Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 7 Chapter 116: To the new world

Mercures of Alexandria are busy like worker bees. These worker bees are distributed in all corners of Europe. Many people do not know the existence of each other. More people do n’t even know who they are working for. Everything that is known, regardless of size, is sent through merchant ships, convoys, traveling merchants, and church messengers, or those who do not know what to do.

Most of these messages are useless. The person who receives the message will select important things in it according to their own needs, and the remaining ones that seem to be of no use will be written on the note and placed in In the drawers of tall bookcases lined up in a four-story palace opposite the Carolingian palace.

This palace bought in the name of Count Modillo of Naples is called the Modillo Palace. Each floor of the Modillo Palace has its own different classification, and each floor is divided into its own area according to different regions. No one knows what secrets are hidden in the drawers on the tall bookshelf on the roof.

The people inside only know that this is a place for collecting documents from various places, while the people outside directly regard it as a very ordinary archive.

Such a place is not uncommon in the Vatican. The documentation of the Holy See has been worrying for hundreds of years. The Vatican has found more places for them to store these documents that must be preserved, except for those who are intoxicated. No one in history is interested in these old paper piles.

However, with this seemingly inconspicuous source of information, Alexander gradually established an intelligence network that is still primitive but has gradually exerted its power in almost all of Europe. Among these, Tiego ’s performance in Iberia is the most impressive. He was pleased.

The Spanish empire in history may have encountered some setbacks on its way to glory, but until the moment it finally declined from the peak, the setbacks encountered during the ascent period were for this empire after all Are trivial.

This is the first real world empire. The title of the sun never falls from the Spanish empire in a sense, and the most important thing is that the opening of the era of the great voyage made the world completely new. One page, this is the unparalleled contribution that Spain will make to this world in the future.

Alexander is too aware of the significance of the new continent to this world and the role of completely subverting the direction of human development in the future. A brand new new world has unveiled the mysterious veil over her, it is like a beautiful beauty finally Ken showed his true face to the lover who was dreaming about her.

Then this beauty made the world crazy.

From the time of ancient Egypt to the rise of Levant, to the early Renaissance that was thriving because of trade with the East, the Mediterranean was once a dream place for all Europeans to pursue wealth, but this place is destined to decline.

It's just that although such signs have already appeared, no one would have thought that it would decline so quickly, and the trade in the Mediterranean region would shrink rapidly after entering the 16th century.

The opening of new routes to the East has turned this into an already inevitable fact, and the development of the New World will nail the last cruel nail to the decline of the Mediterranean coffin.

This time in Iberia can be regarded as Alexander's most leisurely time, so he thought a lot during this time, he even thought about what it would be like to stop here.

He already has enough strength to compete with any of the most powerful monarchs in Europe, and has wealth that can be envied by any rich man. He now has three lovely children. If there is no accident, they will inherit their respective territories. One of the most powerful people in this era.

And his women, he loves them, and it is rare that they also love him sincerely, which is a miracle in this era.

If you stop here, even the wealth he has now is enough to allow him to enjoy his life, even if he wants to build a huge fleet, and then take his beloved to travel the world and become a substitute for Magellan. People around the world, he believes that this alone is enough to make him famous.

Such temptation surged in his heart again and again, so that whenever he woke up in the middle of the night, Alexander had more than once everything he wanted to put down, to enjoy the urge to spend the rest of his life in the future.

But Alexander finally suppressed this inexplicable impulse, and at the same time he was very clear in his heart that he would have these ideas not because he had no longer pursued, but because the goal he pursued was too difficult.

He knew that he actually wanted to escape.

The couple Isabella and Ferdinand are too difficult to deal with. They are undoubtedly the most outstanding monarchs of the old era, and at the same time they are the models and models of the monarchs of the new era. It is terrible.

What's more, there is also a Gonzalo. This person's extraordinary military talent makes Alexander feel really stressed. Whenever he wants to face him on the battlefield, Alexander feels as if he wants to climb a mountain that can't be climbed.

How can such an opponent be defeated?

What's more, the Isabella couples also have a reputation that other European monarchs can't have in the civilian world because of the great merits of regaining the lost ground war. Such opponents are really terrible.

Isabella is firm and courageous, while Ferdinand has the patience and calmness of patience, they seem to be complementary to each other. In these years, two countries with different customs have gradually merged together, and finally one The powerful Spain appeared on the southeastern peninsula of Europe.

It is indeed too difficult to defeat such opponents. Alexander was still confident before he really started to face them. After all, he had made so many preparations, and he believed that there was still a great possibility of success by using his own mind. , But now he knows that he has retreated somewhat.

In Alexander ’s original plan, the use of Portuguese Manuel could greatly restrain the couple ’s attention, and the use of the French ’s ambitions for the Iberian Peninsula for many years could make them involved in a game. In a lot of trouble, so that he can have the opportunity to stir up the storm in Iberia.

But Alexander did not expect Isabella to resolutely and decisively respond to the Portuguese's provocation against her in the Azores, but Ferdinand was able to react as quickly as the French to reach peace on the Italian battlefield.

