Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 7 Chapter 95: The last knight

The glory of the French Knights can be traced back a long, long time ago, when fighting against pagans was regarded as a lofty and great cause. At that time, even the kings were fierce and powerful, and even crowned monarchs often drove the field in person There have even been tragic feats of the king's **** mountains and rivers.

But I don't know when the knights' bravery and perseverance became a criticized bad habit. Especially after Agincourt, the French knight's bravery has gradually become a mocking handle.

But even so, there are still people who stubbornly adhere to the principles of being a knight, bravery, loyalty, piety, and of course also pride and perseverance.

The horseshoes of the French knights crushed the dirt on the ground and the dignity of the French soldiers who were silently retreating. Many people stopped. They looked at the backs of these knights running against them, watching them. Holding a spear and a sword high towards the enemy's position, some people just watched indifferently, some showed hesitation, and some looked at their captain with excitement and trembling, hoping they could order to stop the retreat.

Louis XII's eyes narrowed slightly. He rode and stared carefully at the rows of knights who rushed to Naples' position like a moving wall.

"Your Majesty?"

A servant just opened his mouth but was interrupted by Louis XII raising his hand. He stared closely at the knights, as if waiting for an answer to be revealed.

The knight who was getting closer seemed to be filled with frightening deterrence. The grenadiers began to get nervous. They all raised their guns anxiously and waited for the team officer to give the order, but they never heard the order.

The French are getting closer and closer, the tall warhorse and the fierce armor are clearly visible. When they rushed to a close distance, the Naples soldiers clearly heard a loud roar from the knights: "France ~ charge!"

The horse gradually accelerated, jogging up from the original middle, running faster and faster, and the final charge began!

The enemy was already in sight, and the tall figure of the horse seemed to be pressed down head-on. Some grenadiers could not bear this huge oppression and pulled the gun machine, and an irregular gunshot sounded on the ground for a while.

"it's time!"

Louis XII shouted. He waved his arms violently to the impatient waiter, and as the offensive horn sounded again, the French army, which had gradually stopped, gave a burst of cheers.

The French are ready to fight back!

At this moment, a deafening gunshot also sounded on the Naples position.

Since the gunshots are different from the terrible muskets that the French soldiers are already familiar with, they are dull and shocking, just like dragons from hell.

When the sound of the projectile tearing through the air pierced into the ear, a knight rushing to the front suddenly felt the weight of the heavy spear in his hand lost. He lowered his head instinctively and looked at it, and then he saw that not only the spear was gone Traces, even the right arm with his spear is gone, this terrible scene made him not even feel a trace of pain before his alarm, until his body seemed to be suddenly pulled to the side When it was planted, he didn't know what happened.

The killing that the heavy musket instantaneously created has not been able to cause riots among the French knights. The knights who were brave and rushed before have already planted Malays.

Some of the horses were hit by stray bullets from the opposite grenadiers, and fell to the ground with pain. The immediate knight could not escape and fell down like a mountain.

The second round of the slam gun shot, almost no need to aim, just need to pull the trigger against the oncoming knights, and some of the noble knights in full body armor should fall down with the gun, and they are using huge Under the impact of the destructive heavy musket projectile, even those who were hit, even if they only touched one side, few of them were lucky enough to preserve their complete body.

The knights fell down. They did not fall in front of their noble opponents, nor were they defeated face-to-face by the enemies in the battle, but they were not far away, but they never rushed to the enemies in front of them. Fallen in front of the position.

They didn't even know what the person who shot themselves was even until they died, maybe an old man with good marksmanship, or the son of a craftsman in a certain city, or even a country gangster who had never seen anything before.

These people are inferior people that they might not have looked at for a lifetime, but on the battlefield, in front of enemies with powerful weapons, their identities, beliefs, courage and pride become worthless for a while. In the soft voice of the formation, the French knights fell from the horse one by one, and the unowned war horse ran blankly on the position, hissing.

The French army, who had already started to look back, slowly stopped, and even the horn that had been sounded gradually disappeared.

Everyone looked at the more than one hundred knights who kept charging forward, and now nearly half of them had fallen. The Neapolitan position was covered with a layer of uneven heights formed by the bodies of French knights. hills.

But those knights did not flinch.

Many people saw that the unusually tall knight had raised the flag of his own, and the knights regrouped beside him stopped near the enemy. They seemed to whisper something, and then the knight put The banner with a sharp spear was leveled, and with his cry, these remaining French knights launched the final charge.

"Blitz ~ Ready ~"

"Grenadier ~ Aim ~"

Commands rushed one after another on the position, rows of muskets were flatly raised, no one spoke at this time, and the short distance between the two parties was too late to make people blink.


Commands were issued one after another, and the grenadiers who had been trained countless times instinctively pulled the trigger according to the movements during the drill.

Almost all the muskets were concentrated on the tall knight holding a spear, and even when the gunshot sounded, the body of the knight was shot directly by countless bullets and rushed out from the back immediately, before he was already The corpse, which had been hit with holes, fell to the ground because several pieces of broken armor had been scattered as a result of being hit continuously.

When his body, like a rag, hit the ground, what was exposed was a pile of flesh and blood that could no longer be seen.

One, another, the knights fell to the ground, but the others continued to rush forward.

Is near, very close, as long as there are two more breaths you can rush into the enemy's position!

A knight cheered, there were many companions around him when he started charging, but then there were fewer and fewer.

There is only one person now!

