Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 7 Chapter 117: The door to a new era

Recruiting sailors is a complicated and troublesome thing.

Whether a person has the real ability or just bragging by mouth, in addition to asking some basic questions when recruiting, also pay attention to whether the recruited person is not attentive at all times.

If you recruit a guy with very bad craftsmanship, then everyone is likely to be killed by this person. After all, a pig teammate on the sea who is in front of the village and behind the shop is often ten times more harmful than the enemy.

This requires recruiters to have not only their own rich experience, but also a pair of eyes that can identify people. They can distinguish whether you are lying from your words and manners and a sentence that may be very casual, and even have insight. Whether the recruited person may panic because of the danger.

As for whether these people are not conducive to their own intentions, they also have to rely on the observation and judgment of the owner and captain to decide.

This seems a bit unreliable. After all, in this era of closed news, it is not so easy to find out the details of a person, not to mention that various people like Malaga come and go. Very complicated place.

So looking at the sailors who selected them purely based on personal judgment and some rough sailor's union recommendation books, just like selecting animals, Alexander couldn't help but feel that Columbus's previous voyages were really lucky.

"No, actually something happened," Columbus shook his head with emotion after hearing this from Alexander. "We always find that there are thorns on the head and don't wait for things to get worse. First, we use a whip. They have obeyed the lesson, and if it still doesn't work, they will hang some people to deter others. "

Although he knew that this must be the case, Alexander still felt that it was really unreliable. The rebellion at sea will not be forgiven. The captain or the commander of a fleet has the highest and final execution power for this judgment. This ultimate right to integrate justice and law enforcement allows them to take away the lives of the crew, but even this sea rebellion has never been quelled.

As long as you are a little careless, all kinds of things will happen on a boat. Sometimes it is not a big deal at all, but simply because of the huge pressure caused by sailing on the endless sea all the year round, between sailors and sailors, between sailors and officers, and even It is often easy for the officer and the officer or the officer and the captain to have conflicts that are difficult to bridge, which ultimately leads to a terrible conflict of **** events.

But precisely because of this, the Sailor ’s Guild of Malaga provides a great place to resolve these conflicts to a large extent.

A roar sounded in another room not far away caught Alexander's attention. He asked someone to ask what happened, and the entourage who soon ran back excitedly reported to him that the room was "someone is picking up." .

This aroused the interest of Alexander. He wanted to know how the sailors of this era resolved their disputes. After all, after a long and boring long-distance journey, everyone needs to release the deposit in his heart. Group flames, and here is obviously a good place for the sailors to resolve disputes and contradictions skillfully through fighting.

"At least if they can work together next time, no one will easily lose their lives as soon as they go out to sea," James explained to Alexander in this way. "Long-term life at sea is terrible. No one can guarantee that they will not It ’s going crazy, so venting your previous anger here is good for everyone. "

Alexander listened very carefully. He knew that he knew too little about navigation. Especially in this day and age, the backward transportation and communication methods and the strong reliance on religious belief still make it very difficult to be a sailor. The days in the industry are very bad.

This is also the main reason why many experienced sailors have received unusual attention and often become popular goods.

People with rich work experience in any era will be respected in their business. These people are often very proud, because they have no worry about having no job, especially in some businesses with their own special skills, these people often have very noble Status and prestige.

The fight next door ended quickly, and watching the two guys dragging their heads covered in blood and dragging their heads through the porch, Alexander thoughtfully fell into a deep ponder.

He remembered the Maritime Agency of Lisbon. As the world ’s first vocational school to train maritime talents, the Lisbon Maritime Agency provided a large number of maritime talents with extraordinary skills for the later maritime era, some of which have become historically Characters familiar to future generations.

At the same time, Portugal is also relying on such batches of maritime talents to be able to launch a long-lasting maritime hegemony with Spain in the economic and military development of the ocean.

It seems that at the same time as the establishment of the Army Academy, a Navy Academy will be established.

Alexander thought so thoughtlessly.

He is rich, and not ordinary rich. It is the kind that can be compared with any monarch who claims to be rich. At least in the West, except for the Sultan of Ottoman and the rich oily Daweiqi. Well, it should not be possible to find out how many people can compete with Alexander in wealth.

But building a naval academy cannot be solved with money.

Maritime talent is a wealth that cannot be ignored for maritime countries, so it is too difficult to find such a large number of talents who are not only experienced in themselves, but also able to convert these experiences into theory.

