Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 7 Chapter 94: New Era

The French are coming, the French are gone, the French are coming again, the French are leaving again.

The Florentines feel that their city is like a lively gate. The French, or the armies of those powerful countries represented by the French, regard Florence as a place that can be entered and exited at will, or it is not good to hear. , As a woman with a thick arm, you can just strip it off.

Now the French are here, so many Florence City Defense Forces simply throw away their weapons, take off their uniform armor, and then turn their heads and drill into their doors. After the occupation forces enter the city, they will be greeted on the street to welcome the new Ruler.

Even Machiavelli couldn't help but feel frustrated after seeing the performance of the Florence City Defense Army. He was ready to prepare for the softness and then to run the road. After all, according to his experience, it seems that giving Louis XII to be as good as in Rome The Duke of West Asia was comfortable.

But before he could lift his legs away, a group of menacing armed gangsters surrounded him in the small building of the town hall where he was temporarily used as a command post.

This really terrified Machiavelli. Looking at the guys with disheveled faces and grumpy faces, the first reaction in his mind was "Sazi has seized power."

Although reorganized into a military governor, the slightly smarter people also knew that as a military governor, they did not have command of the army. Sazi was obviously completely vacated by Machiavelli, and now the highest commander in Florence is his predecessor. Administrative Officer, so now watching the gangsters suddenly break in, the first thing Machiavelli thought was that he might be the second Savonarola.

"Administrative officer, where are you going?" A man who looked like everyone owed him a debt fooled around and asked Machiavelli, but he didn't seem to really want to know the answer, so The administrative officer who was not terrified and replied again said, "We are ready, waiting for your order."

"Ready, what are you going to prepare for?" Machiavelli was a little inexplicable, but seeing these people didn't seem to be pulling him out and hanging on a lamp post, his spirits relaxed a little, and then he followed The man's hand glanced down the street towards the street, and then he froze.

A large group of people are coming from the direction of the town hall in all directions. These people wear a variety of costumes. Some of them seem to be very wealthy little landlords, and some people look like they have nothing but a life. Desperados, these people also carry a variety of weapons. In addition to the various murders common on the battlefield, some people also hold weird guys that are obviously not so common.

But although these people seemed messy, Machiavelli saw the same thing from them, and that was the same disturbing hostility as the person in front of him.

"We are guild guards," the man said to Machiavelli, then shrugged his shoulders "or whatever you want to call us, in short we are here to answer your questions."

Machiavelli froze for a moment, only then he suddenly remembered, he, it seems, there really is such a team.

In an era of turmoil and chaos, it is not particularly new for an industry guild to have an armed escort. Almost all slightly larger industry guilds will spend money to hire some mercenaries to protect their caravans.

But everyone knows that the most important role of these guards is to protect the caravan from harassment by gangsters or some part-time robbers. They have no strength and no courage to deal with the army.

It is Naples that makes people think about the escort.

In dealing with the invading French, the Queen of Naples, in addition to mobilizing all her troops, also called on all the armed guards of the Naples Chamber of Commerce. These armed guards finally forced the siege of the Royal Palace of Naples for half a month At that time, the commander of the French Naples Occupation Army Charlene surrendered!

It's just that although it can be said to be a miracle, Machiavelli never really thought that the Chamber of Commerce guards of Florence can also create such a miracle, so he didn't even have time to take a look at the Chamber of Commerce guards known as the Florence Reserve Army.

But now he was stunned to find that he seemed wrong, especially when he saw that the guards were actually dragging a few artillery pieces that didn't look like the chamber bodyguards should use, Machiavelli thought he might What was overlooked.

The French army of Louis de Bourbon approached the city of Florence with a slow but unstoppable momentum. Although the city gate was closed, the Duke of Bourbon was confident. At this time, he was interested in whether the Florentines could How long does it last, one hour or one morning, maybe they still have some courage, then probably it is not until the supper time to open the city gate to surrender.

Smiled so deliberately in his heart. Although it seemed a bit inappropriate for the clerk to record the battle situation before taking the city, he believed that even if the Florentines were later, they would not surrender until the next day.

The Duke of Bourbon firmly believed that he would not guess wrong, until a cannonball roared from the wall across the distance between the two sides, hitting the open space not too far from the duke, and with the muffled sound of the cannonball, it lifted a Earth Dragon, the triumph of Duke Bourbon's face instantly solidified at this moment.

"Have you fired?"

Even at this time, the Duke was still a little unbelievable. While he was struggling to suppress the frightened horse, he was staring at the shallow but furry trench that was plowed by the shells, and then He suddenly ordered loudly: "The whole army stopped!"