But the knight still desperately urged the horse to rush towards the enemy formation!

Seemed to hit the knight with a rock, his head slammed backwards, and the huge impact instantly shook his helmeted head back in a chilling twist.

The mount is still rushing forward, the spear in the knight's hand is shining, his body sits firmly on the horse, and the stubborn horse rushes towards the enemy.

But no one shot him anymore. Everyone looked at the man. When the war horse jumped hard and jumped over the trench to rush into the Naples position, the eyes of the grenadiers could not help looking at the figure of the war horse.

The horse's four hooves landed firmly on the ground, and then stopped there. The knight still sat straight on the horse's back. His body kept the gun forward, but his head hung weirdly.

Then, like a sand castle washed down by the sea, the spear in his hand fell on the ground, and his body slowly slipped off the horse.

"The Knight of France."

Zuosha whispered, she came out from behind the chest wall, came to the knight who fell to the ground, looked down at him.

The helmet mask of this man has been smashed directly by a projectile. The edge of the cracked mask is inserted deep into the helmet. A piece of blood overflows from the gap of the mask, dyeing the entire helmet like a scarlet apple.

Zuosha didn't say anything. She looked away, looking at the French army who was standing across from her and didn't seem to know what to do. She thought for a moment and issued the order "Blow the Sabbath."

A long and deep horn sounded from the Naples position, but this simple tune showed a trace of serenity and calm. Listening to the rest signal, many of the French soldiers who had already stopped advancing finally relaxed. They watched To his team officer, waiting for their orders.

"Your Majesty?" The officer next to him carefully asked Louis XII.

"Blow the rest," Louis XII said calmly. He came down and closed his eyes slightly, listening to the trumpet sounded by the trumpeter, and the French king issued an order "Send someone to negotiate a truce with the Naples, and put all our knights. Take it back, especially the knight who rushed into the Naples position and ordered the whole army to welcome our hero with the highest honor. "

The sound of the rest of the two armies echoed each other on the battlefield, and it seemed that at this moment they were mourning the French knights who died in battle. The sound of the trumpet was rippling in the air, like a cold whisper in this hot season, and finally fell slowly The armor of the knights who lost their breath of life turned into a trace of lifeless silence.

"Your Majesty, the French sent someone to come." A condescending horseback attendant who looked at the distance reported to Ruosha.

Zuosha nodded and asked the officers to persuade the French, and she was accompanied by them to get on the carriage and head towards the camp not far behind the position.

The French messenger stepped on the grass under his feet, which was stained with blood and water, and passed through the already empty space between the two sides.

After each battle, both sides will temporarily truce, bury the body, and rescue their wounded. This rule has existed for thousands of years or longer, and this is done in addition to appeasing the dead of the war dead and preventing the terrible plague .

The remains of the nobles and officers who have been identified will be found very carefully, and then carefully collected and transported back, while ordinary soldiers will be buried on the spot.

At this time, even the two armies of life and death will often show unusual restraint, even if it is unavoidable to meet when carrying the body, but rarely will the sword and soldiers meet.

It seems that in this world where dead people are everywhere, everyone becomes a tacit awe.

It's just different from the past. This time the French are not going to be transported back to a few people, but people.

The 105 French knights charged were wiped out by the whole army.

"The times have changed."

This is a sentence that Ruosha said to the people around her after returning to the camp. She did not expect others to understand her meaning, but after getting the firm news that the French finally withdrew from the battlefield, let people give themselves In the tent, a wooden bucket filled with hot water was moved, and then he took off his clothes and slowly immersed himself in the hot water.

When she felt the comfort brought by hot water, Luo Sha couldn't help but sigh gently. She felt too tired, and the bursts of sleepiness made her almost want to lean on the bucket and sleep.

However, she still had a strong spirit. When she asked the maid to scrub herself, she picked up the book "Yu Zhu Shu" that she had read many times from the small wooden table beside the barrel.

Luosha put one cheek on her arm and supported it by the barrel. She carefully looked at this book written by Alexander to his officers, but soon her eyelids began to fight.

Zuosha didn't know how long she slept until she was awakened by the maid's whisper.

It was already dark ~ ~ The camp outside was lit with a bonfire, and a burst of familiar songs passed into the tent. Rosa did not get up immediately, but lay there watching the waitress instructing the maids to do this Doing the work alive.

Looking at the waitress, she was very careful to put a skirt and various accessories that were remembered for major celebrations on a temporary hanger made of tree stumps. Luo Sha asked slightly doubtful: "Today is What special day? "

"Your Majesty, isn't it?" The waitress said with excitement, "You defeated Louis and defeated King France."

Ruosha laughed, and she picked up the book "The Book of Generals" and gestured to the waitress: "No, my dear lady is still far away. This is just a battle. I want it, or Saying that my brother does not want to win one or two times on the battlefield, as he said in this book. "

As a result, Ruo Sha turned over the page marked with a bookmark and lightly whispered: "The so-called strategic decisive battle is by no means intended for a secondary and unimportant purpose, but to achieve the most when the war was started. The fundamental requirements, therefore, we must go all out to eliminate all difficulties that may occur in the process that hinder the completion of the task, and then achieve the final goal by completing the established plan. "

At this point, Ruo Sha closed her book and hugged it on the bulging snow hill. Her eyes were full of seriousness, and she said to the waitress with a very certain tone: "And our goal is not just to win France on the battlefield. "People," said her arms holding the book slightly, her eyes showing a firm "We want them to surrender."

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