Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 7 Chapter 65: The change of Lombard

In Valencia, sailing ships sailed on the sea outside the port like big fish. Whenever there was a guide ship ringing the bell to shuttle among the sea ships, the people on the ship shouted to inform a certain ship. When you can enter Hong Kong, it always causes a commotion.

"The port of Valencia is still too small." Standing on a high ground and looking down at the busy pier, Thiago couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

After the baptism of the trade union, Tiego is no longer the little businessman who brought goods to make money by chance, and his vision and ideals have changed greatly, especially in front of the Duchess of Gandino. At that time, he was already handy.

"Madam, are you sure you heard it reliable?"

"Of course, who do you think talks to me about these things? The servants around the king always like to use leaks to prove their importance in front of the king."

Speaking of which, Maria de Luna glanced at Tiago with disgust.

In Maria de Luna's view, these people are far less terrible than the Moorish, he was not afraid to use her and Cardron's personal feelings without fear, even he was not afraid that she would hide secrets And die out.

It ’s just that now she has no other way at all. She knows that if the king finds that she is colluding with these people, she and her children ’s ending will be very bad. Even more terrible is that even if they are far from the Vatican, once they heard that Giovanni Her death is related to her. Maria de Luna believes that Alexander VI will also take the most fierce revenge against her mercilessly.

"The king has agreed to negotiate with the French, but because the news has been tightly sealed, when we know, his messenger should have left Zaragoza long ago."

With a gloating expression on Maria de Luna, Tiego frowned.

He knew that if Maria de Luna was right, then on the Lombard side, maybe something huge had happened at this time.

In April, the weather was slightly colder than in previous years, which made people somewhat uncomfortable. The flowers and grass along the road were lush, and there was no spring vitality at all. Many fields in the distance were still earthy, and the crops were sparse. Yes, it seems to know that last year's scene was not very good.

A farmer stood at the end of the field and looked at the distance. At a distance away from him, a packhorse flicked its tail and drove its tail away. At this time, there were more mosquitoes and flies, but even in previous years, it was very annoying to fly. The worm seemed to have no energy, so the pack horse's tail moved and boringly pulled down.

The farmer sighed. This is already the best piece of land in his hand. I do n’t know why. In recent years, the weather seems to be getting worse and worse. Even in April, some places were surprisingly cold. Much of the food is due to the cold weather. The land failed to thaw early and died in the field. After two consecutive years, many people have been forced to leave their hometowns because they cannot afford the land tax and tithe tax.

A dust rose on the road in the distance. The farmer looked at him with a frown, and when he saw an army slowly approaching, he whispered in his mouth, and then leaned towards the side of the road.

The team approached gradually, and the doubts in the farmer's mind gradually increased.

Although he had no knowledge, the farmer knew that his former lord was the Sforza family in Milan, but the current lord is Luo Weilei.

The reason why he knew this was that the village head of the village accompanied the tax collector in the city two days ago to announce that from now on, the old man named Constantine de la Rovere is their lord , So in the future it will be given to Della; Lord Rovere. As for where Lord Dover Sforza went before, the tax collector did not say, but the people in the village did not care about this.

When announcing the change of the lord, the tax collector once brought a banner of the new duke for the villagers to recognize. This was done to allow people to recognize the tax collector and his staff as soon as possible when collecting taxes, and also to prevent possible The new duke was unreasonably offended by unknown people while visiting the territory.

The brand-new banner is still hanging on the wooden pillar beside the common well in the village, so this farmer still has a fresh memory.

But this team is not playing the flag of the new Duke, at least the colors and patterns on it are completely different, this is still recognizable.

The farmer withdrew carefully into the field, and now this place is fighting everywhere. Many troops from far away know where it is from the army. This is a very rich land centered on Milan. It was even more difficult for the peasants to have had a bad life because of the climate.

When the team approached, a soldier who was clearly different from the others and had brighter armor saw the farmer standing in the field suddenly came out of the team. He rode a horse to the edge of the wheat field and used it as a hand The whip tree waved to the farmer: "Come here, I have something to ask you."

Although the man's accent sounded strange, the farmer leaned over obediently.

"How far is it from here to Milan?" The soldier asked impatiently.

"It's still far away, I heard that I have to walk for two or three days."

The farmer looked far away, there was the direction of Milan city, I heard that the tax collector master came from that big city, but this farmer did n’t even go to the town a little further away, and he I can't imagine what Milan City, with hundreds of towns, looks like the old tax collector said.

