Everyone who was lying on the ground to avoid being accidentally injured, also stood up again after hearing the two rich second generations from different universes start 'chatting'.

at this time.


Another group of 'soldiers' dressed in dark blue special combat uniforms, black body armor, helmets and armed belts poured into the conference room that had become crowded due to the blood crows.

Leading this group of 'soldiers' was none other than Clint Barton in the black Aegis uniform.

And this group of 'soldiers' are also armed agents belonging to SHIELD. They belong to the troops that Nick Fury can directly mobilize, and they are also Fury's direct troops.

(In "Avengers 1", these people were responsible for escorting Loki, and they also appeared in "Avengers 2" later, but unfortunately there were not many scenes.

After all, in Marvel's movie universe, superheroes such as the Avengers are the real protagonists, and these elite soldiers and agents have no chance to show anything. )

Corporal Blood Raven, standing behind Arthur, saw a group of free armed agents pouring in, and after Hawkeye Button, who could barely be regarded as a superhero...

"Tut!" He gave a very disdainful tsk, and said to Arthur, "Master, do you want us to beat up these people?"

"No need." Arthur put his hands behind his back, just stared at Ross and the others who had just stood still, and said with a faint smile:

"The new guys... are kind of our allies."

Rose, who regained his footing, stared at the armed agents who seemed to be confronting Blood Raven, and tried to ask Nick Fury:

"Colonel Fury, let's temporarily abandon the previous contradictions and cooperate with each other to arrest this lawless guy, how about it?"

"General, I am no longer a colonel, I am now the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., and..."

Nick Fury stared at Rose with his single eye, showing his position, and couldn't help but swear:

"And do you think I'm stupid?!

(Swings his right hand to the nearest Blood Raven) Look! have a look! This group of Mazefakers is stronger than Captain Rogers, and almost exploded Stark's armor. General, do you think I'm sick? Or do you want to fight recklessly with these guys? "

Fury's voice fell.

Just looking at Carl, who hadn't spoken much, seeing that Rose was still unwilling to give up and wanted to make trouble, he immediately pointed the muzzle of the bolt rifle at Rose.

The tone was extremely cold and said in a deep voice: "You old man, haven't you seen the situation clearly? Your US government, military, and the super soldiers and heroes you rely on are not a threat at all in the eyes of Umbrella. .

If you want, your government can be wiped out as early as two days ago! Also, don't think that your nuclear bomb can solve all problems, that thing has no effect on us. "

"That's right." Arthur still had a harmless smile on his face, looked around at Ross, Pierce and others representing the US government and the Security Council, and said with his hands outstretched:

"I'm not targeting you, I'm saying that your American government is really rubbish..."

"You bastard..."

"Damn it! General! Fight with this kid!"

Hearing Arthur's arrogant tone, a group of generals and school officers were ready to fight.

How can there be such a shameless person?

Moreover, two days ago, whether there was an alien invasion or not, the United States was well-deserved to be number one in the world. This gap is too great.

More importantly...

Arthur's attitude obviously did not treat these representatives, generals, and politicians as human beings.

However, in fact, Arthur used the mentality of 'playing' to negotiate with these ignorant Yankees.

"Quiet..." Fortunately, Ross was not impulsive.

This old general who likes to backstab the Avengers actually knew that the arrest of Arthur had failed the moment he saw the Blood Raven Astartes swarming into the conference room.

Moreover, Ross also knew that the lives of himself and his colleagues, and even whether the US government could survive tonight, were all in the hands of the twenty-year-old young man in front of him.

But where has the U.S. government ever been treated like this?

After struggling for a long time, Ross showed an expression that seemed to be more uncomfortable than eating a fly, and said to his opponent with a flushed face:

"Shut up all of them.

(Looks across to Arthur.)

Mr. Russell, we were wrong for the previous rudeness, and we also miscalculated the strength of your personal guard, but you still need to obtain the right to move freely on the earth..."

With that said, Ross looked at the group of Security Council representatives on his left, especially Pierce, who had the same gloomy and unwilling face, and said:

"Minister Pierce, after experiencing the incident just now, it's time to give Mr. Russell and his personal guards the authority to freely enter and exit the earth."

"." This ostensibly is the minister of the Security Council. Pierce, who is actually the head of Hydra, was silent for a moment, and could only take a heavy breath:

"Of course, I will discuss specific plans with the representatives of various countries later, so (looking at Arthur) I ask Mr. Russell to wait patiently for a few days."

Although Arthur really wanted to kill Ross, Pierce and others directly, he also knew the truth of forgiving and forgiving, so he nodded and said:

"Well, no problem."


Seeing that Arthur didn't put forward any excessive conditions, everyone present was relieved, for fear that Arthur would be reluctant to do something out of the ordinary.

Even Rogers, the super soldier, who has a forced "50/50 split" in the movie, feels guilty in the face of the murderous Blood Raven Astartes.

'I can work all day. '.

Rogers' famous words, if he dared to talk to Blood Raven... especially standing next to Arthur, the corporal with a bad temper might reply with a metallic voice:

'Will I beat you all day? Can there be such a good thing? Chairman Bless! Company bless! Hahaha! '

Then Rogers would literally be beaten up all day by Corporal Bloodraven.

At this time, Arthur, after seeing the US government and military, as well as the Security Council secretly controlled by HYDRA subdued, his main purpose has been achieved.

Although Arthur knew that with the pissing nature of the United States, he would definitely do something else, but at that time his father and brother had come, and he himself could be Umbrella's second young master again.


Arthur waved his hands lightly, turned around and walked towards the meeting room, turning his back to the representatives of the three parties and said:

"Now that we have reached a consensus, we have to leave too. After all, I don't want to be forced to beat up your soldiers again, and I may even occupy Washington on the spur of the moment...

That would be ridiculous. "

After speaking, Arthur, escorted by Carl and the Blood Ravens, passed through the crowd of armed agents led by Patton, preparing to return to the DR-7 transport boat moored at the top of the building.

After Arthur left, Ross and Pierce, the two politicians with ulterior motives, were finally able to relax completely.

Originally, according to the expectations of these two politicians, it was 'haha! You are surrounded by us! ’, but I didn’t expect Arthur’s answer to be ‘Haha! You are surrounded by me! '.

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