Although in the end the French were defeated under the plan of the overall defensive strategy he had formulated before, Alexander still saw the terrible place of the couple.

Just somehow, although I wanted to give up time and time again, I persevered inexplicably again and again.

Alexander knew that this was actually because of the longing for the future, and the charm that the new world could not compete with.

Compared with the romance of Magellan traveling around the world, the temptation to personally open the mysterious veil of the new world is obviously greater.

In the face of this temptation, Alexander doubted who else could resist it?

At least he can't do it, so he can only continue to persevere, even to face the mountain and the two peaks that are more towering and difficult to climb.

There was a soft knock on the door, and Alexander climbed up from the bed. There was already some light outside the window. It should be more than 4 in the morning in such a summer.

Alexander put a smock over him, then walked barefoot on the floor and opened the door.

Sher stood in a dress outside the door. Two muskets were attached to the belt around the waist of his saber, and a short knife was tied to his thigh.

This dress was originally striking, but now no one pays attention to him because of the mess in Seville.

"Master, the Columbus brothers are here, waiting downstairs."

Hearing the words of Schell, Alexander ’s mood suddenly became better. The cranky thoughts of lying in bed disappeared at this moment, Christopher Columbus, the name means wealth at this time, because he did let many people Fortune, and for Alexander, it means a new chapter.

It's just that Columbus came a little too early. Alexander looked out of the window. The early risers squeaked and chirped. The fresh air in the morning floated in and smelled refreshing. Shaked slightly to Shell: "Okay, see them."

The two brothers who turned and looked at the sound of the stairs seemed very excited. It ’s a bit weird to visit others at this early time, not to mention in such a wild day, but they both obviously I didn't care about this, especially James, and what Alexander saw from his face was unusually exhilarating.

"We are all ready," James first stepped forward and said to Alexander, "If you set off now and the road is smooth, you can reach Sankarol del Bavida tomorrow morning."

Although Columbus did not say anything, his expression had proved that he was also looking forward to the trip.

Alexander nodded his head in agreement, and Sher next to him walked out to the Balkans who had been waiting outside to signal that he was ready to leave.

Alexander knew that the brothers had been waiting too long, maybe they were really preparing for the trip all night without sleeping.

After casually washing his face and eating something, Alexander felt much better, he quickly dressed up, and in Columbus, surprised by the amazing speed of this piece, Alexander took the whip from Shell and jumped up. The back of Pagasos.

"It takes a long time to travel from Dasancarroll del Bavi to Malaga, but this is probably the smoothest road recently," James said to Alexander on a horse. "If you go By land, it may take 4 days or even a week, and now you can reach Malaga in about 3 days. "

Alexander nodded but said nothing. His eyes were on Columbus sitting in the carriage. At this time, Columbus seemed tired because of the previous excitement. He leaned on the door with his eyes closed, his head slightly moving with the car. Shaking, at this time, he looks completely like an ordinary middle-aged elderly. If he does not say his name, no one knows that he is the famous Columbus.

The same is true of the people who discovered the New World. Alexander told him in his heart that he was not degrading Columbus, but reminding himself not to think that they were really invincible because the other party was a famous person in history.

Today, Columbus is already in his grasp. He used this person's pursuit of wealth and greed to firmly grasp his mind. Now this person has become a key for him to open up a new continent in the future.

Then, will the Isabella couple also become the most important steps on his way to glory?

Suddenly, Alexander felt that the pressure that had accumulated on his heart had become much lighter. He knew that this was because he had confidence in the future again, just like when he walked out of the Sebalon Monastery at that time. It's worse now, then since you can do what you are at that time, then you now have no reason to think that you can't climb and cross the seemingly insurmountable mountains.

Dasan Carroll del Bavida is a small port town in the southwest of Andalusia bordering the Atlantic Ocean. It is very wealthy because it is close to the sea bass fishing ground on the Atlantic Ocean, and because it is close to the Strait of Gibraltar, the port is also very busy.

To reach Malaga from Dasancarroll del Bavi is to cross the Strait of Gibraltar.

If you want to find some of the busiest waterways in the world of this era, the Strait of Gibraltar is undoubtedly the top of it. Even after a few centuries, this strait connecting the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea still has an important strategy. One of the important sea routes.

The boat headed against the coast, and when crossing the strait, Alexander looked towards the vast sea on the other side.

Although it is said that if the weather is good, you can vaguely see the coastline opposite to Africa, but Alexander only saw an endless sea.

Opposite today's straits, the Portuguese still occupy Ceuta as their bridgehead at the northern tip of Africa, where the Portuguese colonies in Africa and Manuel once tried to serve as an outpost for the expedition to the East.

Manuel ’s whimsical idea started from Africa to conquer Mamluk in Egypt and then expedite the Holy Land in Jerusalem. It is difficult to say whether this idea was indoctrinated by his wife Mary, or whether he really thought he was the one God chose to save The leader of the New Crusade, but Manuel in history did try it this way.

A series of sea boats appear and disappear on the surface of the sea. These are large or small, or just paddle sailboats used for short-distance transportation, or multi-mast ships sailing across the ocean. .

As an important port on the main route from the Mediterranean to the Atlantic Ocean, Malaga is also busy, but it has more meanings than other places.