In addition, I thought about the establishment of a naval academy once I went to sea, which seemed a little too reckless. Alexander knew that he did n’t have so much energy to take care of this matter, and such a school needed a long time to prepare. It can only be established in oceanic cities like Portugal or Spain on the edge of the Atlantic Ocean, not those in the Mediterranean.

Now this is obviously a bit of a luxury for him.

But this matter has been stuck in his heart. He feels that this future naval academy can be chaired by James, a mixture of Drake and Hayredin under the new colonies along the archipelago. He did a great job with the sea along the new route to the East. Many people were frightened by the group of pirates he led, but because they didn't know where these people came from, they could only gritt their teeth and couldn't find him.

Alexander even believed that some people in this sailor's guild probably ate his losses, but none of them thought that the group of pirate bosses who raged at sea would have the courage to stand here under the big recruiters.

"Tell me James," Alexander whispered to James curiously. "If you are looking for a sailor here, but they don't want to be a pirate, what should you do, know if you let them go like this?" May reveal your identity. "

There was a look on James's face that seemed to endure when he ate something bad. When he saw his mouth moving, there was still no sound. Alexander turned his head to the side and patted him gently. shoulder.

"The ocean is a big adult," but James replied, "And it is very dangerous. No one can guarantee that he will return safely after going out to sea, so ..."

Looking at Alexander nodded silently, he knew that James had done a lot of things, and there were some details or details. Alexander didn't want to delve into it.

The era of big sailing is romantic and adventurous, and it is also full of blood and cruelty, even sin.

The sea is full of uncertainties. Apart from the terrible power of nature, all that remains is the threat from hostile competitors.

While guarding against pirates at any time, those seemingly ruled merchants may themselves become pirates who rob others at any time. The exchange of roles between hunters and prey is so easy that almost no sailor going to the sea dares to pat his chest. Said he hadn't done those dirty work.

Alexander asked Columbus to prepare for his further voyage as soon as possible. He did not know whether this time would be the last voyage expedition in Columbus's life, as he had done in history. Different routes.

This route will allow the Columbus brothers to go farther than Amerigo Vespsi, who has gone to sea earlier, and it is also a route full of efficiency.

They will explore more south and north than ever before. When they discover that the coastline that was originally thought to be only connected by dotted islands becomes a long way that seems to never be completed, they Naturally, I knew exactly what I was facing.

The time and cost of such a voyage was amazing, and it was precisely because of this that Alexander decided to let the two of them brothers accomplish this feat together.

According to the plan, after arriving in San Salvador in the new colony, their fleet will be divided into two fleets and go to the north and south ends. According to Alexander's command, no matter where they go, they must start to return to the beginning of 1502. , And then meet in San Salvador and return to Spain together.

In this way, this huge expedition may not be able to return to Spain until the second half of 1502, and this expedition, which probably lasts for more than a year, will become the prelude to the real unveiling of the new world.

An exciting and uneasy era of the best and worst is coming.

They are already standing in front of the gate of this new era, and the looming dawn is waving to them.

Obviously, this is the most appropriate time. The court in Barialidod was probably messy at this time. Philip ’s infection was actually just the beginning of the early exposure of those messes. Isabella gradually revealed to Ferdinand. The suspicion of Ferdinand ’s uncontrollable ambitions that Ferdinand barely showed up because of Philip ’s sudden illness, and Don Bavey ’s attempt to mix the water and fish, all of which would swell like fermented bread during this time.

Isabella at this time was actually very lonely. She had to cope with the ambition of Rilong ’s husband. She also had to compete with her suddenly restless son-in-law. On the other side of the Pyrenees, the French Threat that may be difficult at any time is also stimulating her keen nerve.

All these troubles will be placed in front of Isabella at the same time in a short time, which makes her completely free of time and energy to reconsider the use of Columbus. It is precisely because of this that Columbus will only return last time When he arrived in Spain, he was dismissed and even imprisoned, because Isabella had no energy to restrain this equally ambitious explorer.

So it's better to send him to prison directly, so that at least he can calm down before the queen takes time to refocus on him.

It's just that Alexander obviously didn't intend to give Isabella a breathing opportunity. Now that everything is ready, let yourself replace Isabella for Columbus. This is the last and most brilliant expedition.

The last communication between Isabella and Columbus in history ended in his last expedition.

Isabella, who was already in poor health, certainly did not see the unification feat she had longed to establish, but actually did not really see the true continent of the New World discovered by the expedition to the Atlantic Ocean that she fully supported.

It's just that even now Isabella still misses the new route and the colony, but she simply has no time and energy to consider this.

