Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 7 Chapter 73: Battle Songs

Caesar had been standing in the middle of the house for a while in a stiff posture. Looking at the busy figure of the young painter named Raphael not far in front, he was somewhat expecting what his portrait would look like.

Since Michelangelo went to Florence, Raphael has become the most promising and most anticipated new master in the city of Rome. Although he is still young, he does not yet have the title of master in jail, but he is undoubtedly this One of the most brilliant geniuses in the era.

In fact, Caesar had already seen Raphael's skills two years ago. His "Baptistery of the Duchess of Estrez" not only made him famous, but also made many people really know his extraordinary Talent, even Pope Alexander VI is willing to pay for his painting.

What makes this young painter fascinating is that in addition to his extraordinary talents, he also has a very pleasing look for women or men. At least Caesar heard that Julia Farne was quite loyal to this young master. Appreciate, she not only contributed to provide him with a new studio, but also let him paint a picture for his 25th birthday.

For this painting, it is said that Julia Farne kept Raphael in his palace every time.

Caesar didn't care much about whether Julia Farne and the young painter had a romantic affair with him. He understood Julia very well. After all, his father was old and it was difficult to satisfy Julia. Young woman, so if she finds a lover, Caesar will not be surprised at all.

Caesar was worried about Alexander VI. His father, who had not seen him for a few months after returning to Rome this time, seemed to be aging again, which made Caesar feel a sense of crisis.

He knew that his family could still make waves in Rome now because of Alexander VI. If the pope suddenly fell, it would be a fatal blow to the Borgia family.

So immediately after returning to Rome, he could not wait to announce the re-establishment of the Pope's army, and at the same time he declared that the Roman Thesia army stationed in Rome was an unwelcome and protected foreign armament.

In order to get enough support, he took the initiative to run around in Rome to visit the nobles and even the enemies he had disdained in the past.

In front of those people, Caesar did not have the previous arrogance and arrogance, but tried to persuade those people in various ways.

This surprised many people. Obviously, after this setback, Caesar became calmer than before. At the same time, he always kept the slightly cunning cleverness. This made many Roman nobles think that maybe this Caesar can bring them some surprises and surprises.

At least in dealing with the Roman Thesia army stationed in the city of Rome, his actions made many people feel quite remarkable.

While announcing the expulsion of the Roman Thesia army, Caesar was not in a hurry to use his team that had just been formed. Not only was the number small and the weapons and equipment clearly not comparable to the enemy ’s army, but a rather clever Way, let another person come forward to solve this trouble.

This man was the later husband of Julia Farne ’s widow ’s aunt, Scop Farne, now the commander of the City Defense Army in Rome.

Skop, as the nominal commander of the Roman city army, naturally has natural power, so Caesar first visited him after returning to Rome.

He hoped that Skop would become the representative of the two families of Borgia and Farne once again demonstrating the relationship of allies, and let him prove that the Farne family still supported Alexander VI.

Caesar obviously made the right choice this time, and Skop quickly accepted Caesar ’s suggestion that he issued an ultimatum to the Roman Thesia army in the name of the Roman city defense officer, and announced that the army ’s barracks and external contact.

After a few days of confrontation, the stalemate that terrified many people was finally ended with the Roman Thesia army withdrawing from the city of Rome.

This caused Caesar's popularity to rise suddenly. Although Alexander VI did not publicly support the expulsion, he later gave Caesar a gesture of golden sword that symbolized the highest military commander protecting the city of Rome. Explain too much.

At this point, although Caesar did not officially declare war on Rome Thesia, the strong hostility he showed was already very obvious. With the final announcement of war on Rome Thesia, Caesar's intention was finally fully exposed to the world.

It was just that Caesar did not expect that so many countries would join the Holy Alliance in succession. What was unexpected was that the Queen of Naples Regent would march to Rome.

A man walked into the room and interrupted Caesar's thoughts. He frowned secretly, but then his face appeared relaxed again.

Since the establishment of the Anti-French League, Caesar has felt tremendous pressure. He knew that the city-states would be a huge force that cannot be ignored once they united, which made him feel a deep sense of urgency.

But in front of others, he must look like he is in control to appease the people, but in secret he has commissioned Skop to take advantage of the opportunity of the Anti-French League to deal with Louis XII and spare no effort to quickly expand the Pope .

For this, at his repeated requests, Alexander VI used the reserve of Ladia gold coins issued by the Holy See.

After a large sum of money was smashed in, the Pope's army had begun to take shape in a short time.

"Caesar, don't you want to visit your army?"

