Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 7 Chapter 72: boiling

Don Bavi looked at the letter in his hand seriously. When Alexander entered the room, he just raised his head a little, then made a gesture to ask Alexander to sit aside, and then continued to look at the letter.

This was somewhat rude, but Alexander did not interrupt him, but sat quietly and waited.

After a while, Don Bavi raised his head again, and then silently handed the letter to Alexander.

"Gonzalo sent them." Don Bavi rubbed his painful temples. He looked at Alexander and tried to ask, "Duke, do you know Gonzalo in Rome?"

"We have dealt with each other." Alexander didn't look up and answered carefully. He carefully pondered every sentence in the letter.

Gonzalo ’s letter was very polite and frank, in which he praised Don Bavi ’s brave deeds in regaining the lost ground, and also expressed his respect for the old man, but in the next he He clearly understood that since he was ordered by the queen, he would mercilessly wipe out the rebels, so he urged Don Bavi to accept the queen ’s persuasion of them as soon as possible, otherwise he would only fulfill the mission granted by the queen, and he will be in Andalusia caused a **** and killing.

This is a polite but murderous letter, or a letter of persuasion, Gonzalo's rebellious and unpretentious, and no one in the eyes of the letter.

"He asked me to surrender." Don Bavi said indifferently, and didn't seem to be angry because of the rudeness in Gonzalo's letter. "I don't know how others will choose, but you know, Duke, I cannot surrender. "

"Yes, you can't surrender."

Alexander responded in a low voice. He knew that Don Bavi had endured for so many years that it would be impossible to give up so much, not to mention that he secretly concealed the behavior of Sister Alfred, and it was definitely not comparable to other rebellious nobles. Once he leaked his The end will definitely be worse than those who were judged heretics, so he has no way out.

"I'm going to fight Gonzalo," Don Bavey laughed. "We used to fight under the queen's battle in the battle to recover the lost ground, but at that time he was just a petty minister who was reused by the queen because he was favored. Gonzalo, no one can think of, is already the best general around Isabella. "

Alexander heard the disdain revealed in Don Bavi's tone, but he did not intend to remind Don Bavi not to underestimate his enemies. He knew that for these experienced generals, they might make such mistakes, But these mistakes will not be underestimated.

They all know what kind of person their opponents are, and they are even very familiar with each other. It is because of this that they understand how powerful and terrifying their enemies are.

"There are not many kings in Cordoba," Don Bavi looked at Alexandria intentionally or unintentionally. Compared with the attitude of other nobles in the coalition, he cared more about the reaction of the pope-in-law, after all, he always wanted to get Vatican's support "If we can defeat this royal army, I believe the queen should have to consider different voices."

Alexander nodded slightly, he knew that Don Bavi was talking about the bishop ’s palace and noble meetings in the old capital. Obviously, Don Bavi and some of the people there colluded, and the imminent war with Portugal is bound to make Andalusia not May endlessly fight.

This is the reason why Don Bavi dared to confront Isabella. As long as he persisted in the first war and did not fail, it would be difficult for Isabella to launch a new attack.

The next step is negotiation.

Gonzalo's arrival at the front line of Cordoba brought a panic to the Andalusian nobles.

This Queen ’s love will be arguably famous in Iberia, so even the most ordinary soldier knows that a powerful enemy is here this time.

The Andalusian nobles were uneasy, and many people began to discuss what to do in secret, while others simply started the idea of ​​preparing to negotiate privately with Gonzalo in Cordoba.

I just do n’t know for what reason, Gonzalo actually rejected the request of those people for peace, and he was very particular about handing over the secret letters sent to him by Don Bavey. Everyone knows that Gonzalo is determined to fight.

This result not only surprised the Andalusian nobles, but Don Bavi also felt a little weird. He did not understand why Gonzalo gave up such a good opportunity, but tried to solve the problem in such a fierce way. But this is also in line with Don Bavey's idea.

He made people send the letters of the nobles back to each of them, and at the same time expressed his dissatisfaction, then he called a pre-war meeting.

For the nobles who had participated in the rebellion, Isabella obviously would not give up, so by this time, the Andalusian nobles already knew that the only way to wait for them was war.

Once the fate of the coming was understood, the sturdy character of the Andalusians broke out completely. These local nobles who had fought against the Moors for several generations began to mobilize the army. At the same time, some bold nobles simply started to Cole Dowa sent his men to listen to the news, ready to attack at any time.

However, Dumbawi was not so anxious. He quickly adjusted the coalition, which was large but disorganized due to the chaos, and sent several teams to investigate Cordoba.

