Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 7 Chapter 96: Sharon's Fear

Late at night, a cavalry wearing a tattered shirt, or simply a few pieces of cloth hanging over his body, suddenly broke into Sherron's tent.

The sleeping French general was immediately awakened. Charlene opened his eyes and struggled to get up from a piece of wood pieced together. He rubbed his sore forehead and looked up at the gasping soldier: "It happened What happened? "

"Letter from Your Majesty, Master." The cavalry took a small iron pipe tied from a rope around his neck and handed it to Charlene. This caused the French who had been a little angry because they were disturbed to wake up immediately. The iron tube looked carefully under the lamp, and after confirming that it had not been removed, the wax seal was removed, and a curled secret letter was taken out from inside.

The letter was written by Louis XII. In his heart, the king talked about his failure on the outskirts of Florence. Then the king wrote in the letter with a sincere tone:

"We all know that a victory is needed, not only for my personal honor, but also to boost morale. After all, we have been away from France for too long, and in Milan I did not allow the soldiers to enjoy what an occupier deserves. Benefits, this is mainly because our enemies did not give us this opportunity, but now facing Florence, if we can no longer comfort them with booty wine and women, I worry that the soldiers will do bad things because of dissatisfaction. So I must do it as soon as possible Entering Florence, and this time is largely up to you. If you can force Roma Thesia to surrender as soon as possible, or at least withdraw from the war, then I will be much easier to deal with that Queen of Naples. "

Looking at the letter in his hand, Charlene was in deep contemplation touching his bushy chin. He knew how much the King was in trouble, but Charlene did not think that this was what made Louis XII so urgent. Charles VIII was smooth sailing first, and then when he was driven out of Italy, he didn't do anything he couldn't do because he was worried about the army's mutiny.

Although Louis XII may be worried that hanging out for too long may lead to instability in the domestic political situation, it does not seem to be so eager to prove his authority by occupying Florence. After all, even some nobles in the country may not be so convinced by the new king. But Louis XII's crown is still very stable.

So the king is anxious because of what?

Charlene deliberately scratched his head, inadvertently raised his head to see the embarrassed look on the messenger, and there were several deep wounds that seemed to have passed the battle. Charlene frowned slightly: "Why, Having trouble on the road? "

"Yes, when I met a robber, my companion died, and I was almost unable to escape." The cavalry nodded, seemingly worried, as he drank the water sent to him by Sherron's guards. Vaguely said, "There are so many robbers here. We met more than one gang on the road, but we had good luck at the beginning, but later we only encountered trouble when we were approaching Montina."

"Robber?" Charlene whispered to himself, frowning. He vaguely felt that the cavalry should not be an ordinary robber. Although robbers sometimes attack soldiers who have been ordered, most of them are one. It seems to be a guy with a fat pocket, but he believes that the robbers will not be so stupid that they can't even see whether this cavalry is rich or not.

So why do those robbers risk an attack on a French soldier?

Charlene vaguely felt that the so-called robbers should be scouts or guerrillas sent by the Roman Thesia. Their purpose was obviously to attack the French army and the messengers who had been singled out, or to harass the French army squad to collect food.

Then Charlene suddenly remembered what Lucrezia had told him about the unfortunate death of a treasurer from France.

At the time, Charlene was more concerned about the fact that the domestic supply fleet was sunk by the Genoa exiles. The worry about the safety of the maritime transportation line made him not pay attention to the death of the treasurer said by Lukrezija. He just sent someone to report the incident to the king, but now Charlene thinks that maybe that person brought some news to the king.

As far as he knows, according to the almost regular contact between the queen and the king, the queen should have sent some important government affairs to the king these days that require the king to personally adjudicate.

Obviously the news should have been delivered, but what happened in China?

Xia Erlun is not a pure soldier, so he has to think more than other generals.

Now the French King is so urgently asking him to capture or force Montina to surrender and make concessions as soon as possible, which makes Charlen realize that something very bad might happen.

Xiaer Lun secretly wondered, but also somewhat annoyed.

Because it was just during the day, his sixth attack on Montina also failed.

Xia Erlun vowed never seen such a fortress.

In his impression, since the bold Charlie's whimsical use of artillery as the only way to win on the battlefield, the French have gone further and further in the path of caliber and range.

Charles VIII's feat of invading Italy with hundreds of artillery made the then city-state monarchs frightened and fled, and the French artillery did indeed radiate splendor on the battlefield, which even frightened the enemy.

Charlie taught the Anti-French Holy Alliance time and time again with artillery, and even used artillery to directly blast away the cities of the Principality of Palma who tried to resist the rebellion.

Charlene did n’t know what others thought, but he vaguely felt that the war was quietly changing. Those fortresses and fortresses that were regarded as insurmountable in the past had become precarious in front of artillery, and he could not guarantee himself.

So he was very confident about capturing the castle of Montina. Even though this castle looks not only different, but also a bit scary, Charlene still thinks that it is only a matter of time.

But the experience of the next few days made Charlene suspect that he might have made a mistake, because in a few days the French army not only failed to capture the outer castle of Montina Castle, but also because of the strong defense and defense of this fortress The tricky design caused the French army to suffer setbacks and heavy casualties under the city of Montina.

As a person who values ​​honor very much, Charlene will not blame the losses on others, but he still believes that the real reason for these losses is not his improper command, but the French army from the beginning to Monti Na's understanding is a blank.

"The king may not underestimate that Gombre in diplomacy, but he is obviously careless in military affairs."