"That's not far away," the soldier said to himself, and led the reins back to the team to report to a knight in armor, "Master, I'll be in Milan soon, about 2 days away."

Even the knight wearing armor nodded during the march. He had a skinny face. If Alexander was here, he could recognize this man as Bowieken, the Count of Provence in France.

Shaking his body to make the body in the slightly heavy armor comfortable, Bowwicken nodded in satisfaction.

He likes to appear in front of people wearing armor, which makes him look more majestic. For this reason, he spent money to build a set of armor that is specially designed to be worn when going out on tour. This set of armor is gorgeous and solemn, but said It is useless to defend, at least to reduce weight, this armor is so thin that it can even float on water.

Bowenken took Charalon as his opponent. He believed that the professional commander of the occupation army must see him this way, especially after he was appointed by Louis XII to become the commander of the Second Army in Milan. Charlene would never be so good.

So he decided that he must first win Milan before Charlene persuaded the king to serve as the commander of the occupation army of Milan again, or at least attack with the king under Milan.

Bowenken knew that Louis XII had a deep taboo against the great aristocracy. In this regard, he was no different from Charles VIII or Louis XI, and earlier French monarchs, but Louis X. Second, because he was born in the side of Valois, he felt more insecure about his status. In this way, he naturally had a territory for himself, such as Charlene, but he had remained in Paris for various reasons. The minister is more at ease.

Bowwicken is not such a person. He is a typical French aristocratic master. As the Earl of Provence, he is a direct heir to the ancient Earl of Provence. This family can continue up to the rule of England for up to 3 The Gorse family of the century has gained ties, and this is why the Countess of Provence was always ambiguous during the Hundred Years' War, and did not really join the army of the King of France until the situation became clearer in the last few years.

Only in this way, when the war ended, the situation of Provence became embarrassing, especially after the bold defeat of Charlie and the death, when he saw that the situation was wrong, Count Provence had to take his eldest son. That is, Bowwicken was sent to Paris as a hostage in exchange for the king ’s relief

Now Bowwicken has already become the earl of Provence, and the son of the original spider king Louis XI has been dead for a long time, but as their heir, Louis XII, like them, always has a deep sense of those French nobles Deep taboo.

Now, for Bowwicken, the only way to regain the trust of the king is to build more merits than anyone else in the war, and be able to lead another army of his own 32,000 troops, second only to the French king. The Legion is undoubtedly a rare opportunity.

Bowwicken did not know why Louis XII suddenly ordered his army of nearly 27,000 people to suddenly cross the boundary river between Piemont and Lombardy to venture into Milan. After all, for the French, these two years The Italian War was not very smooth.

In the whole year of 1500 last year, the original plan quickly won Lombardy, and then marched to Romagna, and then the plan to enter Rome, but somehow encountered a wall, and was suddenly captured by the Duke of Rometsia Pavia and After Monza, the situation of the French army in Lombardy has become very unfavorable. In this case, the Duke of Rome Tesia, as a war mediator, proposed that Constantine de la Rovere take over as the heir to Ludvik. · The title of Duke of Sforza Milan, although this proposal was immediately strongly opposed by Louis XII, but with the support of Emperor Maximian, facing the protracted, and the domestic has been hidden in a situation of illusion, Louis Twelve eventually had to be forced to accept the proposal in exchange for the delay enough.

Many people did not expect such a result, and even it was said that when the pope heard the news, he accidentally knocked over the wine glass in front of him.

This result made Louis XII extremely angry, but the domestic situation made him unable to take care of Italy for a while, so in the previous months, the French had to retreat to the west of Piedmont as a boundary, Italy for a time It became much quieter.

But no one thought that, without warning, the French suddenly crossed the Piedmont border and launched an attack on the hinterland of Lombardy.

Bowwicken was very suspicious of Louis XII's order. If he did not see that Louis XII had indeed given nearly half of his army to his command, he even thought it might be that the king would take advantage of the enemy's hand to take advantage of the opportunity he.

What did not make Bowwicken think was that the sacred alliance organized by the Maximian group was unresponsive to the French move, and it could even be said that there was no achievement.

Emperor Maximian, who has been mostly demobilized, apparently did not expect that the French would suddenly tear up the agreement and invade Lombardy at this time, and the Austrian troops stationed in Lombardy had no preparation, so when they saw the shadow of the French army Most of those armies fled in the wind, even if they insisted on resistance, they were defeated by a rush to fight, and the entire Lombardy Plain quickly appeared in front of the French.