For Gonzalo, Don Bavi did not dare to take it lightly. He knew that this person was difficult to deal with. Fortunately, Gonzalo was not much better than him.

Córdoba ’s army is not the new model army that Gonzalo personally trained by Gonzalo and has been quite effective. This has made Don Bavi a little more relieved, but the situation of the noble coalition is not very good now. Well, although it is clearly superior to the enemy in terms of military strength, the confusing and uncontrollable shortcomings unique to the coalition forces have given Don Bavi a headache.

"This war will be delayed for a long time," Alexander said to James after receiving a secret letter from Thiegos. "For Gonzalo, this war may become what he bought for himself. A life saver. "

James' fat body moved and nodded to Alexander with a slightly complimented look.

Just the night before, his brother Christopher Columbus finally found him.

Although not very detailed, James already knew that Columbus had agreed to accept the position that Alexander had arranged for him, and this position was clearly under him.

This made James very happy, looking at Columbus's resentful but helpless look, he thought it was all worth it.

Looking at Alexander now, James suddenly felt that Alexander did not seem to be surprised by this result, and even Columbus finally had to accept a realistic compromise, which seemed to be expected by Alexander.

This made James suddenly have new ideas about Alexander's guesses about the new colony.

Although he previously believed that Alexander should be very confident to invest such a large capital in the new colony, now his trust has become a kind of almost blind trust.

He felt that Alexander must have known something. Perhaps he still had no evidence that the land, as he said, was actually a huge continent much larger than everyone imagined.

This gave James a strong thought: "Since Christopher can once become the governor of the new colony, what will he become when he discovers that new world?"

This thought excited James for a while, and his eyes became hot as he watched Alexander.

Alexander could feel the change in James' mood. He knew what this man who was actually as greedy as his brother was thinking, but he didn't mind it.

An ambitious person is always more useful than those who just want to live together. As for those who are afraid of their ambitions, they can only say that they have too little confidence in themselves.

Alexander believed that he could control everything, just as when he first came to Iberia, he was confident that he could set off a storm on this land.

In a few months now, the situation in Iberia has undergone tremendous changes. Manuel and Isabella are in full swing, and the war between the two countries is on the verge.

At the same time, although Andalusia's unexpected rebellion was not in his plan, it also played an unexpected role.

So what else did he not think of?

Probably only Gonzalo was ordered to return home.

Alexander was tempted by the matter and intended to write letters to Barendi and Ruo Sha respectively.

Just not waiting for him to pick up the pen. With another secret letter sent by Tiego from Valencia, amazing news finally reached Seville.

And in this secret letter, which took too much time to decipher because of too much content, Alexander was most concerned about Caesar's move.

"Caesar escaped from Elba?"

Alexander frowned tightly, knowing that Caesar had always been dishonest, and even imprisoning him on Elba was only a stopgap measure, but he didn't expect him to be so eager to remember to make trouble again.

And every time he did this, it was Lucrezia who kept crying and begging in front of Alexander in exchange for forgiveness for her brother.

"Caesar returned to Rome."

Alexander continued to look at the following in the secret letter. When he saw that Alexander VI used a grand and open welcome to show the world his support for his son, Alexander could not help rubbing his forehead gently with his fingers, his face was inexplicable. Look.

The look was mixed with helplessness, ridicule, and a trace of unclear things. When he exhaled gently, he only had a sense of relaxation that seemed to finally relax.


Alexander finished the secret letter aside with a cold voice.

"Master, wouldn't you let the messenger bring back a reply?" Sheer reminded in a small voice, although he didn't know what happened, but the scale of the secret letter also knew that something must have happened, and now it seems that Alexander doesn't intend When he wrote back, he could not help reminding him.

"I will write back, but I have to arrange other things before that," Alexander stood up and walked to the window, looking at the coalition troops running hurriedly in the streets outside. He turned back to Shel and asked, "Sher, you How long do you think they can resist? "

"Are you talking about dealing with that Gonzalo?" Sher thought a little bit blankly. "Master, I don't know how powerful that Gonzalo is, but I think if he is about the same as the Sultan of Bayestet. You may be in trouble. You know what happened in Bucharest. Without you, maybe Bucharest has fallen. "

"I am very grateful for your compliments, but we all know that the real miracle is only from an unexpected shell," Alexander glanced at Sher. "But you are right, these people are not opponents of Gonzalo, they are The final result was defeat and surrender, and the best result for Don Bavi was to delay Isabella having to accept his terms. "

Alexander said and looked out the window, then he shook his head: "I have to let this go on, and since Gonzalo has returned, there should be enough things for him to do."

