Containment Control Starts With the Umbrella

Chapter 756 'Simple Boy'

The appearance of the two frigates directly broke the battle situation in Manhattan.

Although Rogers didn't know which organization or country the two 'aircraft carriers' belonged to, it was enough for him to know that the two 'spacecraft carriers' were friendly forces.

On the other hand, Natasha, who was not far away, instantly understood that these two warships must have some kind of connection with Karl and Arthur.

His face became even uglier.

She is not a 'silly white sweet' like the US team.

However, she still did not show too much vigilance, but was still covering Karl who was sniping Leviathan.

over Manhattan.

The close-in defense guns of the two frigates were fully fired, and the plasma hangar was also deployed, releasing a large number of Pelican, DR-4 and DR-7 transport boats.

Carrying Marines belonging to the Blood Ravens Chapter, landed on the streets of Manhattan to start clearing the Zeta Swiss soldiers and protecting innocent citizens who were under attack.

At the same time, a DR-7 transport boat also flew towards the overpass where Arthur and others were located.

Landing stopped.

The hatch opens.

"Die! Alien offal!"

"Die! Die! Die!"


The moment the hatch opened, there was the unique metal battle cry of Astartes.

Just watched twenty Blood Ravens rush out of the cabin, using their bolt rifles, heavy bolts, electric fusion cannons and plasma cannons to shoot indiscriminately at the nearby Zeta Swiss soldiers.

Only ten seconds passed.

The Zita Swiss soldiers on the overpass were cleared.

Before Rogers and Natasha could recover, a mobile suit with 'wings' on its back left the Paris-class hangar.

Then he turned around beautifully, and quickly flew towards the sea above the south side of Manhattan.

The painting of this MS is mainly white, with black and gray embellishments on the breastplate, waist, back 'wings', and some details.

On the right shoulder armor, there is also a striking red and white umbrella logo.

This is exactly the customized ace mobile suit given by Umbrella to the original ace pilot, also known as freedom.

The performance of the free body is more than five times that of the old-fashioned assault mobile suits, so it can only be controlled by ace pilots.

As soon as the flying wings on Liberty's back spread out, the speed increased a lot, and it reached the sky above the sea within a few seconds.

in the cockpit.

Since the driver wears an exclusive HUD helmet, it is still impossible to see the appearance of the ace driver.

"Beep~! Lock on the target."

At this moment, the onboard computer also gave a reminder, and the locked target was also displayed on the driver's panoramic screen.


A tactical nuclear bomb with a white tail flame can be clearly seen, which is rapidly shooting towards Manhattan.

At the same time, the screen also captured the 'person' who was following the nuclear bomb.

It's Iron Man, Tony Stark, wearing the red and yellow Mark VII.


The driver operated the free mobile suit to rush towards the nuclear bomb, and with even faster speed and agility, used the free mobile suit's hands to hold the nuclear bomb.

And said quietly on the public frequency communication: "Mr. Stark, this nuclear bomb can be handed over to Umbrella."

After finishing speaking, the driver actively activated the AT energy shield, covering the free body and the nuclear bomb together, and then flew towards the vortex channel above Manhattan.

? ? ?

over the sea.

Stark, who controls the Mark VII to slow down the speed, floats above the sea, looking at the Liberty MS and the nuclear bomb that have long been far away, and said in a tone full of confusion and incomprehension:

"Is that thing a mecha made by Hammer? But...if it was made by Hammer...why didn't it fall apart?"

On the other hand, the driver didn't care what Stark thought, but turned on the encrypted communication and reported to Arthur Hui on the ground:

"Master, I have successfully captured the nuclear bomb, and I am flying towards the passage as planned."

"Well, sorry to trouble you." Arthur's voice came back through the communication.

"This is what I should do." The driver just replied in a low voice, and then controlled Liberty to rush towards the passage above Manhattan.

in the original movie.

Stark, who was wearing the Mark VII, was carrying the nuclear bomb, and almost passed the top of his own building, barely modifying the flight trajectory of the nuclear bomb.

but free...

It is very easy to force the nuclear bomb to fly with it, modify the flight trajectory, and rush towards the passage where the Chitauri is still being released.

During this period, the Chitauri flight and the Leviathan both tried to block the freedom to carry the nuke.

All possible attacks are offset by the AT energy shield, allowing the driver to control freely and go directly through the passage to the universe.

deep sky.

The mothership of the Chitauri appears in view of the free organism.

Seeing this scene, he freely adjusted the angle of the nuclear bomb in his hand and aimed the nuclear bomb at the mothership.

let go.

slow down.


The nuclear bomb was like a runaway wild horse, shooting straight towards the mothership.

not long...


Dazzling white light flickered in this deep space.


A mothership with various black technologies was easily destroyed by a nuclear bomb.

In the cockpit, the ace pilot who was not very talkative couldn't help but softly complained:

"As expected of a movie made by the United States, nuclear bombs can easily solve advanced civilizations, huh."

Tucao belongs to Tucao.

Seeing that the target was successfully completed, the pilot controlled Liberty to return on the same route and returned to the sky above Manhattan.


Half a minute before the detonation of the nuclear bomb.

On the overpass.

"Om~! Om—! Puff!! Puff~!"

"Hahaha! Great!!"

Just look at a Blood Raven Astarte holding a bolt rifle in his left hand and a chainsaw sword in his right hand, just violently cutting a Zita Swiss soldier, and he couldn't help but roared.

It seems that this blood crow is like a hunk who hasn't been in bed for a long time, and suddenly met a model to vent, and he felt refreshed and relaxed physically and mentally.

The battlefield is where their Astartes belong best.

Not far away, a Blood Raven didn't even bother to use a bolt gun, and directly clenched his right fist at a Zita Swiss soldier.


The chest of the Zita Swiss soldier was pierced by this blood crow.


"Tsk! Why is this species as annoying as flies!"

But the body of the Chitauri was hanging on the blood crow's right forearm, which made the blood crow deeply impatient.

Afterwards, the blood crow swung his right hand violently, and the Chitauri's body also swayed, and was finally thrown away by brute force.

"Paji~!" fell to the ground like mud.

"." (x2)

Rogers and Natasha, who were standing not far away, looked astonished and surprised again, looking at the twenty Blood Raven Astartes in front of them.

how to say…

If the US team and the Black Widow are compared to double AK or chrysanthemums, and the Zita Swiss soldier is compared to the silver three, then the Blood Raven Astartes is the rank of the big earth.

And for the Blood Raven, since the highest rank is the Big Earth, it is the rank of the Big Earth, which means that every Blood Raven is a 'simple boy'.

This visual impact naturally left Rogers and Natasha dumbfounded.


The Chitauri who hadn't given up on charging at first all went limp, rolled their eyes upwards and fell to the ground.

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