Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 7 Chapter 66: The 3rd Romagna War

Alexander VI walked in the porch supported by many tall Romanesque columns, the sunlight shining in from the middle of the columns, separating the ground from the long and regular long shadows.

Alexander VI felt that his mood was the same as these bright and dark shadows on the ground. This meeting was still sunny and the next moment was bleak.

The event that Constantine became the Duke of Milan had a great impact on Alexander VI. He did not expect to endorse the Alexander Conference to support his uncle to seize the Duke of Milan. More importantly, Maximian also supported this proposal. It means that Old Rovere has colluded with the emperor.

Alexander VI felt a crisis. He knew that Old Rovere had always coveted the pope's throne, and even in some public places did not hide his desire to become a pope. Alexander VI believed that if the position of the pope was not lifelong to death, in this kind of occupation now Under the favorable situation of the advantage, maybe Old Rovere has forced him to the palace.

This made the Pope once feel that he had become an orphan in the Vatican. Although he still occupied the highest priesthood in the Christ world, his enemies were extremely powerful.

Thinking of this Alexander VI could not help thinking of Caesar.

Caesar is now on Elba Island. He used to send people to visit him. After learning that his son did not suffer any unfair treatment, Alexander VI also thought that maybe he should stay in that place for more years, at least. Wait until Alexander feels that he is no longer a threat, and then find a chance to find a way to rescue him from there.

But now Alexander VI felt that Caesar was needed too much.

At the beginning, Alexander VI was able to show everyone his unscrupulous prestige as a spokesperson for the God of the Christ world. Among them, the Pope Army has a role that cannot be ignored. It is too short, but it is enough for those secular monarchs to have to consider the attitude of the Vatican, or Alexander VI himself, in many matters.

But as Caesar was imprisoned to Elba, Alexander ’s army not only controlled the Romagna region, but also became a protector of Rome and the Vatican. This seems to be no different from before, but Constantine became The Duke of Milan deeply stimulated the Pope, and Alexander VI realized that he still needed Caesar to control an army of his own for him.

Seeing that his personal secretary Nomelo came briskly from a distance, the pope stopped, he stood standing in the sun between two Roman columns, the afternoon of this season was when people felt sleepy, But looking at Nomelo in a hurry, the pope realized that something might happen again.

"Your Majesty, the French waged a war in Lombardy," Nomelo could not wait to report the news he had just heard to the Pope. "Constantin de la Rovere has escaped from Milan, Now the French army is gathering in Milan, and there is news that they may enter Romagna next. "

Alexander VI froze a little, he seemed to want to stand upright, or he wanted to listen more carefully, but then he waved his hand and greeted Nomelo to walk through the colonnade with him, walked into the garden and sat down: "Tell me what happened, I know that Louis has waged war again, but don't Milanese resist?"

"I heard it was that Rovere Jr. was worried that the Milanese might have a rebellion after the arrival of the French, so he might be the same as the people of the Medici family, and maybe not as lucky as the Medici, so he approached Milan in the French When he took his own person to escape from Milan overnight, it is said that he had already fled his territory in Ferrara. "

"This is really a brave knight," Alexander VI made no secret of the gloating after he heard the news, and then he asked Nomelo to help him stand up and walk slowly in the garden. "We have to send people and Louis contacted, but I believe he should have sent someone, but this does not prevent us from being more active. "

"Your Majesty, what do you think Louis would suggest?" Nomelo asked carefully, feeling the heavy weight almost completely supported on his wrist, which was also mixed with obvious shaking, Nomelo couldn't help but the Pope's aging body Secretly worried.

"I do n’t understand why Louis suddenly started the war at this time. Even if Roveray Jr. escaped, his enemies are still many. I believe that the emperor will not let this opportunity pass. Although the British did not send many troops, it was enough. It ’s a threat, and there is Aragon. Is n’t Louis worried at all? "

"Your Majesty, this is what I reported to you. There is news that Aragon and the French have negotiated peace," Nomelo whispered, feeling that the pope's hand holding his wrist suddenly tightened, and Nomelo immediately stopped. Step down "So what should we do, Your Majesty?"

"Are you asking if you should form an alliance with Louis again?" Alexander VI's voice appeared slightly erratic. He let Nomelo's hand walk slowly in the garden alone, looking at a vibrant garden, His feelings had long gone to nowhere.

"Nomelo, you should probably visit Caesar," Alexander VI suddenly turned around and said to Nomelo, "I haven't heard from him for a long time."

Nomelo nodded silently, and he almost knew the Pope's decision at this time.

The news of Constantine's deserting city spread like a whirlwind throughout Rome, and the old Rovere who heard the bad news didn't even have time to get angry at his son's move. A messenger from Montina had already come to the door.

To the old Rovere's surprise, this messenger was actually the Machiavelli that was very reused by Alexander. Seeing this Florentine, the old Rovere already knew what kind of trouble he would face next.