Xiaerlun privately said so to some of his cronies, and then he also regretted his oversight.

"How many troops are there in this city?" Charlene was surprised that Montina had been continually mobilizing new troops to the castle, although after fighting, he knew that many soldiers were indeed "new troops". However, Charlene also has to admit that the gap between veterans and recruits is often just a battle.

Now that his army has carried out six large-scale attacks against the castle of Montina, it is necessary for Xia Xiaerlun to take this castle more seriously.

In addition to the castle of Montina, the French army is also concerned about the northern army of Rome Thesia located at the side of Montina, under the command of Gumpatti. Although it is believed that the army of Rome Thesia should not have the strength to actively attack itself. However, he could not help arranging the force to monitor the enemy's direction, which made the siege more difficult.

After being awakened for a while, Charlene simply woke up all the generals under his command. Looking at the generals who were hazy and ugly on the face, Charlene gave the order decisively: "I Decided to attack that Compati. "

The generals looked at Charlene unexpectedly. When they saw the serious look on his face, everyone knew that he made this decision was obviously thoughtful, which made these generals look strange. Demeanor.

Everyone glanced at other people with the corners of their eyes. No one spoke at this time. They seemed to be afraid of being sent to this unlucky errand as soon as they spoke.

Field battles with the army of Roman Thesia may not be a big deal for these French generals, but it is a big deal to lose the opportunity to occupy a capital of the principality.

After all, not everyone has a chance to conquer a capital.

Seeing the generals ’attitude, Charlene had already guessed their thoughts. Although he understood the thoughts of these people, he still decided to order them to implement their own plans.

"We must let the people in Montina know that they no longer have any foreign aid, so defeating that Compati is no less effective than capturing Montina."

Despite that, the generals obviously didn't think so. They looked at Charlene silently, only to finally see who became the unlucky unlucky egg.

Charlene shook his head secretly, but decided to order himself, but just as he was about to speak, the outside guards heard a low-pitched conversation with people, and then the tabernacle was suddenly raised, and an officer came in a hurry.

"Sir, the army of Roma Thesia is gone."

"What are you talking about?" Charlene didn't understand first, then suddenly remembered what had changed in his face, "Gompati's army?"

"Yes, we have sent several teams of scouts, and we haven't found any trace of that Compati."

The officer ’s words made everyone in the tent look irresistible. They knew what it meant that one of the enemy ’s main forces suddenly lost their tracks at this time. This made the French generals who were still secretly blaming each other immediately nervous.

"It seems that we don't need to quarrel for whom to find the Compatius," Charlene whispered, his eyes swept over the generals, and he looked gloomy. "Obviously we are under the city of Montina After a long delay, it ’s time to pay for your slack. "

The officers listened quietly to Charlene's reprimands. They knew that the general should be extremely angry at this time, and the sudden disappearance of the Gompati army made them start to be disturbed.

The northern legion of Gompati is the main force of the Roman army of Thesia. This is known even to the French king, and because the northern legion wanted to respond and defend Montina, Louis XII had the opportunity to calmly make the first occupation of Florence , Or the decision to fight the Naples first.

Now Compati ’s troops have suddenly disappeared. Charlene worried that the enemy might cooperate with Montina ’s garrison inside and outside. At the same time, an idea that even worried him suddenly flashed over his mind.

This thought made him instantly sweat a layer of cold sweat, a layer of ugliness and paleness on the originally red face.

"Will that Compaty go south suddenly?"

Once the thought haunted my heart, it would never be lingering again. Afterwards, Charlene was worried that people would simply wake the cavalry who had just rested and brought him to his tent.

Looking at the soldier with a tired look, Charlene gave him a heavy wallet and a sealed letter prepared in advance: "I want you to go back and give this letter to your majesty immediately, I will send Someone will **** you, remember that no matter what happens, you must rush back to your majesty as soon as possible to deliver the letter to him. "

The cavalry struggled to open his eyes. The weight of the money bag in his hand made him feel better, but he was still very tired from the look: "Good lord, I will start as soon as the day starts."

"No, let's go now. I've got people to prepare food and wine for you. You can have something to eat on the road, but don't stop or delay. I want you to deliver the letter in the fastest time."

What the cavalry wanted to say ~ ~ But looking at Charlene's serious and terrible face, he finally didn't speak. He put the money bag and the letter in his arms and fought with the two guards waiting at the door After three greetings, the three jumped on the ready horses and hurried towards the heavy night.

Xia Erlun walked out of the tent and paced back and forth in the night. In the distance, the officers were arranging the movements overnight, which were also mixed with the swearing sounds of unknown who.

Charlene looked back toward the castle of Montina. In the dark night, although the moonlight set off, the castle of Montina looked like a beast hiding in the dark waiting for the opportunity.

At this moment, Charlene suddenly felt that the castle was so powerful. Although he was an attacker, Charlene felt that he was more like a prey in front of it.

Several figures on horses hurriedly ran in the wilderness in the night. Although it was night, what was still blowing was the still hot breath, which caused several people to open their mouths and breathe hard.

Suddenly, there seemed to be some sound coming from the darkness. It sounded like something was torn off. The cavalry ran in front and looked back, then he was horrified to see the companion on the right suddenly hang in In the air, his feet kicked non-stop, and the empty mount still ran forward.

The cavalry was screamed by this terrifying scene, but he only had time to make a scream, and then he felt as if he had suddenly hit an invisible wall, and the whole person flew out directly.

The moment he landed, he seemed to hear someone running towards him.

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