significantly due to the truce between Aragon and the French! "

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