Containment Control Starts With the Umbrella

Chapter 755 Turning the tide of battle


"Boom~! Boom! Boom!"

The vibrating golden shield whizzed towards the head of the Chitauri who was spinning rapidly, knocking down the Chitauri directly with powerful force.

Moreover, the strength of the shield did not decrease at all, it just changed its trajectory slightly and rushed towards Arthur's abdomen.



Seeing this, the US team quickly roared, reminding Arthur to dodge quickly.

But what happened next left the American team and the Black Widow with no time to pay attention to the situation on the battlefield.

Because the Zhenjin Shield, which was still rushing towards Arthur at a very fast speed, was held by Arthur in his left hand in just a blink of an eye.

The speed is so fast that even Captain America, who has reached the peak of human beings, cannot capture Arthur's speed.


Arthur didn't care what Captain America and the Black Widow thought, he looked at a Zita Swiss who had just jumped behind the Black Widow, and directly used [Great Force] with his left hand to throw the vibrating gold shield at the Chitauri.



With the sound of breaking through the air, Zhen Jindun cut the Chitauri in half.

There was another loud bang of "Boom~!", the unabated shield pierced into the bridge deck of the overpass, and gravel and rubble were scattered everywhere.

Throwing out the vibrating shield, Arthur did not forget to use the Gauss rifle in his hand to continue shooting at the remaining Zeta Swiss soldiers.

Carl also followed closely behind Arthur without warning, holding the bolt pistol with a re-magazine in both hands, and violently dealt with the Zita Swiss soldiers with Arthur.





At that time, the combination of Karl and Arthur directly pierced through the blockade of the Zeta Swiss soldiers, and also eliminated all the Zeta Swiss soldiers within sight.

In less than a minute, apart from the bodies of the Zita Swiss soldiers on the overpass, there were the corpses of the Zita Swiss soldiers.

Then, the two of them came to the stunned American team and the black widow.

"." (x2)

The US team and the Black Widow both opened their mouths slightly and opened their eyes slightly, completely surprised by the fighting power of Arthur and Carl.

Among them, this surprise also includes Carl's abnormal height, after all, the Hulk is only 2.3 meters tall.

But the surprise was the surprise, one was a veteran who had participated in World War II, and the other was an agent who had been converted from a spy, and immediately restrained his previous surprised expression.

In the end, Captain America set his sights on Arthur and asked, "Are you two... are agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.?"

Before Arthur and Carl could answer, the Black Widow took the lead in vetoing, "This is absolutely impossible."

"That's right." Arthur also followed the Black Widow's words, showing the 'friendly' smile of the Russell family's basic literacy, and said to the US team:

"Captain Steve Rogers, my name is Arthur Russell, and it is an honor to meet you, a living legend."


Carl, who returned to his cold and glamorous demeanor in front of outsiders, just said her name in a low voice.

"Arthur Russell, Karl...?"

After listening to Arthur and Carl's self-introduction, Black Widow frowned slightly, as if trying to recall the character files of S.H.I.E.L.D.

But after only a few seconds, the Black Widow shook her head lightly, as if to conclude that there were no records about Arthur and Carl in S.H.I.E.L.D.


At this moment, several Leviathans emitting metallic chirps poured out from the vortex channel, breaking the slightly awkward atmosphere of the four of them.

Arthur first glanced at Leviathan in the sky, and then looked at the US team and suggested: "Captain Rogers, I think we should first solve the problem of aliens, and then talk about it in detail, how about it?"

"Well, you're right."

Rogers (Captain America) nodded without denying it, then turned and walked towards the Zhenjin Shield, pulling out the Zhenjin Shield embedded in the bridge with both hands.



Immediately afterwards, a large number of Zeta Swiss soldiers 'shot' from Levitan surrounded the four of them again.

Seeing this situation, the two men didn't say much, and directly worked together to eliminate the Zita Swiss soldiers.

On the other hand, the two ladies were not in a hurry.

Just look at Natasha (Black Widow) looking Carl up and down, raised her left eyebrow lightly and said:

"You were the one who killed the giant beast just now... Then (staring at the Gauss sniper rifle Carl is carrying), do you mind giving us a demonstration?"

Hearing this, Karl just glanced at Natasha blankly, and then took off the Gauss sniper rifle behind him.

half squat.


energy storage.

Pull the trigger.

Before a Leviathan flew out of the vortex channel, it was destroyed by a Gauss sniper spike, and then sucked back into the universe at the other end of the channel.

After witnessing the power of the Gauss sniper rifle, Natasha finally restrained her previous slightly provocative demeanor, and showed a fleeting look of vigilance.

I have to be vigilant...

Such a behemoth can be dealt with with just one shot, so what if the shot is aimed at a person?

What's more, this powerful individual weapon appeared in the hands of two unknown people, which made Natasha, a SHIELD agent, have to be vigilant.

But Natasha didn't reveal it directly, but instead covered Karl and continued to snipe Levitan, who was the most threatening in the sky.


Rogers, who was concentrating on fighting, heard the latest message from Stark on the communication channel.

Stark gasped on the comm: "Captain, Barton (Hawkeye) has fired his arrows, Banner (Hulk) has been under fire...and there is bad news."


Rogers, who was kicking over a Zeta Swiss Soldier forcefully, responded out of breath, "What...bad news!"


As soon as he finished speaking, Rogers threw the vibrating gold shield at a Zeta Swiss soldier behind Arthur.

"Frey said...there is an F-35 with a nuclear bomb coming towards Manhattan...the nuclear bomb is expected to be launched in three minutes, and I am going to intercept it now."


Rogers had just retracted the anti-physical flying vibrating shield, and after hearing Stark's words, he lost his voice in disbelief:

"What did you say?!"

While Rogers couldn't believe the government, or the United Nations Security Council approved the launch of a nuclear bomb, Arthur, who had been prepared for a long time, directly used individual communication to contact Macha:

"Captain, you can act now."

"Okay." The voice of matcha also came from the other end of the communication.

In less than ten seconds.

In the sky above Manhattan, two vortex passages emitting faint blue light emerged.


Rogers looked up and saw this scene, his eyes were full of despair, and the enemies in one passage could not be dealt with, let alone two more.

However, with the red and white umbrella logo printed on the belly of the hull, and the Paris class and Roger Young class printed with "UMBRELLA CORPORATION", they drove out of the jump channel faster than before, and Rogers' eyes rekindled hope.

Because the Gauss close-in anti-aircraft guns of the two ships were fully fired, the melodious sound of "Teng~engeng~!" resounded throughout the lift-off of Manhattan.

In the blink of an eye, the balance of war was broken by these two frigates.

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