Chapter 104 Who is calling the fleet?!!

“Why did you suddenly attack me?”

The subsystem is angry.

The old lady just wanted to leave here quietly, and did not want to join the enmity between the Earth Army and Zaft, so why did she attack her?

Lacus’s eyes next to him flashed a look of surprise.

This little robot like Hello would actually get angry!

What a magical little robot!

“If you dare to fire at me, then don’t blame me for not being polite!”

In an instant, the subsystem activated all of the ship’s weapon systems.

A large number of buried turrets extended from the ship’s deck and opened fire on the Angel.

Rumble! Rumble!

Two purple pulsed beams of light were fired with precision, instantly destroying the two main guns of the Angel!

In the same way, ten plasma torpedoes were fired from the silo like a missile with a purple tail towards the Archangel.


Seeing these plasma torpedoes that bend like missiles, the Archangel Maliu Cold Sweat quickly turned around and tried to shake off these plasma torpedoes.

But no matter what they did, these torpedoes still clung to them!

Not even a single anti-cannon can intercept these plasma torpedoes!

These energy streams are more sensitive than missiles!

Whenever cannon shells approach, they can dodge at extremely sharp angles!

Boom boom…

Eventually, these plasma torpedoes landed on the Archangel’s main engine, secondary guns, missile silos, and point defense machine guns.

In the blink of an eye, the Archangel, which was as white as snow in the last second, is now in ruins!

Black smoke kept coming out of the damaged hull.

Captain Marius stabilized his body and asked, “Report the battle damage!” ”

“Cough, report, report to the captain!” All of Archangel’s main engines were offline, losing their power, and all weapon systems were destroyed and could not function properly! ”

After hearing the report, the hearts of all those present sank.

Never since the Archangel had been so badly damaged!

Damn, is this ship going to sink here?

Maliu and the others were desperate.

Just as the subsystem was preparing to take the Archangel away with a single shot, the Strike Gundam, which had been escorting the engineering ship back to the Archangel, suddenly turned around and flew towards the CRS-class light cruiser.




Kira and raised his gun to fire three shots at the CRS-class light cruiser.

The green energy beam landed on the shield, causing a ripple.

“Archangel, let’s go!” I’m here to attract enemy firepower! ”

“Kira! Be careful yourself! ”

Although Mario did not want to abandon her subordinates, she had no choice but to grit her teeth and order the Archangel to retreat quickly.

“Annoying little flies.”

The subsystem hates the harassment of Gundam.

She quickly turned the muzzle of the gun and aimed it at the Strike Gundam.

In an instant, dense purple pulsed beams of light and plasma shells flew towards Kira Dahe.

Kira Tianhe controls the Strike Gundam to dodge as much as possible.

Sometimes he used his shield to resist the attack, and sometimes he hid behind the meteorite.


The subsystem is even more unhappy.

Running around, annoyed.

She added fire to the output, and more intense artillery fire flew towards Kira Yamato before Kira Yamato could barely handle it.

And now he almost got hit directly several times!

The shield in his hand had already been melted by the high-energy heat flow of the pulsed beam, and he could no longer help him resist the attack!

Kira Yamato’s eyes have lost their luster, which indicates that he has turned on the ‘burst’ state.

In the ‘burst’ state, his control skills can be greatly improved.

Only in this state can he reluctantly evade the reaction.

“Hasn’t the Archangel gone far yet?”

Kira Yamato took the opportunity to glance in the direction where the Archangel was located.

At this time, the Archangel was still moving forward not far away.

The Archangel, which lost 80% of its power, simply could not escape the battlefield in such a short period of time!

“Hurry up!”

Kira Yamato’s face was anxious, and his heart was constantly urging the Archangel, hoping that it would hurry.

The battery energy of the Strike Gundam was rapidly decreasing, and he didn’t know how long he could hold out.

However, just as he was stunned, a plasma shell landed on the thigh of the powerful Gundam.



The plasma stream instantly pierced the thighs of the Strike Gundam and sent a violent explosion.

Kira Yamato, who was sitting in the cockpit, was injured by the shock of the explosion, and a thick stream of blood flowed from his forehead.


Maliu’s pretty face was full of worry.

“Hasn’t Captain Flagg arrived in Gnaku yet?”

As soon as the battle began, Mukra Flagg left the bridge and ran towards Gnaku.

Now he’s the only one who can help Kira Yamato!

Controller Miriya said, “Area A4 was engulfed in fire, and Captain Flagg could not get through from there, but had to take a detour from the lower deck to Gnaku.” ”


Maliu clenched his pink fist.

Area A4 is the closest road to Gnaku, which can be reached in two minutes from the bridge.

And if you take a detour from the lower deck, it will take at least ten minutes or so!

“Report Captain! The enemy ship has stopped firing! ”


The sudden change stunned everyone.

The crowd heard and looked, and sure enough, they found that the enemy ship had stopped firing.

What happened?

Why did the enemy suddenly stop firing? Is it now faulty? Or some other reason?

One guess after another flashed through Maru’s mind.

But either way, it’s a good thing for them.

Tick tock!

Just as Maliu was about to give the order for Kira Yamato to return to the mothership, a piercing siren suddenly sounded inside the bridge.

“What’s going on?”

Maleu immediately inquired.

Miriam shook her head slightly, “No, I don’t know, the sensor detected a high-energy radiation source in the space ahead!” ”

High-energy radiation source?

The faces of the others in the bridge changed suddenly.

The only thing that can be associated with high-energy radiation sources is probably a nuclear bomb!

Could it be that there is a nuclear bomb exploding in the space ahead?

Just as everyone was speculating, Miriam spoke again: “The space fluctuations are abnormal, and a huge gravitational wave signal appears in the space ahead!” ”

Just as Miriam’s voice fell, the space ahead was suddenly torn open by a circular crack.

Immediately afterward, a CRS-class light cruiser flew out of the crack.

Seeing this, the crowd was horrified.

How can there be such a battleship?

But that’s far from over!

More than two dozen space cracks appeared one after another, one large and one small in these space cracks.

A large number of warships flew out of these cracks.

In the blink of an eye, more than twenty warships appeared in the space ahead!

These warships are huge, the smallest is three hundred meters, and the largest one can’t see the tail at a glance!

The Archangel, of which they were proud, was as small as a small gravel!

So, what kind of monster did they provoke?

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