USS files for reconnaissance missions;

Name: ■■ McCann.

Rank: Captain.

Psionic: PI5.

Narrative: ■■·Captain McCann has participated in two Euclid-class containment operations, and has directed many black missions such as destruction and assassination.


Name: ■■·Hult.

Rank: Lieutenant.

Psionic: PI5.

Narrative: Second Lieutenant ■■·Holt is a subordinate to Captain ■■· McCann, with similar resumes.



While William was talking to the two USSs, an engineer came to William's side and respectfully said:

"The reconnaissance plane is ready and ready to go."

Immediately afterwards, the technical staff supervisor responsible for debugging the biochemical armor also reported to William Hui:

"The armor has also been debugged, and the life system can maintain two USS, even if exposed to the environment of Venus, it can last for three hours."

"Well." William nodded lightly, indicating that he already knew.

Then he ordered the two USSs in front of him: "Okay, there is no need to say more. I believe you can successfully complete the investigation mission."

"Yes." (x2)

The two USS saluted William again, put on bio-armored helmets, and entered the modified Pelican.

Then, surrounded by a group of engineers and technicians, William moved away from the gate of the decompression chamber and returned to the bridge of the Infinity.

The reason why William chose USS to carry out the reconnaissance mission is because the physical fitness of the existing USS has reached the peak of human beings.

With the blessing of psionic and biochemical armor, even if the Pelican crashes, the USS still has a chance to survive.

As for why not let Sparta do it.

It's because I can't bear the loss.

All the people stationed on the Infinity are the first Spartans. Leaving aside the emotions, the 'worth' of each first-phase soldier has reached more than 10 billion.

So we can only choose USS, which is second only to Sparta.

The angle of view is dominated by the individual cameras of McCann and Holt.

The two passed through the crowded cabin, came to the cockpit, and sat in the positions of the pilot and the gunner in turn.

I saw that after McCann was seated, he quickly flipped a button on the control panel to start the engine of the Pelican.

One of the basic requirements of USS is to be proficient in driving various vehicles.

Finally, hold the joystick tightly, and use the communication report to report: "This is the reconnaissance team, ready to go."

"Received." Serena's reply came through the communication.

Through the glass of the cockpit, McCann could clearly see the guidance of the ground crew, and let the Pelican slide to the designated position.

Soon, the gate of the decompression chamber opened, and the Pelican was sent into the decompression chamber by a robotic arm.

As the gate closed, the light source they saw gradually decreased, and finally only the red warning lights on both sides of the decompression chamber remained.

Decompress in the dark.

When the decompression is completed, the gate at the bottom gradually opens, allowing more 'natural light' in the decompression chamber.


The warning light turns from red to green.

Seeing this, McCann immediately flipped the button to separate the Pelican they were riding on from the fixed arm.

Then push the joystick and operate the Pelican to leave the Infinity completely and fly towards the misty planet.

At the same time, the communication came with Serena's reminder:

"Captain McCann, it is expected that you will enter the atmosphere of Venus in ten minutes, please pay attention to the speed of the Pelican to avoid losing the model due to the black barrier.

However, when you enter the shielded area affected by the anomaly, you will completely lose contact with the fleet.

Remember that the task time limit is one hour.

Once the time limit is exceeded, and you cannot return to the predetermined area on time, the fleet will determine that you have been attacked.

If conditions permit, we will send a search and rescue team to rescue. "

"Received." McCann replied indifferently, and steered the Pelican into the expected flight path.

Afterwards, McCann said solemnly: "If we fail to return as originally planned, there is no need to send a search and rescue team.

Even if bio-armor keeps us alive on Venus, we'll be attacked by anomalous phenomena. "

"." Serena on the other end of the communication was silent for a few seconds, then turned to a more respectful tone and said:

"Good luck to you, Captain."

"Thank you."


When the two ended their conversation, the distance between the Pelican and Venus was getting closer.

McCann adjusted the angle and the control speed began to drop.

Not long after, the Pelican they were riding on began to break into the atmosphere, the first attempt by a manned spacecraft to enter Venus.

During the break-in, the Pelican remained in contact with the fleet.


into the atmosphere.

Through the driver's window, McCann and Holt could barely see anything but darkness and thick clouds.

Visibility is extremely low.

If it weren't for the Pelican's multiple high-power lights, the two might be in complete darkness.


Suddenly, the fuselage encountered serious airflow disturbance.

Fortunately, McCann's driving skills were proficient, with the help of the onboard computer, and the Pelican's airframe was reinforced.

Otherwise, before the two USS detect the abnormal phenomenon, the reconnaissance plane they are driving will be destroyed by the harsh environment of Venus.

"You two, you are about to enter... huh..."

The good times did not last long, and the originally unimpeded communication channel was only left with the noise of electric current.

The two tacitly closed the communication to avoid being disturbed by the busy tone.

The cabin was silent.

At this moment, dazzling lightning flashed outside the window, followed by...

"Boom-! Boom-!" violent thunder.

Although Venus's atmosphere is mainly composed of carbon dioxide, it can also transmit sound, not as silent as the universe and the moon.

Seemingly sheltered and blessed by the goddess of victory, lightning and violent hurricanes failed to destroy the modified version of the Pelican piloted by the two USS.

They quickly passed through the thick clouds and came to the area where the sulfuric acid fog was gathering.

Through the reminder on the display, it is known that the external pressure has reached 46 standard atmospheric pressure, and it is still rising.

If humans go out without any protection, the consequences can be imagined.

After a few minutes, passing through the highly corrosive sulfuric acid mist, the two USS finally came to the sky above the surface of Venus.

It also allowed the two of them to observe the abnormal phenomenon this time.

Just looking at the surface of Venus, there stands a giant with a dazzling white light.

It is holding a giant sword that emits red light in both hands, and has two pairs of huge wings that emit a faint blue light on its back.

Makes a slight bowing motion, looks like he is praying.

It should have been a pitch-dark world, but it was illuminated by the light emitted by this giant.

For some reason, McCann felt the light emanating from the other side, and a little…warmth.

"Sir..." At this time, Hott, who was sitting in the front of the gunner's seat, couldn't help but sigh:

"Is this the legendary... Angel?"

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