Skop, who walked into the room, watched Raphael raise his eyebrows slightly. He certainly knew what happened between the young painter and Julia Farne. That's why Caesar deliberately came to visit him. Mentioned that he hoped that he would not misunderstand outsiders because of some minor accidents within the family.

"I don't need soldiers now."

Caesar waved some troubles. The number of popes armed with Ladia gold coins issued by the Holy See was quite impressive. At least in just one week, there was already an army of about 4,000 people.

But compared to the rapidly organized army, Caesar's trouble now is that he lacks enough officers.

His guard had already been assigned to the troops, but he knew that the guards might be loyal, but most of them were only qualified soldiers, but they were not competent to command the troops. This made him Get into a lot of trouble.

This is why he was unable to respond quickly when he heard that the Naples army was advancing towards Rome.

Caesar did not believe that the rumor that the Queen of Naples had been on the battlefield and even defeated the Ottoman army. In his view, these rumors were not only exaggerated, but maybe someone had fabricated it for the queen from the beginning.

But he also had to admit that the Naples army was a powerful enemy. After all, even the French were defeated and driven out of Naples, so Caesar did not dare to take this enemy lightly.

"I need officers, we must recruit enough experienced officers," Caesar habitually stroked the long hair hanging down his forehead, touching the edge of the silver mask on his face, his hand stopped, and then Some helplessness said to Skop, "I can spend enough money to hire enough soldiers, but if there are no officers, then maybe we will have a hard time on the battlefield."

"It is indeed the case. Now the soldiers need enough training. I have seen the training of the Romans. They really pay more attention to these than any army we know."

Scoop nodded in agreement, looking at Caesar's faintly anxious look, he thought for a moment and then said, "Maybe we can have another way, but it may require a lot of money."

"Money is not a problem," Caesar said immediately. "If you stay in the vault and the money is not in use at this time, you may only be able to lie in the vault forever, but what do you say?"

"It's the University of Bologna," Skop explained to Caesar. "You know there are many famous scholars teaching all kinds of knowledge, but during this time they also began to train soldiers. Some soldiers are receiving various education there. It ’s different. Those soldiers can be said to be very talented. In addition to studying military science, they also have to learn a lot of things that former mercenaries would n’t touch. I think if you find a way to recruit at the University of Bologni Some officers should be okay, but you also know that the teachers in that university are not so easy to deal with. If you want their students to drop their studies halfway and join your army, the price to pay is not a small sum of money. "

"There is still such a thing, is this not the military school of the aristocratic children of the Alexander era?" Caesar asked a little unexpectedly. "It seems that a lot of things happened while I was not in Rome, but this is indeed a good thing. As for you The price to say, dear Skop, as I said before, the Vatican vault gold coins have been sleeping for too long. "

Speaking of which, Caesar smiled slightly: "The only thing that Gombrell did to my satisfaction was to encourage my father to issue Ladia gold coins, but he never thought that he would do All of this eventually became my loot. "

Seeing Caesar finally show a relaxed smile, Skop nodded slowly and calmly: "You are right, after all, there are too many things in this world that are unexpected."

On April 27, 1501, an army arrived in Bologna.

The commander of the army brought the order of Cardinal Mahimo, which made the Bologna government officer reluctant, but had to order the army to prepare a place for them to stay and give them back Provided enough military food.

Fortunately, this army of Roma Thesia, which was said to have been stationed in Rome before, is quite similar to the 6th Regiment of Roma Thesia in Bologna. The first thing they did after entering the camp was to start the cleaning in a nearly harsh way. After transporting the garbage into cars, the army began to clean up frantically.

This made the Bologna official who was instructed to prepare the house for them feel unbelievable, especially as they actually wiped the ground with water and hemp to almost reflect the figure, the official shook his head angrily.

"This is not an army but a group of playboys," the official gave them. "If these people always pay attention to this, then they will not live on the battlefield for long."

The officials said so when they reported to the Administrative Officer after they returned, but this has nothing to do with them. The only thing that worries them is whether the arrival of this army will cause dissatisfaction with the Vatican.

The news that Caesar expelled the army of Roma Thesia has reached Bologna, which makes the Bolognese worried about the situation.

If Caesar really decides to be an enemy of the Duke of Rhodes, then Bologna's position will undoubtedly become awkward. After all, the main church of Mahimo, who is the bishop of Romagna, is in Bologna.

This cardinal is known as the agent of the Duke of Thesia in the Vatican.

Also interested in the entry of the Roman garrison into Bologna is today's Roman Thesia commander Paul Bossac in Bologna.