"Dear Cardinal, I have to regret to inform you that the Duchess is extremely angry at the actions of Duke Constantine," Machiavelli could not wait to say his intention clearly after the salute to Old Rovere. The wife has decided to reconsider the relationship with Ferrara and the responsibilities as an ally when necessary. This is unfortunate, but the decision is entirely due to the actions of the Duke of Constantine, Romagna-To The Principality of Skana has no moral responsibility. "

Old Luo Weilei looked gloomy at the eloquent diplomat in front of him. Constantine ’s behavior really surprised him, even unbelievable. After all, his son was fearless in his mind, but now he is He made the move of dropping the crown and deserting the throne. Heard that he had fled back to Ferrara. Does he think Ferrara's walls are stronger than Milan?

The situation now is that, due to Constantine ’s escape, the Principality of Romagna-Tuscany is about to face almost the entire French offensive alone. In this regard, Old Rovere fully understands his daughter ’s anger, even himself The anger in his heart was not inferior to Barendi, because he realized that maybe this thing would be the beginning of another crisis.

"My lord, my duke is not in the country now, and the French army is threatening the border of the Principality of Romagna-Tuscany," Machiavelli said lowly to the old Rovere. "In this case, I think you need to let I brought back the Duchess with a promise that was enough to give her peace of mind, which is related to the stability of the alliance between us. "

Machiavelli frowned the old Rovere. He didn't blame this man for his unreasonableness. In fact, the Principality of Romagna-Tuscany, also known as Roma Thea, is indeed facing a huge crisis.

This danger of even destroying the country is unbearable for anyone, and it is his son Constantine who caused this situation.

And what made Old Rovere even more annoying was that with the French occupying Milan at almost no cost, the Vatican's pro-French forces, which had been temporarily silenced by the French's frustration, were also rapidly moving.

Old Luo Weilei moved his mouth, and no one heard him swearing in the local native language of Genoa a swearing that he should never export.

"This is a must. I will abide by the agreement with Roma Thea," although he is a father and daughter, but old Luo Weilei did not expect to be able to get Barrendi's understanding for this, he is too familiar with his daughter, This is also the reason why he appreciated this daughter, calm and utilitarian, and will not affect the pursuit of goals because of feelings. Until now, this character he most admired has become the root of Balenti's reproach to him.

"I will let Constantine reconsider organizing Ferrara's army to join the fight against the French, but this may take time."

When Luo Weilei said this, he could not help cursing again. He had decided to immediately write to Constantine to ask how he made such a stupid decision, but he did not directly answer the conditions proposed by Machiavelli. Luo Weilei thought of Constantine's move may have worse consequences.

The trouble caused by Constantine's hasty escape from Milan soon became apparent.

Just two days later, a messenger from Venice suddenly came to the Vatican. After a close conversation with several cardinals, the Venetian suddenly announced publicly at a noble gathering in Rome to prevent Milan from falling into the hands of Louis XII. Will reconsider the rightful heir to the Milan title, and Venice will send an army into the Lombardy region.

This announcement shocked Rome in an instant, and many people realized that this should be the result of Constantine's escape from Ferrara.

On the contrary, voices of support for Louis XII to become the Duke of Milan also appeared in the Cardinal Regiment.

For a time all parties in the Vatican were restless.

Machiavelli's trip to the Vatican was obviously more than just visiting Old Rovere. After receiving old Rovere's unsatisfactory promises, Machiavelli began frequent activities in the Vatican.

He hoped to find enough help as soon as possible, while paying close attention to those who might pose a threat to the Principality of Rome.

Among these people, Machiavelli is most concerned about Pope Alexander VI.

When Nomelo left Rome with the Pope's letter, Machiavelli was listening to the cardinal bishop Mahimo's residence in the cardinal group due to the changes that occurred in Milan.

The Venetian's sudden announcement of attention to the title of Milan is surprising. Although Machiavelli actively mediated in Rome, it is clear that many people are not optimistic about Constantine.

Especially when Alexander VI suddenly and blatantly added the health and good luck of King Louis XII to the prayer at the mass ceremony on the first day, many people realized that there had been a little between the Duke of Rome and the Pope Cracks that are difficult to bridge.

Machiavelli was keenly aware of the danger, and he hurriedly found Mahimo who had just returned from Bologna to Rome the next day. After hearing from him some of the movements inside the cardinal group, Machiavelli was more certain. Made their own guesses.

"The pope is trying. He may be planning to change his mind. No, I can be sure that he has decided to cooperate with the French again."

