Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 7 Chapter 97: 3-corner battle (1)

Montina, Florence!

On the land of Romagna, a war with a total strength of nearly 70,000 on both sides kicked off.

Machiavelli stood on the city wall and looked at the Frenchman in the distance. There was a small caliber artillery not far away. The muzzle of the cannon was emitting smoke. The ground was rising, accompanied by the smoke, and several French soldiers who were running away in a panic.

Machiavelli heard a sneer from all around him. He glanced at the soldiers who laughed wildly, and found that many of them were the former Florence City Defense Army and the Civil Army.

Now these soldiers who originally fled home because they were afraid of throwing away their weapons not only had many people come back, but they also brought their relatives and friends.

This change is of course because the action of the Chamber of Commerce Guards is far beyond their expectations. The other is that those Chambers of Commerce are willing to pay a lot of money.

As the leader of Florence's 11 largest chambers of commerce, the Wool Fabrics Chamber's feat of throwing 20,000 Florin at once was staggering, and the bargaining chamber of lawyers also came up with 14,000 Ducat's actions. Then, the generous and generous actions of the Copper Chamber of Commerce, the City Construction Chamber of Commerce, the Shipbuilding Chamber of Commerce and other large and small chambers of business really moved or scared the Florentines.

They can't remember when these chambers of commerce were so active last time, but they can be sure that no matter how awesome they were before, these chambers of commerce are definitely not as generous as they are today.

Although taking out so much money at once did make those Chamber of Commerce gangsters very painful, but Machiavelli knew that these people were actually very willing to pay the money.

The benefits that the trade union can bring to them are so great that even in the face of the French, those businessmen cannot withstand the temptation of that huge interest.

And these businessmen are willing to make such a blood of course, of course, not only want to be able to hold Florence, these people have obviously decided to take a gamble on Machiavelli, or Alexander behind him.

Defeats France, which sounds a little unrealistic, but what kind of reward can they bring if they succeed?

This makes the businessman feel awake when he thinks about it.

Investment is risky, and you need to be cautious when paying.

But if this investment can bring tens or even hundreds of times of profit, what is the risk? !

In exchange for the large sum of money, the Florentines began to join the ranks of the fortified city. The monthly salary is no longer rare. Weekly, even the combination of Japanese and Japanese soldiers makes Machiavelli feel stunned.

And the Chamber of Commerce Guards, who received more rewards, used their artillery and swords to let the newly-added city defenses know that even the French might be beaten and disarmed in front of their true strength.

Louis de Bourbon's French attack on Florence was actually much smoother than that of Charlene against Montina.

On the day of July 9, the French army broke through the walls outside Florence, but when the French army swarmed in and tried to win the city in one fell swoop, it was violently countered by the city.

The rugged and narrow streets and alleys of Florence became a barrier for the defenders, but what the French did not expect was that the Florentines seemed to have guessed that the city walls could not resist their attack, so they used stones in many places near the gate in advance. , Vehicles, roadside stalls, and even furniture that was temporarily moved from nearby people's homes blocked all the streets leading to the city gate.

At the same time, the crossbows and muskets used by the Florentines to carry out close-range attacks were also surprising. At one time, blood flowed into the square near the city gate, and the French army suffered heavy losses.

The whole battle process is actually not very long, but even the veterans who have seen the big scenes have to admit that it is this short period of street fighting, which has exceeded the imagination of many people.

The French soldiers never imagined that they would encounter such a tenacious, brutal and frightening street **** battle in Florence.

The Florentines used crossbows that could penetrate the armor and stray bullets that forced the French army to withdraw from the city gate after throwing a number of deaths and injuries. During the retreat, they also had to endure their heads tilting from the wall The falling rain and arrows, which made the French soldiers even suspect that it was so easy to break through the gates before, was entirely a conspiracy of the Florentines.