After finishing speaking, Alexander went to the table and picked up the pen. After thinking a little, he began to write to Uliu and Normezi in Valladolid.

"I already know what happened in Roma Thesia. Although this is somewhat unexpected, it is not the end of the world, so what you should do is continue to carry out your plan according to my previous arrangements. I want to continue this period of time You have already made a good relationship with our friend Philip, what happens next, I believe you are ready, then wait for my return, and then let us work together for Isabella and her family's final glory As a witness. "

After writing this short message, Alexander carefully translated it into a password and put it aside.

Then he raised his head and looked at Schell, seemingly explaining to him: "Now, it is time for me to resolve what happened in Rome Theseia."

After he finished, he picked up a blank letter paper and dipped the pen with ink, but instead of dropping the pen, he paused a little. Then he wrote the only sentence on the letter paper.

"God belongs to God, Caesar belongs to Caesar."

Immediately, he put the envelope with only one sentence on the table.

"Let the church messenger send this letter out and tell them that I give them enough rewards to send them the letter in time."

Cher picked up the letter from the table and carefully collected it. The Balkans had a faint feeling that it seemed that the Duke and Lord were going to do something big this time.

In the last few days of April 1501, several great events caught the attention of countless people in Italy.

After entering the territory of the Principality of Rome, the French army took a short break and began to advance southwards. Their purpose was very clear, that is, to win Montina as the Principality of the Principality and it is very important for Rome Thesia Pizza.

In order to achieve this goal, French King Louis XII personally led troops to advance to Montina, and this time Bowwicken, Earl of Provence, was responsible for protecting the French right wing while marching into Pisa.

This move of the French army has aroused the attention of various countries in Italy. Everyone cannot help being vigilant about Louis XII's ambitions.

People's eyes are on Central Italy. They know that perhaps this war in Rome Thesia will be a signal to determine whether the French will annex the entire Italian peninsula.

A large army of nearly 50,000 people appeared on the Italian peninsula, which is a thing that makes everyone afraid.

Louis XII believed that in the face of such unreasonable momentum, the only choice of the regent of the Duchess of Rome Theseia was to surrender and reconcile, and he had prepared the only condition for her that was to replace her husband. Announced the abandonment of the crown of Principality of Rome Theseia.

At this time, another news that made Louis XII feel more victorious also came immediately. After returning to Rome, Caesar announced the formation of a new pope army, and he also officially issued a declaration of war to the Principality of Thesia .

When Caesar's men rushed to the French army barracks to report his decision to Louis XII, Louis XII believed that it was only a matter of time before the Principality of Rome Thesia was defeated by such two armies.

Louis decided to send a surrender to Rome Thesia.

But this surrender action has not been realized.

On April 21, just a week after Caesar's formation of the army and the declaration of war against Rome Thesia, a statement signed by the emissaries of the principalities and city-states in Rome with the authorization of their country suddenly passed through Cardinal Machi Mo handed it over to Pope Alexander.

Pisa, Ferrara, Roman Thesia, Venice, Bologna, Florence, Naples, and Taranto all countries and landlords announced the formation of the third anti-French sacred alliance to declare war on France!

At about the same time, the Genoese exiles represented by the Doria and Calgino families in exile also announced their joining the alliance.

Subsequently, Mariano de Medici, who had become the cardinal, publicly declared support for the actions of the Holy Alliance.

In these unexpected moves, the performance of the Kingdom of Naples made Alexander VI, who had just expressed his support for Caesar, not only a surprise, but a surprise!

On April 25th, Nazare Regent Queen Russa Cosenza Astamara announced that she personally led Naples and Taranto with a total of about 8,000 people along the coast of Direnian, sending troops to the north by land and sea.

Among them, the destination of the sea force is the port of Pisa, and the army led by Russa on the land is ascending to Rome!

Obviously ~ ~ Ruosha proved his strong support for his brother with such a tough attitude that completely copied Louis XII's way of marching.

And just when Alexander VI was shocked by Ruo Sha's move, another news that surprised him came from the north.

Maximian sent his chief minister, and on the day he arrived in Montina, Kotzczah announced in the name of the emperor that he would join the third anti-French sacred alliance.

A war that has been brewing for a long time on both sides is about to start on Italian soil.

At this time, no one noticed a letter sent by church messengers. The letter from Iberia was tossed and finally delivered to a young Jewish man in Naples on the last day of April.

Looking at the only one sentence in the letter, Joseph Buccini narrowed his eyes slightly.

Then he smiled to the two companions who were waiting anxiously with long necks: "Go and tell Fugger's house, you can close the net."

Wonderful book house

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