Machiavelli turned around anxiously, seeing that Mahimo seemed somewhat disapproved, he stopped and said anxiously: "It is already bad now, maybe the Pope has sent people to contact the Dharma King, if so we must Find a way to stop him, at least to prevent him from declaring the legality of the French entering Rome. "

"Maybe you are right, but maybe you are more concerned. You know that his granddaughter is the Duchess of Pisa," Mahimo said with some doubts. "Once the French march into Rome, Pisa will certainly not be spared. He is not a good thing. "

"Maybe you are right," Machimo's words calmed Machiavelli's nervousness slightly, and he had to admit that Machimo said it well, but immediately he immediately doubted this idea: "No We ca n’t take it lightly. It ’s Alexander VI. His greed for power is beyond your imagination. ”

Machiavelli walked back and forth angrily until he suddenly stopped and turned to look at Mahimo, a strange look appeared on his face: "Do you think he will use the guarantee of Estrez's status as a French Conditions for exchange? "

Machiavelli's words made Mahimo helpless. He moved his lips and wanted to speak, but suddenly he realized that he didn't know what to say.

Obviously, he realized that Machiavelli's words were not random speculation. After receiving a promise to guarantee his grandson's status, it was really a good deal to give up a cheap son-in-law who was clearly in a bad situation.

"I'm going to see the Cardinal." Mahimo mumbled and stood up and hurried out.

Machiavelli knew that he was talking about Old Rovere, but he was not optimistic about this visit of Mahimo. Think about the old Rovere's perfunctory attitude towards himself, looking at the far away Mahimo, the Florentine. Deep worries lingered in his eyes.

Throughout the first week of early April, everyone spent this strange and strange atmosphere, and after hearing that Alexander VI had openly prayed for Louis XII at the Mass ceremony, many people immediately understood The Principality of Romagna-Tuscany has lost support from the Pope.

Elba Island, an island located on the sea of ​​Dirrhenian, about 2 miles from the Tuscany coast, is the second largest island in the Direnian sea after Sardinia and Corsica, with a warm climate The pleasant scenery makes this a beautiful sea garden on the Direnian Sea.

However, the island is actually famous for a few hundred years. At that time, the island was once famous for its imprisonment of a Corsican demon.

Today, Elba Island is a very uncomfortable place. The scattered scattered villages and towns on the whole island are poor and ruined. Except for a slightly larger town located on the east of the island and the mainland, other places are completely Not worth mentioning.

At the highest part of the town formed by the hillside, there is a villa that has just been repaired. The designer of the villa is the famous art master Bramont, who is not only responsible for the construction of the world-famous Tambi The multi-chapel, also the designer of Castel Nuevo Castello, is now under the personal control of the master, and on the top of the iron port town of Elba Island, there is a rather magnificent mountain called the "mill" villa.

When Nomelo walked into a large room in the villa, he saw Caesar brandishing his beloved armoured sword in this empty room.

Caesar's movement is not fast, but it is quite powerful. Every time he slashes, he can hear the wind brought by the blade across the air, and although it is only in April, from his hair that has been soaked in sweat It can be seen that every movement of him is full of strength.

"You never gave up ambition, did you?" Standing at the door and watching for a while, Nomelo finally spoke.

But although Caesar had seen him, he didn't mean to stop. He wielded the armoured sword more powerfully. With the powerful swing of his arm, sweat flew from his forehead, fell on the sword and turned around. Bounce off.

"Your Majesty wants me to send you a letter."

Nomelo's words finally caught Caesar's hand, and he slowly stopped and turned to look at the secretary's face: "What did he ask you to do, and ask me to forgive me, or do you want me to believe that he did it for my own good?" "

"Your father had promised the Duke of Rome Tecia out of frustration. You really angered that person. We all know that if it were not for you because you were the brother of Lucrezia, maybe now your tombstone has been covered by wild grass." Nuo Merlot said helplessly, and then he walked over to Caesar and took out the letter. "But now you have a good chance, knowing that this might make you turn around."

Caesar looked at Nomelo, and slowly took the letter from him. As the content of the letter fell into his eyes, Caesar's breath began to rush.

"This is true, the French are here?"

"It's true that Louis's army has approached the border of Rome Theia," Nomelo blocked the line of sight of the outdoor guard and whispered close to Caesar in his ear. "You have this opportunity now, tell What are you going to do? "

Looking at Nomelo's eyes in front of him ~ ~ Caesar looked around, then sighed softly: "I used to hate this place, but I must admit that it is very good, but after I left I do n’t know who will be the master here in the future. "

After he finished talking, he put his armoured sword into the scabbard.

"But if you want me to choose between a long-lived prisoner and a short-lived ruler, I will definitely choose the latter, even if there is only that moment of glory."

On April 11, 1501, Caesar Borgia directed his men on the island of Elba and suddenly attacked the defender of Montina on the island. Taking advantage of the chaos, he led 60 loyal guards to capture a boat , And then left Elba to march towards Italy!

Almost at the same time, on the northern border of Rome Theta.

On the day of April 12, after a brief confrontation between the two armies, the French left Count Provence Bowwicken launched an attack on the Roman Runners in the south of Palma de Mallorca, which opened the prelude of the third Romagna War!

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