When the French completely retreated outside the city, countless people poured out of the windows of the streets and the houses on the street. They began to quickly block the city gates with large and small bricks while the officers shouted loudly. Soon a thick stone pile piled up from the gate hole, and the gate of Florence was completely blocked.

Only Machiavelli knew all this was the result of the hurried preparation of the Chamber of Commerce guards after taking over the guards of the City Defense Forces. If it was not for the guards to startle the French with a single shell before the battle, let them act with caution Be careful to change a lot slower, maybe not to set up a defense line near the city gate, the French have already broken through the city gate and attacked the city.

However, now standing on the city wall and watching the frustrations, he had to reschedule the French army almost overnight, and Machiavelli couldn't help feeling that he wanted to write a poem.

"The fruits of victory are so sweet that I can't help but want to treat her as a ban ..."

Just as Machiavelli considered which rhythm was more appropriate, an officer of the City Defense Army yelled, "The French are here."

Machiavelli immediately looked away, he noticed that the French were slowly moving forward with a slightly loose phalanx, but what caught his attention was that the two teams behind the phalanx seemed a little sneaky. Sneaky man.

Out of doubt, Machiavelli pointed to the French phalanx and asked, "What is that?"

His words attracted people's attention, and soon someone gradually saw through the flashing cracks in the crowd of people who guessed what a few black things they were pushing.

"It is a cannon! The French cannon!"

The shouting sounded instantly on the city's head, and some city defense troops were frightened and wanted to escape from the city wall, but were blocked by the guards who had blocked the way behind, and at the same time, Machiavelli, who had a pale face, looked at him in surprise. Looking at those dark things, they looked nervously at the leaders of the guards.

Machiavelli knew that the leaders of these chambers of escorts were actually Roman Thesia officers, but now looking at the cannons, he suddenly remembered that he was actually a diplomat rather than a general, which made him a little uneasy.

But at this time he could only stand there looking pale with those terrible weapons under the city. He knew that if he panicked first, then it might be a disaster.

At this time, Machiavelli suddenly remembered a description of the Duke of Rome Theseia in his unfinished book: "The reason why the great monarch can succeed is that there is God ’s preference for them. More importantly, Their perseverance in the face of adversity makes it difficult to imagine a courageous monarch soaked in the courts of the court ladies all year round, but we must admit that there are always people who are different. "

At the time of writing this paragraph, Machiavelli was running to soften his legs as soon as possible how to make the Hundred People's Parliament through the Duchess of Estrez to Florence, at that time he even secretly thought that the duke The trouble caused by the romantic affair is simply more than their enemies.

Now, looking at the French cannon, Machiavelli felt his heartbeat and nervousness, and couldn't help but have the courage to the prince to be "immersed in the court of the court ladies" for so long, I feel truly admired.

"Adult, we can deal with them," an officer of the **** said to Machiavelli, then pulled out his sword and waved in the air with a whistling "ready!"

The soldiers began to enter their positions one after another, and from time to time someone made a clattering sound when they stepped on the feet of the loose bricks, which made Machiavelli more worried, but at this time he could only try to calm himself down and then secretly Anxiously looked at the cannons.

"They probably played 6000 yards," an officer muttered in his mouth for a while and then told his companion next to him.

"I bet I should be able to go further, look at the caliber of the cannon, and then calculate its refill amount. One cannonball is 20 off, and it is calculated based on every two and a half off corners ..."

"That's impossible, you know, we don't have such a good artillery, even if you calculate the two half-dose according to your calculation, we actually know that the artillery can't fully exert that kind of power, this I can Bet with you. "

"Well, let's bet."

The two officers each took out a small purse from their pockets and handed them to Machiavelli who was standing on the side and still pale. Looking at the pattern above, Machiavelli knew that it should be the Chamber of Commerce just released them to them not long ago. Salary.

"Sir, please have your certificate."