And it was also at this time that a news that surprised everyone came out.

The French have been in peace with Aragon.

This news undoubtedly explains why Louis XII would carry out such a bold attack, because he knew very well that as the Aragonese troops withdrew from Italy, the situation of this war would change dramatically.

The French no longer need to keep too many troops in Genoa in order to prevent threats from the sea, which allows the French to put nearly 10,000 troops that could not be easily mobilized into other fronts, which is always inferior to the troops. The French of the Allied Forces is news of neighbours.

At the same time, the withdrawal of the Aragonese army also gave the Venetians a big blow. The Venetians had to withdraw the troops that had been mobilized to the border of Lombardy to defend against new threats in order to prevent threats from the Ottoman Navy.

The shock of Aragon and the French alone and even spread to Naples.

When he heard the news, the Queen of Naples immediately ordered the Naples army to prepare for the battle.

While writing to Alexander to ask him what happened to the Iberian side, Ruosha ordered all ships in Naples to prepare for the enemy from the sea.

Ruosha's vigilance was obviously not superfluous, and after securing assurances against the threat from the Aragonese army, the situation quickly benefited the French.

On April 4, the 27,000 men led by the French Bowenken almost successfully pressed Milan from the southwest without experiencing a major battle, and at the same time his army was established on the border between Lombardy and Romagna Several temporary fortresses.

The move immediately attracted the attention of the Commander of the Northern Legion of Romagna-Tuscany, and although it was later determined that the French should not take the initiative to provoke the offensive, Gompati immediately mobilized the army to the Romagna border Fortification area.

For more than a year, Compatti established a loose line of defense from La Spezia to Palma on the border as Alexander commanded.

On this side of the line of defense, Alexander ’s army built a lot of small-scale defenses that could be used at any time. Some of these relied on the terrain to form a fortress. Some were simply **** on a few roads in the plain. Pointed wooden piles and deep trenches are used as a defense against future enemies.

In fact, in Alexandria's vision, before he had complete control of the Lombardy region, he wanted to build an Alexandrian Great Wall on the Italian peninsula, with the purpose of isolating Upper Italy from the rest of the peninsula.

It was just the sudden concubine of the French Aragon and the plan that was just beginning to be prepared instantly vanished.

But even so, Gompati still believes that he can resist the first attack of any enemy from the north when he has a defensive advantage.

As for that year, it was the whole Principality of Romagna-Tuscany.

And let Gompati have such great confidence that even the face of the French army does not need to be timid, because the Duke of Milan is now looking at Stan Della Rovere.

This made Gompati even have a very crazy idea. He believed that once the war started, as long as he could insist on holding the 'Great Wall of Alexandria' for a few days, he could be supported by other legions of the Principality and the Milan army in the north. With the cooperation, the enemies in the middle zone between the two sides will be attacked from north to south!

Well, maybe a miracle that will completely destroy the French army or any other enemy who stepped into Lombardy may actually happen.

Once this bold idea appeared, Gumpa couldn't be thrown away, so that he finally wrote a letter to Aufrei in Montina and Constantine in Milan, revealing his idea to them.

So when the French suddenly appeared on the Lombard Plain, the Compomati who got the news became excited immediately after the earliest tension.

The French became much more cautious after being attacked by England against Genoa because of fear that the Aragonese army also landed from Genoa, and they had to stay in Genoa with enough troops, which became Bowenken ’s move. The reason why Genoa's army ~ ~ first approached Milan from the southwest.

However, in this way, Bowwicken's French army is located in the snare of the north and south of Gompatti's idea.

Gompati immediately mobilized the army to enter the defensive line of the "Great Wall of Alexandria", which was just started. After receiving the information that the French were approaching Milan with two large forces, Gompati felt that the French had not yet joined and first defeat Bowwicken in front of him was taken for granted.

It's just that Gompati didn't expect it. What awaited him was the unexpected news of Constantine, the Duke of Milan, who fled the city!

Then, even worse news came from the Lombard side. After Constantine fled without a fight, the two French regiments, which had almost no losses, quickly met.

Then, after some minor repairs, the French army, with a total of nearly 60,000 people, turned its direction from north to south, along Piacenza in the east, and on the front line of Maggiolasca in the west, towards the Romagna border.

The first great crisis after the establishment of the Principality of Romagna-Tuscany, it suddenly came without warning.

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