And she will not have such a chance in the future, Queen Isabela of Castile will let go of her after more than two years!

This is a "secret" that only Alexander knows.

It was precisely because he knew this that Alexander dared to stand up and provide everything he needed for Columbus ’s re-exploration.

It takes a long time to prepare for the establishment of an ocean-going expedition team. Even if you have a huge amount of money that does not need to consider the cost of expenditure, sometimes money is not omnipotent.

The "Columbus Brothers Expedition Company", a company that suddenly appeared in Malaga, was hurriedly listed after paying a guarantee of 60 gold pesos to the local city hall of Malaga.

The company's office is in a room in the aisle downstairs of the craftsman.

The business of the "Columbus Brothers Expedition Company", even if a wooden sign was nailed at the door, was still on fire. On the first day, a large number of sailors who had heard of the wind squeezed this room. The prestige of wealth still makes people relish, although he once had a short prison, but many people are still very optimistic about him.

This gave Columbus some confidence, but he also remembered that Alexander had hit him. In fact, he only had to calm down and think about it. He knew that Alexander ’s words were right. Isabella might think he was still useful. , But he was too greedy before, and indeed angered the resolute and stubborn queen.

This can be seen from her repeated appointment of a large number of new explorers to gradually replace his position, so even if Isabella enabled him again, Columbus knew that the idea he wanted to share the colony with the king was obviously impossible. Achieved.

Then he needs to find a new owner, and now it seems that Alexander is a good choice.

This Duke is generous and generous, and more importantly, he seems to have a huge confidence in discovering a new world that others cannot understand. This makes Columbus even seem to have known everything already there, but only needs to prove his own. Found the same.

This kind of thinking is a bit ridiculous, but it is also because of this self-confident and unscrupulous investment that Columbus made things easier.

Vessels that need preparation, sailors convened, freshwater reserves, food supplies, hull accessories, weapons and artillery, weather records, ocean currents and charts, and a variety of materials that are too complex to need to make a long list are more suitable than Previously more ample funds were raised quickly, which in return was a much shorter time than previous expedition preparations.

But even so, sailing is not a short-term thing, so after paying generously for all these signatures, Alexander threw the brothers in Malaga, and he had more important things to do.

However, during the short stay in Malaga, bad news came from Seville one after another.

Don Bavi ’s noble coalition once again fought against Gonzalo, but this time the battlefield has been moved to La Conada, not far from Seville. Luo already had enough force to divide his troops and approached Seville to the southwest, thus threatening Darville and the downstream connection with Seville.

So far, the noble coalition can still give stubborn resistance, relying solely on being able to obtain material support from various places through the Darville River and the harbour on the Atlantic Ocean.

However, if the channel of the Darville River leading to the Atlantic Ocean is intercepted by Gonzalo, then Seville will become an isolated city.

It was at this time that the noble coalitions really knew the power of Gonzalo, but it seemed that it was a little late. It was probably found that the victory was already in hand. Gonzalo no longer actively negotiated with the Andalusian nobles as before He even sent people to send the messengers sent to his barracks directly ~ ~ For the current Gonzalo, taking advantage of this rebellion to completely destroy the old aristocracy of Andalusia, precisely In Isabella ’s interest.

Although it was only a few days, Don Bavi had sent letters to Alexander more than once. At this time, the wise prince could no longer see his previous calmness and calmness. You can feel in the tone that Don Bavi has started to mess up.

"Duke, I hope you will abide by the agreement with me. I would rather believe that you left Seville at this time to fulfill the promise between us, rather than leave the battle, so I request that you reply to me as soon as possible because of this It ’s not just about me, it ’s about the life and death of the entire Andalusian aristocratic alliance. Of course I will never forget the sincere help you gave, so for the conditions you put forward to obtain the right to operate the Seville Exchange , I decided to accept it after careful consideration, and I hope that even if this beautiful exchange is not damaged by the war, you can complete the agreement between us in a timely manner. "

Looking at this letter, which was full of threats, but it was hard to hide his embarrassment for help, Alexander smiled.

Don Bavey's arrogance and rudeness paid a price at this time, but this is not the reason that made Alexander funny. He really found it interesting that Tang Bawei urged him to do something.

"Okay, everything is here for you," Alexander said to the Columbus brothers. "I am looking forward to the miracle you will bring me. It is also a chance for us all to leave a footnote in history. . "

After commanding the Columbus brothers, Alexander took Schell and his Balkan guards to board the ship again.

This time, their destination is Valencia.

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