Machiavelli took the money bag a little bit blankly. Although he really hoped that the officer who said 6000 yards would win, but looking at the distance between the French artillery and himself, he found that no matter who won the bet, he seemed Are very dangerous.

A muffled noise came from outside the city, and then a dark shadow swiftly swept through!

Machiavelli bent down instinctively, but he saw the two officers staring straight at the direction in which the shell came from.

With the howling sound traversing from the air not far away, before they turned around, there was a huge noise in the city behind him.

"Hah, I won!" An officer screamed happily and took two purses from the dazed Machiavelli's hands. When he saw the dull look of the officer, the officer by the way Comforting "Please rest assured, lord, we don't have to worry even if the French break through the city wall. General Comparty taught us how he kept the pizza, and he said that you were there at the time."

Hearing this officer's words, Machiavelli, who was already in a panic, was almost scared.

Louis de Bourbon walked anxiously back and forth, he stopped from time to time to glance at the artillery position, and then walked back and forth again.

Although it was only the next day, it was enough to make the Duke Bourbon irritated and restless.

Thinking that he was serious enough to let the clerk record the day when he captured Florence, the Duke of Bourbon felt that he would be laughed at by the king's petty officials again this time.

Another reason that made him anxious was that the king actually sent people to ask him about the fighting situation overnight.

The Duke of Bourbon realized that the situation on Louis XII might not be going well, and the King's desire to win Florence was very clear to him.

Must capture Florence as soon as possible, and the Duke of Bourbon secretly made up his mind.

The power of the French artillery obviously frightened many people. The embarrassment of the Florence City Defence Force annoyed Machiavelli, but watching the crumbling wall of the artillery started by the French, he was secretly worried again.

Duke Bourbon apparently noticed the already precarious wall. He immediately ordered several artillery to launch a fierce shot at the wall that seemed to collapse at any time. For a while, the gravel on the wall was splashed, and the smoke was scattered.

"I can't hold it, I can't hold it this time." A city defense officer yelled. He suddenly took out the salary he had received from his pocket and threw it to the ground. At the same time, he shouted "I'm not doing it, I did n’t expect it to look like this! "

"Oh, don't you stop doing it?" An officer grabbed the money bag on the ground, and the other hand grabbed the Florentine collar and dragged him to the front. "You should have thought of it before taking the money."

Said that the officer put a sword upside down with the money bag in the hand of the man: "Either let the French kill, or let me kill now, you choose."

The Florentine reached out with a trembling body, and he saw the guards staring at him with murderous faces around him, and in the rumble of cannons and the vibrations under his feet, he shouted desperately and grabbed the sword handle against the The French under the city waved wildly.

"Boom ~" a loud noise, everyone feels a huge force to fall to the ground ~ ~ The sky is full of smoky dust and the head is smashed down, and the gravel scratches the people's head and face Hands and feet, just when everyone was disgraced and did not understand what was going on, there was a cheer outside the city.

There was a large gap that collapsed outwards from the wall, and the bottom corner of the gap directly connected to the ground at the edge of the wall, forming a large crack.

"The city wall was broken?" Machiavelli climbed up and looked at the huge gap with amazement. Although the city wall had not completely collapsed, everyone knew that it was only a matter of time.

"It seems that you have to work." The officer who had previously bet won, pulled out the sword and drew it in his hand, and then took out a money bag and threw it to his companion. "At least you have to leave a ransom for yourself."

"I won't be a prisoner obediently, I will escape when necessary," another officer said to Machiavelli again, "Master, do you think what should I do if the French come?"

Machiavelli shook his head blankly, he wanted to say something, but because of the shock from the previous shelling, his body was still trembling and no sound could be made.

"I think you can say you are forced," the officer smiled wickedly "but I don't think Louis would believe it."

Just as Machiavelli turned pale, the two officers had led the guards towards the crumbling wall.

At the same time, the French army also rushed toward the gap in the direction of the arrow fired from the city.

A brutal battle begins!

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