Two sturdy castles stand on the cliffs that extend from the east and west shores to the sea. The two cliffs are like two open arms that tightly embrace the port of Malaga, while the two castles are It is a clenched fist, which seems to be able to throw a heavy blow at any time, smashing the enemy from the sea.

Malaga is a harbour and a fortress, and the enemies they want to guard against are not pagans, but the opponents of the Portuguese in the African colony across the strait.

There are many sailors ’guilds in Malaga. These guilds not only provide sailors with the opportunity to work on board, but also smooth out all kinds of troubles for them. As long as those sailors pay a hard work afterwards, the guild You can also do some hard work such as asking for wages.

There is now such a scene in front of Alexander's party, watching a man thrown from a house by a few guys and thrown into the street, Columbus continued to move forward as if he did not see it. And James simply walked over the man lying on the ground.

"There are the most despicable villains in Europe, and of course the best sailors," James explained to Alexander who was following him. "A lot of my sailors are recruited here, but please remember that every You ca n’t believe everything you say. ”

Alexander nodded clearly, any city has such a place, not to mention Malaga, a transportation hub where countless people can come and go anytime, anywhere. This is a place where wealth and dreams are pursued. Naturally, it is also a place A place that breeds sin and conspiracy.

The two Columbus brothers took the lead to enter the house that seemed to have just had a little conflict, and had not yet entered the door, a burst of loud noises had already poured out from the inside.

A loud shouting and arguing made the atmosphere inside seem to be hotter than the sun above him. When the door was pushed in, Alexander noticed that the people inside were quiet first, and then everyone's eyes fell on the front at the same time. The two brothers.

"First of all, I'm not here to cause trouble," James raised his hands up in a harmless gesture, and then he turned back to explain to Alexander. "I had a little bit of trouble when I recruited sailors before. Not pleasant, but rest assured it will be resolved soon. "

"I doubt if you can solve your own troubles," Columbus said, pointing to the guys across the other who looked bad. "They have been staring at you since entering the door, if we want to recruit a group of really good players You have to be careful that there will be a rebellion at sea, it seems necessary to solve your trouble first. "

James shrugged indifferently. He was far away now. Several people greeted each other and then walked over to start whispering quietly, listening to their high and low quarrels. Columbus looked at Alexander: "Duke you can continue Use him, but I want to remind you that James is not the best choice. "

Looking at this person who occasionally wants to say a few bad things about his brother, if he really does not remember the scenes he described in his diary.

Columbus mentioned more than once in his diary that he once ran for the debt-ridden father. In addition to being proud of his responsibility as the eldest son in the family, he also complained angrily about his brothers. Now it seems that this The family's contradiction seems to be deeply entrenched. It is known that they will work together for a long time, but they still refuse to let go of each other as long as they seize the opportunity.

Alexandria they will come to Malaga because of the news that they just heard from Portugal.

Now that Manuel has decided to compete with the Isabella couple for the new colony, his response and actions are still very rapid.

Since the clashes with the Isabela's fleet in the Azores in March, Manuel quickly mobilized the Portuguese Navy to launch a campaign against the Castile and Aragonese fleets on the Atlantic Ocean Raid.

The relationship between the two sides was suddenly tense. Although they clearly lost to Castile on the land, under the command of Manuel, the Portuguese army carefully guarded the fortresses at the border with Castilla and did not attack easily. .

Obviously, Manuel has made up his mind to defeat his opponent at sea.

On the other side of the Pyrenees, although the French reached a peace truce with Aragon, neither Isabella nor Ferdinand could dare to believe such an agreement easily, so they still chose The troops were arranged at various passes in the southern foothills of the Pyrenees, guarding against possible French intervention in the Iberian war.

The hegemony at sea has begun, Manuel ’s interest in the new colony or greed has gradually been exposed under the clever arrangements of Alexander, UU reading books Now Isabella apparently regards him as himself The biggest enemy today.

Alexandria needed exactly this moment.

Amerigo Vespucci has left Spain for the New World. It happened that he was from Malaga. In the following years, he will go through several voyages and finally announce his Shock is a human opinion.

Next, as his theory is quickly and widely recognized, people will find that the vastness and wealth of the new colonies are far beyond their imagination, and a wave of nautical changes that will change the world is about to start.

So Alexander knew that there was not much time left for him, he had to put his power into that new world as soon as not many people really knew the meaning of that mysterious land, so that he could It is possible that when the two maritime powers of Iberia are still not very clear what they are fighting for, they are the first to open the door to the new world for themselves.

"I provide you with money and the ship has enough manpower," Alexander said to Columbus. "What I want you to do is build a safe and reliable route. I will let James help you. Once this route is established You can get all the things I promised you, and all you have to do is make sure this route can be a shortcut to there. "

Columbus narrowed his eyes slightly, and he still asked with some confusion: "Duke you are so sure of your judgment, you still think that it is a much larger land than we imagined, not just a bunch of islands?"

"No, you're wrong. Dear Columbus, it's not a land," Alexander said softly. "It's a completely new world, and what we are doing now is to open the door to this world."

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