Containment Control Starts With the Umbrella

Chapter 750: Otaku's Advantage



After closing the door, Arthur couldn't help taking a deep breath. It seemed that the middle-aged female receptionist on the first floor was really astonishing.


On the contrary, Karl didn't pay much attention to what the front desk said. Instead, after seeing the appearance of this double room, he frowned and showed some disgust.

The light in this room is dim, and there is a dark gray carpet on the floor, but there are many dark stains on the carpet.

The sheets on the two single beds were not smoothed out, the wooden table of the dressing table was slightly tattered, and if the chairs were worn, they must be 'distressed'.

She turned her head and looked to the left again.

The toilet next to the door is extremely narrow, and the sink, toilet, and tub of the sink are obviously dirty, and there are green moss visible to the naked eye in the corners.




This makes Karl, who is slightly clean, very upset.

Arthur, who was standing aside, seemed to have noticed Carl's displeasure, but he could only comfort him with a helpless face:

"Sister Carl, let's make do with the night, although I don't like it very much here."

"It's okay..." Carl shrugged as if discouraged, then pulled her 'suitcase' to the dressing table, and said with a smile:

"Before I became Sparta, I lived on eating bugs in the deep forest of Minos Island. I can only say that I am too hypocritical now."

"Eat... bugs?"

Hearing this, Arthur couldn't help looking at Carl's lips, thinking that this mouth with pink and delicate lips had eaten bugs...

A chill.

Then he shook his head slightly to shake off the bad images in his mind, and then he also pulled the suitcase and walked to the bed next to the wall.


Carl and Arthur took a shower in the small toilet in turn, and then changed into the 'disposable' pajamas prepared by the motel.

Although it is disposable, it is obviously the kind of cotton pajamas that may be sterilized after being recycled and washed.

Fortunately, this hotel didn't do too much, and the pajamas and bath towels were still new on the surface.


The size of the pajamas is not suitable for Karl, or very inappropriate...

too small.

It makes Karl, who is 2.6 meters tall, look like he is wearing a thicker white skirt.


It was a feast for Arthur's eyes.

Of course, although Arthur has no experience in "practical combat", he is like an old driver when it comes to picking up girls, and he can still hold his breath.

On the surface, Arthur was still holding a military-grade tablet computer. From time to time, he admired Carl who was sitting in front of the dressing table and drying his hair with a cheap hair dryer.

He is a promising young man who is serious about his work and has no wrong thoughts.

But as Arthur operated the tablet and connected to the 3G WIFI in their bedroom, he really stopped looking at Carl.

After just browsing the Internet for a while, Arthur knew the universe they were in, and which universe it was.

It is equivalent to completing the investigation task in an instant.

Carl, who had just dried his uniquely white hair, turned around and was about to lie down on the bed by the window to rest, but found Arthur's frowning and concentrated appearance, and he couldn't help being dazed.

Because the current Arthur is very similar to William when he was working.

Karl was the first generation of Spartans, the first and last to be kidnapped to the island of Minos, away from society and their native parents.

To be honest, Karl doesn’t have much memory of her parents. The closest thing to her is Halsey and William, as well as the first batch of Spartans who trained and lived together.

If Halsey is the mother, then William is like a father to her and to all the Spartans.

For more than 30 years in the past, William usually took the lead in rushing to the front line, which made the employees of the company respect William as the boss very much.

Carl is no exception.

In addition, under normal circumstances, daughters have a father-in-law plot, not to mention that William is not Karl's biological father.

However, when Karl was in her twenties, she stopped being entangled in this aspect of her emotions and devoted herself to protecting human beings.

But now...

Arthur is like a younger version of William, and Karl can't help but feel a little touched.

"Sister Carl..." Just as Carl was in a daze, Arthur stared at the tablet screen and said to her in a deep voice:

"I think... I know which universe we're in."

"Huh? Really?" Arthur's words brought Carl back to reality.

She got up and left the bed, sat down on Arthur's left hand side, and asked, "Then which universe are we in now?"

Arthur didn't answer in a hurry, but operated on the touch screen of the tablet with his right hand, opened the browser page, and then a news titled "Captain America Reappears in Germany" appeared.

"Captain America?" Carl was taken aback.

Although she doesn't pay much attention to comics and movies, she also knows the famous Marvel.

After all, Marvel, as one of Umbrella's subsidiaries, is now a big brother of peripherals, games, movies, comics and TV series.

Even the elites, grunts, and jackals who have only joined human society for more than ten years like the products of the superhero series very much.

But this also made Carl's expression dignified.

Because the world of superheroes represents the existence of supervillains, as well as the large-scale accidental injuries and deaths of civilians caused by heroes and villains fighting.

Then Carl asked again: "Brother Arthur, can you confirm which Marvel universe we are in? Games? Anime? Or comics."

"I can be sure that the universe we are in is the Marvel Cinematic Universe." Arthur affirmed.

At the same time, he continued to manipulate the tablet, zooming in on the illustrations in the news. The pixels of the pictures are not high, so they should be from the mobile phones of ordinary people.

But it was enough for the duo to see Captain America in his blue, red, and white skintight combat uniform, and Loki in his horned helmet.

Moreover, even if Captain America wears a one-piece helmet with a combat uniform, judging from the shape of his face, it is the actor in their main universe, Chris Evans.

Then the answer is just around the corner.

Take it easy.

Arthur continued: "Sister Carl, I have already reported what we found to Captain Macha through the encrypted communication of individual soldiers.

And I also reported my proposal to Captain Macha. "

"Proposal?" Carl asked, "What proposal do you have?"

Seeing Carl's still unbelievable look, Arthur didn't say much, but smiled confidently and said:

"Sister Carl, I'm sure that in the entire Blood Ravens, I'm the only one who understands Marvel's movie universe best. After all, soldiers, Astartes and elites don't have as much time as an otaku like me."

"It's the first time I've seen someone proud of being an otaku..." Carl couldn't help laughing.

"Hehe..." Arthur smiled a little embarrassedly, and continued:

"If this news was from yesterday, then tomorrow New York... will have an alien invasion."

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