Chapter 103 People sit in their homes, and evil comes from heaven!!


The green beam hit MS’s cockpit directly, and the pilot lost consciousness before he could even react.

The flames of the explosion instantly illuminated this dark universe.

Similarly, a meteorite fragment with a diameter of forty or fifty meters was pushed out of its original orbit and flew in the other direction because it was too close to the explosion.

And coincidentally, that’s exactly where the CRS-class light cruisers are located!

Subsystem: “…”

Looking at the meteorite fragments getting closer and closer, the subsystem was speechless.

Is this man sitting in the house, and the curse comes from heaven?

Although this meteorite fragment could not cause any damage to the ship, it could disrupt the holographic stealth current, making the ship’s stealth temporarily invalid.

“Miss Subsystem, don’t we dodge?”

Compared with the calmness of the subsystem, Lacus’s look was more nervous.

Such a large meteorite would definitely be uncomfortable if it crashed into a warship!

“Hide? It’s too late. ”


As soon as the subsystem spoke, the meteorite crashed into the ship’s shield, instantly shattering into countless smaller pieces.

At the same time, the stealth current was also disturbed, and the stealth system temporarily stopped working.

As soon as the three-hundred-meter-long hull appeared, it was discovered by the Archangel and the radar of the Strike Gundam.

“Recall all those who work outside! The Archangel immediately enters battle readiness! ”

“Activate the No. 1, No. 2 main guns and lock down the unknown battleship!”

Captain Maru, after a brief shock, immediately returned to his senses.

She was not alarmed and quickly issued one combat order after another.

“Damn, why is there here; A battleship? ”

Battle Commander Natal quickly returned to his position, slender ten fingers tapping the keyboard quickly.

Ma Liu said, “It may be the mothership of the MS just now!” ”

Thinking of the location of the station just now, they naturally identified this unknown battleship as Zaft’s MS mothership.

“Just now that’s the mirage system! Did they reverse develop their own mirage system so quickly? ”

The Mirage System is a stealth system developed by his Earth Army.

The captured Thunder Gundam is equipped with a mirage!

“Captain! The artillery is warmed up! ”

Just then, the gunner spoke.



Just as Maliu was about to give the order to fire, Mu-Ra Flagg suddenly rushed into the bridge.

“Captain Flag, aren’t you supposed to be ready to strike in the hangar?”

Natar frowned slightly.

Now that full combat readiness has been entered, shouldn’t Mu-Ra Flag, as a pilot, be on standby in the hangar?

Maruel looked at him questioningly.

But she was even more curious as to why Muira Flagg had spoken out to stop her.

Muira Flagg said, “Don’t fire first, the ship opposite is not right!” ”

With that, he came over to Maliu’s side and tapped the button on the armrest of the captain’s position.

The next second, an optical image of the ship appeared on the big screen of the bridge.

Only then did the crowd see clearly what the ship looked like.

It was a purple battleship, very peculiar, streamlined in design, with a dark green glow on the hull of the ship’s abdomen.

Although the appearance looks strange, it gives people another sense of beauty.

“This ship is not a warship of the Zaft Army!” At least I’ve never seen Zaft have such a warship! ”

Hearing Mullah Flag’s words, Maliu instantly calmed down.

Natal retorted, “What if this is a new type of warship secretly built by the enemy?” ”

It’s like an Angel.

It is also a battleship secretly built by the Earth Army.

Zaft had never seen the Archangel look like before.

Muira Flagg said, “It’s not impossible, but didn’t you find out?” The ship did not show us hostility. ”

“If the other side is Zaft’s warship, then the other side would have attacked us a long time ago!”

At this point, even Natal had nothing to say.

Indeed, Muira Flagg is right.

In the style of the Zaft Army, if the speed ship belonged to the Zaft Army, the other side would have opened fire long ago, and it would not have waited until now.

After thinking for a moment, Maruel made a decision.

“Initiate an authentication request to the other person!”

“Obey orders!”

Correspondent Kaz Baskak nodded and began sending authentication requests to the CRS-class light cruisers.

However, after a while, the other party never replied.

“Report to the captain, the other side did not respond.”

“No response?”

Maru frowned slightly.

“Could it be that the communication system is faulty? This is also a coincidence, right? ”

“Look! That ship is moving! ”

I don’t know who shouted a word, and the crowd heard and looked.

I saw that the ship was slowly sailing out of the meteorite belt.

“The other party wants to escape from here!” I’m sure that’s Zaft’s warship! ”

Once again, Natar confirmed her conjecture.

If the other side is not a Zaft warship, then why not respond, but rush to ‘escape’?

This time even Muira Flagg chose to support Natal’s conjecture because the other side was so perverse.

The authentication request is not responded to, but instead rushes to leave, which is enough to indicate that there is a problem.

In fact, the subsystem did receive an authentication request from the Archangel.

But she didn’t want to pay attention, so she didn’t respond.

And the reason why she looks so anxious to ‘escape’ now is only because she doesn’t want to continue hiding in the meteorite belt.

Now that it has been discovered, there is no need to hide.

“Captain, please order an attack!” This ship must not be allowed to leave here! Otherwise the Zaft Army will find out where we are! ”

Natal said to Captain Maru.

The Archangel had managed to shake off Zaft’s pursuers, and if he met Zaft’s army again at this time, the situation would be quite bad!

Maruel did not respond immediately, she first glanced at Muira Flag.

Seeing the latter nodding slightly, she said, “Fire it!” ”

The gunner heard the words and pressed the firing button.



The two twin main guns that had long since locked on the CRS-class light cruisers fired four green beams.

Rumble! Rumble!

The beam hit the CRS light cruiser with unmistakable accuracy.

Just when the Archangel people thought that the other side would be sunk, the next scene shocked everyone.

Only to see a blue energy barrier blocking the attack of the beam of light!

The beam of light falling on this barrier only caused a ripple!

“This is… Energy shield? ”

Muira Flagg murmured, surprise in his eyes.

They were no strangers to the Energy Shield.

Even the fortress of ‘Arutaimis’, where they had been there a few days earlier, was protected by a shield known as the Light Wave Defense.

However, the shield generator of this shield is huge, and it is impossible to install flowers;

Small hull.

Otherwise, the Earth Army would have installed a shield for every ship!

And this shield is obviously more advanced than the fortress of Arutaimis!

At least the adaptive shield that fits the surface of the ship is a juvenile that the Earth Army can’t make!

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