Busako ’s luck was not very good at this time, whether it was Ofolai or Gompati ’s stable position in the army of Roman Thesia, or that Nikola Joe Mazzini gradually emerged, these people seem to be all Gradually leaving him behind.

When these people showed their important position in their defense zones and borders because they commanded their respective armies, Busako spent the entire day in Bologna doing nothing by repeatedly training troops.

But with Caesar's return, Busaco became excited, especially when he heard that Caesar actually expelled the Roman Thesia garrison, Busaco gave his army the first order to prepare for combat.

Then watching the Roman garrison come to Bologna, Busaco's mind could not help moving.

In Alexandria ’s army sequence, Busaco ’s sixth Bologna regiment was the only regiment that had only half of its strength when it was created, which once made Busaco very unhappy.

With the occupation of Bologna in accordance with the orders of Valenti in the Second Romagna War, Busaco was faced with the dilemma of being slowly distanced from the elite of the Alexander army because of his lack of military power.

Busako did not want to see his own army finally become a pure city defense army, he hoped to be a general comparable to Gompati and Ofrei.

Now the arrival of the Roman Thesia garrison makes Busaco seem to see a hope.

However, Busaco did not expect that, before he could report his thoughts to Barendi in Montina, a fight that was beyond his expectations came early.

On May 2, the Naples army approached the city of Rome, and then set up positions on the famous Rocca di Pas hill outside the city of Rome.

Because of the division of pizza, the Roman army of Naples was about 3,000, which made Caesar a little relieved.

However, despite this, he did not underestimate the enemy. After determining the number of the Naples army, while ordering the pope army to guard the city to guard against the Naples attack, at the suggestion of Caesar, Alexander VI sent people to invite the former Queen of Naples, Maria To the Sistine Chapel.

After some bargaining, Queen Mary left the city of Rome under the protection of a team of guards and went to the Naples military camp on Rocca di Pas to try to persuade Rusha.

This was the first time that Russa met Maria after she became Queen of Naples' Regency, but this meeting was destined to go away, and in response to Maria's persuasion, Russa's answer was only one sentence: "Rome or face up , Or surrender. "

Caesar was silent for a long time when Maria brought this reply from Ruosha.

He knew that his army was in a bad situation today, but Ruosha's unexpectedly small strength gave him hope again.

With 4000 to less than 3000, can't you still win?

This idea gradually made Caesar's heart uneasy, and at the same time another news that made him refreshed, also prompted him to make up his mind.

The French army led by the army of Count Bowwicken of Provence, repulsed the newly arrived Naples army outside the city of Pisa, and then besieged Pisa!

Facing this news that shocked everyone, Caesar finally made up his mind.

In the early morning of May 5, when the cool morning wind blew over the top of Rocca di Pas, two Naples soldiers who were patrolling along the hillside facing the side of the Roman city suddenly saw that they were walking slowly A team.

The soldiers hurried back to the camp to report the situation.

Luo Sha heard the news and left her king's tent, because it was morning, her gold-like hair did not form a headdress, but was randomly scattered on her shoulders. A black cape with embroidered patterns drifted slowly with the morning wind With it, a slightly shining armor reflected.

Seeing the queen, the generals of Naples showed an almost fanatical expression in their eyes.

This army was built with Ruosha as the core of her army when she was expedition to the Balkans. Most of these officers have seen the heroic posture of the queen on the battlefield.

But Ruosha was still the countess at that time, and now she is their queen.

Now their queen puts on armor again, which means she will go to the battlefield with them again and fight side by side.

"Is Caesar going to fight me under Roca di Pass?"

Ruosha didn't accidentally ask her officers.

"Obviously, your majesty," an officer looked down the hillside in the distance. "Probably in Caesar's view, our army is a rare opportunity without him."

"And the stupid Lucrezia actually defeated," Ruosha whispered in a voice that no one else could hear. When the news of Pisa's defeat came, she already guessed it might stimulate Caesar ~ She looked at the officers and smiled at them. "If that's the case, then let's see Caesar outside Rome."

Luo Sha's words just fell, and suddenly, a burst of singing came from the hillside.

People looked at it unexpectedly. At this time, the rows of soldiers had moved down the hillside. At the same time, the familiar singing voice also fluttered with the wind:

"Soldiers, prepare to move forward ~

Look, the Ottoman armor is bright,

Their feathers are so beautiful that I ca n’t help but want to pick them up,

Oh ~ Grenadier, the queen is there, let us pay tribute to her,

Let us get honor,

Oh ~ Grenadier, the Ottomans are there, let us pounce on the enemy.

Let us win the victory ~ "

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