Containment Control Starts With the Umbrella

Chapter 766 The Face of a Politician


On the contrary, Nick Fury, the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., who is not very political, looked at the direction where Arthur and others left, and whispered to Natasha who was still on guard:

"To catch up with Mr. Russell, no matter what method you use, you must have a good relationship with him. Remember, no matter what method you use, we Aegis... or the whole society needs to reach a cooperative relationship with each other."

"Yes." Natasha nodded without any objection, and then quickly left the conference room.

Natasha respects Fury very much. Without Fury, she might have died under the siege of various forces.

So she secretly carried out many black operations ordered by Fury, including seducing valuable male targets.

"Everyone!" At this time, Fury raised his voice and suggested to everyone present:

"Through the incident just now, we also have a deep understanding of Umbrella's powerful strength. Even if they are a lone army now, they are capable of rewashing the earth's pattern.

The opponent also has twenty super fighters wearing heavy power armor, and the...'mother' of those super fighters. Even the young master has some kind of super power to move quickly. "

"Also has stronger power than me." Rogers, standing on Fury's left hand side, added in a timely manner.

"Leave all this biotechnology aside..."

Stark, who had already taken off the dilapidated Mark VII, straightened the collar of his somewhat wrinkled shirt, looked around at the crowd, and said in a solemn voice with a rare seriousness:

"Umbrella also has perfect electromagnetic technology. According to Romanov's report, the white-haired beauty has an individual electromagnetic (Gauss) gun...

Electromagnetic gun for individual soldiers... May I ask everyone present, do you know what this means? "

"Electromagnetic technology, in fact, our US military already has it, but it's not perfect, it shouldn't be considered a too advanced weapon...

Bar? "

A naval colonel standing behind Rose didn't care much about the individual electromagnetic guns, but after seeing Stark's sarcasm eyes, he began to have doubts about what he said.

"Mr. Stark, please speak directly." Pierce said.

"Everyone..." At this time, Stark put his hands in his trouser pockets, and then walked slowly to the side of Mark Seven, which had returned to the shape of a 'box' under the control of Jarvis.

He kicked Mark VII, who was almost killed by the bolt bomb, and then explained to everyone present:

"Individual electromagnetic weapons...represents that Umbrella has a very complete electromagnetic gun. The electromagnetic weapon experiments conducted by your navy and army were all carried out with the caliber of the gun at the beginning.

And Umbrella has passed the caliber of the gun and can develop into a portable individual sniper rifle, which also means that the opponent's electromagnetic gun has far more firepower than ours.

One must know that a needle accelerated to a certain speed can produce power no less than that of a tactical nuclear bomb, let alone a projectile or needle weighing more than ten tons. "

With that said, Stark took out his mobile phone from his right trouser pocket and operated it with both hands.

Then easily hacked into the holographic projection system of this conference room, and then used the holographic projection to show everyone a Paris-level satellite image.

Continued: "According to the layout of the opponent's warship and the gun ports on the bow, I can be sure that the main gun of that battleship is an electromagnetic gun.

If the opponent uses tungsten alloy as the projectile...then the main gun projectile of this battleship should be between 30 and 40 tons, and the projectile of the warship we have seen has enough acceleration distance.

Assuming that the electromagnetic gun of this battleship can reach a length of more than 400 meters, then according to my estimation, the firing speed is at least 4% of the speed of light.

Four percent of the speed of light...

Ladies and gentlemen, once they fired a cannon, our capital, Washington, D.C., would be gone, and there would be no radiation pollution at all, a pure natural 'green' super weapon.

In addition, the individual weapons used by those super soldiers wearing heavy power armor can actually blast my Mark VII like this...

Whether it is a single soldier or a battleship, we cannot compete with each other. "

If Karl was still here, he would definitely be amazed by Stark's ability to calculate.

After all, Karl had witnessed the launch of the earliest Umbrella fleet, and he also knew that the original Paris-class frigate had an electromagnetic gun with 30 tons of tungsten projectiles, which could reach 4% of the speed of light.

It is worthy of being an Iron Man who can create a 'time machine' and can be compared to a god with a mortal body.

But Stark is human after all, and he doesn't know that the mantle technology given by Umbrella through the original base can speed up the speed of projectiles to 50% of the speed of light.


After hearing Stark's conjecture, Ross, Pierce and others' faces became more embarrassing, and their expressions became more dignified.

Fortunately, Nick Fury expressed his personal point of view and gave everyone a new line of thinking: "Everyone, the gain outweighs the gain with the other party.

In particular, the method of detaining the young master to force the opponent's troops to submit is a plan that can only be achieved on the basis that we have strengths that are stronger than the opponent's, and at worst, only a line behind the opponent.

But the opponent's strength in front of us is already beyond our ability to fight, not to mention that the opponent still has a great possibility of having higher-level weapons.

So we can only cooperate with each other, and it seems that Master Russell doesn't want to do everything wrong, and he also has the illusion of long-term cooperation with us.

What's more, when we were in trouble, the other party directly chose to assist us. For this, that Master Russell should be the same as Stark...

On the surface, it looks bohemian, but in fact it is a rich second generation who cares about human beings and social security. "

"I'll just take your words as a compliment." Stark replied slightly annoyed.

Hearing this, Ross frowned and said, "But this... is equivalent to handing over the security of the country to a brat with a dissolute attitude... It's really unacceptable."

"." Pierce didn't say anything, but nodded in deep agreement.

"Don't worry about this." Nick Fury looked around the crowd and said, "As long as enough time is spent to earn the trust of Arthur Russell, or if there is another invasion of alien forces in the future, we always have a chance Obtain Umbrella's weapon.

More importantly..." Fury waved his hand to Stark and said: "We have Mr. Stark, as long as we can obtain the opponent's weapon, we can also obtain the same technology in a short time.

After all, we can't put our safety on the premise that Arthur Russell is a 'good guy', so we must master Umbrella's technology to obtain real peace. "

I only saw that Stark frowned slightly, but didn't say anything, as if he had acquiesced.

Rogers, who had been silent all the time, couldn't help clenching his hands tightly when he saw this group of politicians and Nick Fury, who were still struggling to get advanced weapons.

The captain seemed to have seen through the faces of these people.

But Rogers also learned to be smart. Instead of getting angry in front of these big shots, he turned around and left the conference room that disgusted him deeply.

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