Containment Control Starts With the Umbrella

Chapter 751 There is a sullen brother, I can only pretend to be confused

"Tomorrow's New York will be invaded by aliens?"

Carl was taken aback.

In fact, she had seen "Avengers 1", but that was also exactly 30 years ago, and the plot and details were almost completely forgotten.

"That's right." Arthur stood up and said proudly:

"A few months ago, I asked my dad to bring a full set of original films and samples from Marvel headquarters, even unedited versions, and then watched them for two consecutive weeks. knowledge.

If nothing else happens, at noon tomorrow, Loki will use the Cosmic Rubik's Cube to open the portal at the top of the Stark Building, allowing the army of Chitauri to invade the earth.

This is the first time the Avengers in the movie world fought together and successfully defended the earth, but... this is also a battle with some civilian casualties, no, it should be a lot of battles. "

Having said that, Arthur actually showed some gloomy expressions on his face, and continued to say to Carl:

"Sister Carl, I may not care about the civilian casualties in the movie before I work with you to clear the remnants of the Star Alliance, and I don't even like the Sokovia Agreement in Avengers III.

But after fighting with you, I learned that the company controlled by my brother and my father is really fighting for human safety.

If the Sokovia agreement is signed, then superheroes will become tools of the government, in the current government that has not yet unified the earth...

Ha ha.

If the Sokovia Agreement is not signed, then the superheroes will still do things according to their own preferences, which will cause a large number of civilian casualties.

Therefore, there must be a strong and selfless command class that can make all superheroes act in unison and avoid unnecessary casualties. "

"Arthur... little brother?" Carl did not expect that Arthur could 'grow' so much in just one day.

In fact, Arthur just thinks he doesn't need to work hard, or that he doesn't need to show his abilities.

He understands the reason.

But he also knew who he was.

The second son of William and Halsey, and the younger brother of Ivan.

If he has performed exceptionally well since he was a child and looked very motivated, what about his brother Ivan?

Although Ivan's temperament, upbringing and temper are all good on the surface, Arthur has long seen that his brother is a very... very boring person.

Not boring, how could there be four wives?

So in order to avoid threatening Ivan's status, Arthur would rather be an ignorant and ignorant rich and powerful second generation, living an unusually refreshing and comfortable life. How good is the harmony between brothers?

But now, he and the Blood Ravens have come to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, so he can't be so idle anymore.

Although Arthur is full of confidence in the blood raven's combat power, the Marvel universe is not a safe universe. On the contrary, it is a universe full of fantasy, magic and black technology.

There was silence for a moment.

Carl also took a look at her facial expression and asked, "So, little Arthur, what is your proposal for battle?"

Hearing this, the corners of Arthur's mouth rose, revealing a smile similar to William's and said:

"While the Avengers and the Chitauris started fighting, you and I, along with all the agents, gathered in New York City to focus on the Chitauris who attacked the citizens.

Finally, when the Chitauri numbers are at their peak and the Avengers are in a disadvantageous or desperate situation.

At that time, Captain Macha will send a Paris-class and a Roger Young-class to jump over New York.

The two battleships took advantage of their absolute strength, combat power and ship-borne artillery to completely defeat the Chitarui. "

"Um... Little Arthur, why don't you remind the Avengers and the United Nations now? Also, why don't you just send all the battleships to Earth?" Carl was a little confused.

"It's very simple, if we show up early, the Avengers and the United Nations believe it or not is one thing, and they are more likely to be targeted."

Arthur said, turned his head to look at Karl sitting beside him, and asked:

"Sister Carl, which one do you think is more memorable?"

"Of course it's a help in the snow." Carl replied without hesitation, and after speaking, she instantly understood Arthur's deep meaning, and raised her eyebrows:

"Brother Arthur, you want to rescue the Avengers from danger when they are in a fierce battle, right?"

"Yes, this will help us improve our chips." Arthur nodded.

Carl tilted his head again and asked, "Chip?"

Looking at Karl's natural appearance, Arthur's heartbeat involuntarily accelerated, but the surface still explained calmly:

"Well, Sister Carl, don't forget that we are a lonely army now, and we only have enough living materials for three months.

Only at the right time, the limelight overpowers the Avengers, and shows great strength, so that we can better cooperate with the United Nations Council to obtain living materials and food supplies.

Besides, I saw that the sergeant agent had at least a hundred gold coins of the Chamber of Commerce. I think the Blood Ravens Chapter should have a lot of gold coins. "

"I see, but..." Carl asked, "If you want to show your strength, wouldn't it be better for the entire fleet to appear?"

Hearing Carl's questioning, Arthur continued to patiently explain to her: "The extreme will be the opposite.

This is one of my dad's mantras. If you show too much strength, you will be feared and feared by the Avengers and the UN Council at this time.

But if there are only two battleships, and they are still hundreds of meters of frigates, at least they are not as big as aircraft carriers and battleships in terms of visual impact.

This will give the Avengers and the UN Security Council the illusion that we are only a little stronger than them, or even similar, and the two sides are in a relatively equal state.

Besides, showing all the trump cards is the biggest taboo when playing games. We have to hide and tuck them away! "

"Haha~!" Carl was amused by Arthur's serious look and tone of voice, and couldn't help covering his mouth and laughing:

"It's still hiding, you're still playing the game like a tactician?"

"Of course!" Arthur raised his chest again and said proudly: "Don't underestimate our otaku, if war is a game, then we will never lose!"

"Ha~haha~ are so different from your father and brother."

Seeing this, Arthur couldn't help but squinted his eyes slightly, and deliberately moved closer to Carl, so that his left shoulder touched Carl's right arm, and asked with a smile:

"So, Sister Carl, compared to my brother and father... do you like me more?"


Carl, who originally nodded along with Arthur's words, instantly realized that this kid seemed to be tricking her, and it was a little bit of flirting, and then she stood up with a sullen face.

"Boom!" He tapped the top of Arthur's head with his right hand, and said in a deep voice, withholding his previous smile:

"Little Arthur, what you said just now... I thought I didn't hear it, it's getting late, we're going to be on standby in New York City tomorrow.

and also! Don't forget to ask Captain Macha to inform the other agents and rush to New York together. "

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