In fact, without the command of the Duke, when the cannonball passed over the head, the French army walking in the front had stopped, and they even turned around and glanced at the place where the cannonball fell. When they looked at this front again When the city seemed to be within easy reach, many people's eyes already showed a nervous look.

Florence does not seem to want to be a woman who can be stripped casually.

And on the wall, Machiavelli with sweat on his forehead looked at the French army that stopped uncontrollably because of this artillery, and threw his fist excitedly.

"That's what it is," Machiavelli told several ugly urban defense officers around him. "Did you see that, the French are just like that? We have soldiers and artillery. The only thing we are missing is a victory."

Listening to the nonsense words of the administrative officer, the officers looked at the group of people who were so busy that they didn't look like the city defense army. For a time, there was an illusion that these people were unnecessary.

Was another cannon, but this time it came from the direction of the French army.

A cannonball hit the wall of the city heavily, smashing a stone wrapped in it, and falling with the clambering gravel, exposing the brick and mud inside.

The French attack on Florence kicked off at noon on July 9 with mutual shelling by both parties.

Louis XII sat quietly in a chair, which was made by a Milanese craftsman when Charles VIII went to Italy. The chair is certainly strong and comfortable to sit on. The rare thing is that the whole chair can be It is disassembled and assembled in a short time. If it is marching, it can even be put into a special leather bag and hung on the saddle.

The king is now sitting in this chair and looking at the army approaching the enemy position in the distance. According to the report of the scout, the opposing Naples army seems to have constructed a fortification that is curved inward on both sides, and then the entire enemy army is divided into two fronts. This part is kept behind this field fortification.

This made Louis very strange. Although the report of the scout has proved that the enemy army seems to be ready to face the French army, the French king is very suspicious of the true intention of the Queen of Naples.

Take 3,000 people against nearly 10,000 frontal enemies, which is obviously a very stupid move.

Will the queen who once forced Charlene to surrender to issue such an order, Louis XII did not know, but this was no longer important.

"No matter who gave the order, he has issued a death sentence for the entire army." Louis XII whispered, he tapped gently with the scepter in his hand, but in addition to the real touch, he I didn't hear the sound of the scepter falling in my palm.

Because at this moment, a neat gunshot that he was not familiar with suddenly sounded from the fortification on the opposite side.

Louis's hand froze a little, and then the scepter slowly fell into his palm. The king stood up from his chair and carefully watched the battlefield where the smoke was filled in an instant. At the same time, he counted silently.

After about seven or eight breaths, the same shot sounded from the French formation, and the French began to fight back against the enemy.

Under the urging of the horn, a team of French troops began to speed up towards the Naples. Some experienced veterans at this time dumped the young men who were scared by the first round of firearms. They seemed to be This moment became extremely brave, and some of the people who rushed to the front even threw away their shields, waving long swords and hand axes to the fortifications that were in front of them.

The veterans knew that at such a distance, it was safer to rush towards the enemy than to hesitate.

Reject the horses right in front of you, force them to move away or simply jump over directly, and then just need to rush forward a few steps to kill the enemy's fortifications!

Someone shouted, this is a demonstration before the massacre.

How many times did the enemy only scare him when he heard this cruel roar.

A row of gun barrels emerged from the fortification at this moment, the distance was so close, and even the faces of the opposing enemy could be clearly seen, but these grenadiers were unshakable.

Because in their eyes, these French people are already dead.

Neat gunshots sounded, the first round, the second round, the third round!

Without intermittent, continuous shooting instantaneously formed a dense barrage on the front with limited width!

The French troops who were at the front fell down, and many people were beaten into a vague sieve without making a sound.

Dense bullet rain continued to advance directly into the queue, some bullets shot into the human body with a chilling "pop" sound, and more bullets did not hit the target, but they brought a harshness in the air Horrible roar.

The method of moving forward as a team in a row at a time, and an irregular gap suddenly appeared in the central part.

"In a certain frontal shot, the formation of the maximum degree of intensive shooting can cause enough damage to the enemy."

Ruosha stood behind a chest wall and carefully looked at the front position. Her mouth whispered some strange words that most of the people besides could not understand, but if these words were heard by the students of the Bologna Military Academy , You can surely guess that this is the sentence in The Book of the Generals written by the Duke of Thesia.

The intensive shooting was very short, so short that it almost made it impossible for the French army that was hit on the front to judge what had happened. The formation of the formation immediately affected the two wings. Louis XII, who stood at the back and observed the battle, immediately found the two wings of his army. It seemed that he was surrounded by enemies with force.

