"do not know…"

The seasoned McCann was also a little speechless.

I saw the radiant giant, whose height was similar to that of the divine body, and the specific height still needed to be measured by the scanning equipment carried by the Pelican.

At this time, Holt, who was sitting in front of McCann, asked suspiciously, "Sir...

Do you think the company has the means, or the strength, to deal with such creatures? "

McCann, who was debugging the scanning equipment, was silent for a few seconds after hearing Holt's question.

In the end, McCann did not answer directly, but instead asked: "Second lieutenant, as USS, you and I should know about the abnormal phenomena of god-level..."



Hott immediately said solemnly: "Sir, do you think the 'angel' we are seeing has reached the level of God?"

"That's not the case." McCann said with a chuckle:

"Until we are sure of the specific characteristics of that angel, we can never know its level. If it is really god level, then we can only resign.

So Second Lieutenant, stop worrying about the level of the abnormal phenomenon, and continue to carry out the reconnaissance mission. "

"This... yes, sir." Holt replied quietly.


At this moment, a reminder came from the console in front of McCann, indicating that the scanning equipment had completed the measurement of the 10,000-meter giant.

And McCann also cast his gaze to the screen on the left to view the general data of the giant.


Composition: Cannot be measured.

Height: 147m.

Greatsword temperature: about 20 million degrees Celsius.


"Twenty million degrees... It's four million higher than the core of the sun. It seems that the angel is holding a 'peerless sword'..."

After seeing the measured data, McCann sighed in a low voice.

The temperature of the center of the sun is 16 million degrees, but the giant sword has reached an astounding 20 million.

If it weren't for the restraint of some kind of technology, the area where the angel was located would be severely affected by this high temperature.


Since the surface is completely fine, it means that the giant sword is highly technological.

At least with Umbrella's current technology, it is still difficult to create such an extremely high temperature "giant sword" that does not affect the surrounding environment.

I don't know if the giant didn't discover the existence of the Pelican, or because of other reasons, he didn't attack the two USS.

Seeing this, McCann clenched the joystick with both hands and brought the Pelican as close as possible to get more detailed information.

"Sir." Holt raised his finger and pointed out the driver's window. "Look behind the giant, there seems to be a door."


Hearing the words of his subordinates, McCann, who was behind the biochemical armor helmet, narrowed his eyes slightly, and turned on the farsighted function of the mask to look in the direction of Holt's fingers.

Indeed, as Holt said, behind the giant there was a door with a height of more than 100 meters.

Through the far-sighted function of the armor, McCann could vaguely see the world behind the door, which seemed to be a place full of green and vitality.



There was an unquestionable, calm and solemn warning in McCann's ear.

"Sir." Holt also asked at this time, "Did you hear 'leave'?"


McCann nodded, and controlled the Pelican to stop flying forward, temporarily hovering in the sky.

Then he quietly analyzed: "It seems that if we continue to move forward, the angel is likely to attack us."

"Sir, shall we retreat then?"

"Well." McCann did not refuse: "We have already learned the true nature of the abnormal phenomenon, and we have also obtained certain data, which can be regarded as the completion of the investigation.

retreat. "


Following the conversation between the two, the Pelican also began to turn around and fly towards the sky, away from the 'angel'.

With the hydrogen engine and the anti-gravity system of the Reaper civilization, the Pelican quickly got rid of the gravitational constraints of Venus and left the thick clouds to enter space.

"...Hey...here is...the exhaustion number, please answer when you receive it."

At the same time, when the two opened the communication channel, they heard Serena's question.

As the commander, McCann also replied immediately: "This is the reconnaissance team, which has completed the reconnaissance mission and applied for return."

"Approve...return." The communication gradually became clear, and Serena's voice came: "Please go to the Magellan hangar for the investigation team to be disinfected and inspected by the technicians."



Soon, the Pelican, piloted by the two USSs, headed back toward the fleet, and finally entered a decompression chamber called the heavy frigate USS Magellan.

Since the Pelican is returning from the atmosphere of Venus, it also needs to undergo standard disinfection procedures after pressurizing the decompression chamber.

After that, after entering the isolation cabin specially prepared for them in the hangar, they were checked by technicians wearing chemical protective suits.

After all, before confirming that McCann and Holt are themselves, everything needs to be handled carefully, and only after confirmation can they return to Infinity with the data.

After complicated and rigorous procedures, it was finally confirmed that the two USSs were not affected, and the Pelican was not contaminated with any bacteria or viruses.

Immediately, the marines on the Magellan escorted the two USS and reconnaissance data to the Infinity.


two hours later.

The large research cabin of the Infinity, inside Halsey's personal office.

Halsey and William stood in the center of the office, while Serena stood behind the two directors with her hands on her stomach.

The holographic presentation equipment in the office presents the reconnaissance video that Captain McCann went to Venus to obtain, as well as the general data about the giant in the entire office.

William looked at the video that appeared in front of him, and immediately recognized the 'giant' standing on the surface of Venus.

If his memory is correct, the giant is a lot like the 'Gatekeeper' in ***, or ***-001: Dr. Clef's proposal.

Even the establishment of **** is closely related to the 'gatekeeper'.

However, there is no **** in William's world, and the location of the giant in the video is Venus, not the intersection of the Tigris and Euphrates.

More importantly, the gatekeeper is 700 cubits tall, which is about 31,000 kilometers in meters.

Obviously, the 150-meter-high goalkeeper is not the 'gatekeeper'.

At this time, Halsey raised his hand and pinched his chin, and said to William with a frown, "William.

Since the company encountered Anubis, the God of Light worshiped by the Light Star Church is also a god-level anomaly.

Now... I guess that 'Jehovah' is also a god-level anomaly. "

"Oh?" Hearing Halsey say that, William looked down at her beside him.

He smiled and said, "It seems that you already know what we are going to face."

"Yes." Halsey nodded without denying, and crossed his arms across his chest, looking at the giant image presented in front of them.

He said quietly, "Based on various characteristics, I think it is a cherub."

"Angel of Wisdom..."

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