With Arthur's entry, the conference room just turned into a quartet of forces.

And under Pierce's opening gesture, representatives of the Quartet also took their seats, and Natasha walked over to Nick Fury and sat down very consciously.

Rogers went to Ross, who represented the U.S. military. After all, Captain America's rank of captain was given by the U.S. military.

Coupled with the intrusion of Arthur and the Blood Ravens, there was a bit of a butterfly effect, which actually made the US government and military attach great importance to Steve Rogers, the "Captain America".

However, in Arthur's view, the U.S. government and military seem to use this title to win back some people's hearts.

Four forces, sitting on the four sides of the square wooden table.

However, the number of people on Arthur's side is a bit thin. There are only him and Carl, but they are the most powerful forces in terms of confidence.

After everyone was seated, Pierce, who was sitting directly opposite Arthur and Carl, was still the first to ask:

"Mr. Russell, recently, both the society and our group of high-ranking officials are very interested in you Umbrella, so...

Can you explain to us, what kind of company is your Umbrella? Or which country and organization does it belong to?

Why have such a large private army? What is your identity? "

heard the words.

Arthur just smiled and said: "Our Umbrella has never belonged to any organization or country, but has a company that overrides the strength of the country and organization.

As for the nature of the company... We started out as a company engaged in biomedicine and arms, and now we have covered all aspects of the entire society. Various industries such as entertainment, culture, and celebrity are all led by us Umbrella.

And it's not uncommon for a large private company to have a large private army. As for me... I'm the second son of the company's chairman. "

Hearing the answer given by Arthur, Pierce leaned forward, leaned his elbows on the table, crossed his hands against his chin and said in a deep voice:

"Since your company has reached this point, why have we never heard of it? Until now, the largest arms company is still Mr. Stark's Stark Military Industry."

"Actually... we are also very confused." Arthur also waved his hand pretendingly, pretending to be innocent, and said nonsense:

"My personal guards and I were originally on a leap voyage, planning to travel to the edge of the Milky Way, but a sudden vortex turbulence transported us to the back of the moon in the solar system.

So you ask me, I still want to know the answer. "

In fact, as early as a day ago, while Arthur was in encrypted contact with Macha, he also asked her to lead the main force of the Blood Raven fleet to jump to Jupiter's orbit, thereby reducing the chance of discovery by the earth government.

The edge of the galaxy? !

SS? !

Now, most of the officials and generals present are not calm.

It is not uncommon for a company to have a private army, but what is strange is... this army only belongs to this 'young master', and has the ability to navigate the galaxy at will.

This represents the strength of Umbrella's company, far beyond the imagination of most of these politicians.

Among them, the one with the most embarrassing expression is the air force general representing the US military. Fortunately, they sent F-22 to show off their muscles...

Of course, there are still a small number of politicians and generals who don't care

On the contrary, he was absent-minded. Stark, who had been playing with his mobile phone since the beginning of the meeting, finally became interested after hearing keywords such as 'jump' and 'edge of the galaxy'.

Putting the phone on the table, looking at Arthur on the right hand side, he said, "Boy Arthur, I think you are actually humans from another universe."

Arthur said silently in his heart: 'Just waiting for your words. '

"Another universe?"

"Stark, do you mean...?"

People from the US government and the Security Council asked questions one after another.

Seeing so many people asking, Stark had no choice but to patiently explain to everyone: "To put it simply, it is a parallel universe.

This is a conjecture made after the study of the microcosm in the universe we live in in the middle of the last century, that is, there is not one universe, but infinite multiverses.

Humans may or may not exist in the multiverse, and civilization levels and times vary.

I think this little guy named Arthur Russell, and his troops, should come from one of these infinite multiverses.

Then this can easily explain why we have never heard of Umbrella, but Umbrella is the largest arms company in society. "


Stark looked at Arthur again and said, "According to what Arthur's buddy said about leap flight, I think this should be some kind of technology that avoids the theory of relativity but can achieve faster-than-light travel.

It is precisely because of this super-light travel technology that they came to our universe. "

"It turned out to be like this..."

"A parallel universe?"

Sure enough, after hearing Stark's words, people in the US government and the Security Council reluctantly accepted the explanation of the parallel universe, although they still had doubts.

No matter how bad Stark's attitude towards the government and the Security Council is, compared with Arthur's Umbrella, Stark is still "one of his own".

The parallel universe said from Stark's mouth is far more credible than what Arthur himself said.


Arthur also took the opportunity to interject: "I think... that's the only possibility, after all, this solar system is very different from ours.

In order to obtain more detailed information on the earth, coupled with my restless personality, I directly led some bodyguards to the surface.

When we came to New York, we happened to encounter those alien invasions.

In line with the original intention that everyone is a fellow human being, my bodyguards and I also helped, and then I let the main force of my private army come directly to fight over Manhattan. "

Speaking of which.

Ross, who is a lieutenant general in the army, narrowed his eyes, first glanced at Carl secretly, and then looked directly at Arthur's deep voice and said:

"Even if your intention was to help us, the actions of you and your two warships still violated the airspace of our continental United States without notification.

Not to mention you and your bodyguards operating on our territory with unregistered firearms. "

"General Ross." Before Arthur could say anything, Nick Fury, who was sitting beside Stark and sitting on Arthur's left hand side, said in a sharp tone:

"Is the rights and interests of the US territory and airspace so important before this kind of disaster that threatens all mankind? Huh?!

What would have been our losses without the assistance of these two ships? ! besides…"

As he said that, Nick looked at the group of members of the Security Council sitting opposite, and said even more unhappily:

"While Cap was fighting hard with Agent Romanov and other heroes, and Mr. Russell's troops were assisting in the fight against those aliens, who gave the order to launch a tactical nuclear bomb on Manhattan?

Don't I need to remind you again? "

Ladies and gentlemen, there are two updates today. Yesterday's stomach was really uncomfortable, and I only coded 2,000 words...

However, every few days in the future, the author will make a new update, thank you for your support~!

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