As soon as Nick Fury said this, everyone present was silent.

Because at the behest of the Security Council and the U.S. government, the F-35 under the S.H.I.E.L.D. was ordered to launch a nuclear bomb towards Manhattan.

What rebuttal do you have?

And the situation in front of him was also expected by Arthur.

The Earth in the Marvel universe, especially the forces in the early film universe, is mainly divided into SHIELD, the US government and the United Nations Security Council.

Strategic Homeland Intervention Enforcement and Logistics Division.

The Homeland Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Support Agency is the full name of SHIELD, referred to as SHIELD.

During World War II, it was an intelligence agency established by the U.S. government and military, mainly to target the *** and Hydra and protect the U.S. mainland from infringement.

But with the end of World War II, SHIELD's scope of authority gradually spread from the United States to the global scope.

In order to ensure the legitimacy of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s operations in other countries, the U.S. government and military senior leaders took the lead and established the United Nations Security Council.

The role of the Security Council is to supervise the actions of S.H.I.E.L.D.

It is precisely because of the establishment of the Security Council that S.H.I.E.L.D. has jumped from an organization affiliated with the U.S. government and military to an international organization that appears to be "on an equal footing" with the U.S. government and military.

And Arthur, who understands the plot of Marvel, naturally knows this, and he also knows that Nick Fury, the "Mazefake Man", is actually not a big fan of those high-ranking officials, politicians, and generals.

Even though the current S.H.I.E.L.D. has long been infiltrated by Hydra, it is ostensibly still a security agency led by Nick Fury.

In "Avengers 1", Nick Fury personally carried the rocket launcher and directly blasted an F-35 carrying a nuclear bomb so that it could not take off.

And now.

Manhattan was originally saved by Stark, but under the special order of Arthur, the ace pilot drove the Liberty MS and completed the feat of saving the world.

It is precisely because of this move that Nick Fury thinks he is a 'good guy' and Umbrella is also a 'just' company.

If Arthur wants to maximize his interests and influence before his father and brother intervene in this universe, then he must use Nick Fury's.

Of course…

Arthur did not forget one of his main goals, which was to give the Blood Ravens the power to trade and move freely.

Return to the present.

Because of Fury's words, the atmosphere in the conference room fell into an awkward situation.

"Ahem..." Fortunately, Pierce coughed lightly and took the lead to break the atmosphere. He looked around the crowd and said in a low voice:

"Mr. Russell and his personal guards are also out of good intentions to assist us in repelling the invasion of alien forces, so...

(Looks at Ross) I don't think there's any need to worry about territory and airspace, General Ross. "

At this time, Rose still glanced at Karl unwillingly, but in the end he chose to compromise:

"Well, without the assistance of Russell and his pro-guards, Manhattan might have fallen into a devastating blow because of our momentary mistake."

When Arthur saw Rose's small eyes and movements, he immediately guessed what this 'cunning and treacherous' general was thinking.

Ross wants to use the routine of "you have violated our territory, so you have to compensate us, otherwise this will not make sense" to obtain Umbrella's technology for mass production of super soldiers.

In the movie, the old general has been clearly emphasizing that 'Hulk' is the property of the US military.

Hulk, the Hulk, is actually the failed product that the U.S. military wanted to completely reproduce Captain America's serum.

It's just that the power of this failed product is far beyond the military's original intention of the super serum, but its shortcomings are also extremely obvious, that is, the military cannot fully grasp it.

But the appearance of the Blood Raven Astartes, as well as the height of Karl, gave the US government and military hope again.


The nuclear bomb prevented the US government and military behind Ross from using the excuse of territory and airspace to force Arthur to hand over Astartes technology.

This kind of pettiness of the U.S. government and military is still based on the foundation of "the U.S. is the world leader" in order to succeed.

Not to mention Umbrella's main force, the Blood Ravens alone can wipe out the earth with a few shots...

So the Quartet's ability to speak well here is actually based on:

‘Umbrella wants to intervene in this universe, but in order not to do too much killing, and on the premise that he can obtain the support of humans in this universe without brainwashing technology, he will discuss with you calmly. '

But the United States still doesn't seem to realize this.

Pierce looked away from Ross, then looked at Arthur and said, "Mr. Russell, since you can come here to discuss with us, you hope to reach some kind of cooperation with us."

"That's right." Arthur nodded lightly without denying it.

I saw that he was no longer lying on the back of the sofa, leaned forward slightly, straightened up, showed a serious demeanor, raised his left hand and clenched his fist, and said softly:

"I can come here and have a good talk with you... There is only one requirement, (stretch out index finger) and that is to be able to obtain the authority to move freely from your Security Council.

Don't worry, we will never run around with weapons in the open, mainly because we also need to buy supplies and supplies. My personal guards and I can't hold back on the boat every day, right? "

"Purchase supplies?" Fury frowned slightly at this time: "What do you buy?"

"Mr. Russell can consider selling the weapons in your hands. The price is negotiable, as long as it is within the tolerance of our US military."

Before Arthur could answer Fury's question, Rose interjected and said the above sentence.

"General Ross, Mr. Russell is making a request to our Security Council. Besides, Mr. Russell and his troops are not only going to the United States. Why do people in your military care so much?"

Seeing Ross interject, Pierce immediately retorted.

"Hehe, don't worry, everyone." At this time, Arthur smiled slightly, waved his left hand lightly and said:

"You should know that I am the second son of Chairman Umbrella, I may not have the money in your world, but I do have gold.

Exchange gold for money in your world, this shouldn't bother you, right? And please rest assured that the gold I carry is not enough to shake the gold price trend in your world. "

"." (x2)

After hearing Arthur's words, Ross and Pierce were a little bit deflated for a moment.

On the other hand, Fury is still as usual, with an air of ready to scold at any time.

Although Nick Fury also wants SHIELD to obtain more advanced weapons, the director also knows that now is not the time.


Ross changed his deflated demeanor, and didn't bother to argue with Arthur anymore, and said directly in a strong tone:

"Mr. Russell, if you want to gain free trade and action, you must sell your weapons to our US government."

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