The King of France gave a slightly unexpected "chuck" sound. He believed that it should not be the original intention of the Neapolitans. Obviously, the attack on the center of his own troops inadvertently caused the French to form a siege of the Naples. For a while, things felt interesting.

"But your majesty, the Naples' position seems to be prepared," a servant looked at the enemy's fortifications dug into a semicircle and said hesitantly "and pay attention to those who refused horses."

The attendant's words attracted the attention of Louis XII. He immediately looked to the closer right wing. When he saw that the right-wing French army also slowed down the march before the refusal, Louis XII glanced at the attendant.

"The enemy may want to ..." The attendant said, but his words were covered up by the gunshots without ending.

At this time, Louis XII began to be really surprised.

He never imagined that the Naples army was actually dominated by muskets!

Since the firearm appeared on the battlefield, the shock brought by this powerful weapon has penetrated deeply into people's hearts.

But even the most daring generals only use firearms as an auxiliary weapon. In this era, no general has dared to equip his army with such dense firearms, because that means adding more firearms, and at the same time, it must be How many cold weapons are sacrificed.

However, the current Naples army gave Louis XII the feeling that it was an army composed entirely of muskets.

"Your Majesty!"

The call of the person next to him awakened because of this unexpected discovery of some stunned Louis XII. He looked in the direction of his commander. When he saw some generals running back and forth on horses, trying to organize some chaotic troops before the horse refused. As the attack continued, the King of God's heart was inexplicably turbulent.

Sure enough, a new round of shooting sounded quickly from behind the trench, and Louis narrowed his eyes slightly at this moment.

Some smoke fell, some were running, some were just yelling blindly, and the refusal to hurriedly pile up trees and not solid became a terrible "deadline."

A very sharp and sharp horn sounded from the top and the back of the position. The source of the sound moved quickly in the French formation. The trumpeter apparently tried to let more people hear the command as much as possible. The French army, which was violently struggling to hold back, seemed to be relieved at once, and began to retreat backwards.

"Run away?"

A grenadier asked unexpectedly, then suddenly jumped out of the trench and stood on the ground, screaming excitedly: "The French escaped!"

The shout caused an immediate response on the position, and the soldiers roared excitedly: "The French escaped! We beat them!"

For a time, the cheers of the Neapolitans followed the wind through a corpse that fell on the battlefield and wounded soldiers struggling to climb over the dead body on the ground, reaching the retreating French army.

The officer's look became difficult to see. Some knights even stopped and began to turn their horse heads. The spears in their hands slowly lifted, and their eyes were turned on a full body of armor, a tall body like a giant riding a horse. A knight on a giant horse that is much stronger than other horses.

"Sir, the king wants us to retreat." A knight lowered his voice and said quickly to this knight like a Titan giant in Greek mythology "And the Neapolitan musket is too powerful."

"Their muskets are indeed very powerful, but it depends on whether it is compared with the French knight." The giant knight said, raising his arm in the air and making a circle gesture. The flag bearer beside him immediately shook his side with a strong force Military flag marked by a unicorn head.

The knights began to gather. No one spoke except the friction of horseshoes and weapons. When they saw the giant knight, they pointed their spears at the ground and paid him the highest respect for a knight.

"follow me."

The knight's voice was not loud. No one except the few people around him heard it, but watching him slowly turn his head ~ ~ The others followed.

They lined up in two long queues on both sides of the knight. The spears of everyone in the front pointed to the front, while the people in the back pulled out their swords.

"Knights, we will soon know what our fate is," the knight leader lifted his face mask and said to the companion next to him, it was a face that already had wrinkles. When this sentence was finished, the knight put down his mask. A spear was raised, and from the crack of his helmet, a dull but powerful cry came out: "France!"

"France !!"

The cries of the knights shook the battlefield, and the French soldiers who were still retreating back stopped. They looked back at the knights, and some of them had unintentionally followed them back.

The knights started to charge!

The ground kept shaking, the soil was trampled by huge horseshoes, and the knight's armor shone in the sun.

Everyone was attracted by the actions of these French knights at this moment. Louis XII had jumped on horseback, his eyes were fixed on the knights who rushed to the enemy camp, and the French officers had again been to the flag bearers around them. Indicate, at this moment, countless pairs of eyes are gathered on the group of knights rushing to the enemy formation!


Luosha standing behind the chest wall also seemed to be infected by these knights' feats. Her clenched fists were placed on her chest, her eyes fixed on those enemies who were getting closer.

Then, she heard a command issued by someone not far from her: "Bash the soldiers, prepare ~ release!"

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