
Bucky, who is the Winter Soldier of Hydra, was able to gain the upper hand. It seems that Rogers deliberately released water. After all, this beautiful...Captain Umbrella didn't want to hurt the only surviving old friend at all.

While the US team was fighting the Winter Soldier, the ghost agents had eliminated all the remaining commandos of Hydra, leaving only the high-ranking officials of Hydra.


Twenty ghost agents stood in a circle, surrounded by high-ranking Hydra officials, as well as the American team and the winter soldier who were fighting.

Arthur, on the other hand, bypassed the front line and came to the control console with the old-fashioned display screen, ready to wait for the US team to finish the Winter Soldier, and then talk to Dr. Zola, who has become an alternative artificial intelligence.

At this time.

I saw Rogers leaning back and doing a backflip, taking the initiative to separate himself from Bucky, holding the shield in his right hand to protect his upper body, and shouting emotionally:

"Bucky! It's me...it's me! Steve!"


After hearing Rogers' shout, Bucky's body trembled, and he said in a deep voice with his brows furrowed: "Who is Bucky?"


Rogers hurriedly "intensified the firepower" to persuade: "Your full name is James Buchanan Barnes, and your military rank is sergeant. At the same time... we two are also brothers who have grown up since childhood."

After listening to Rogers' words, the word "Chuan" between Bucky's brows became more and more obvious, and the veins on both sides of his temples suddenly burst out.

"Eh!" Then Bucky wailed in pain, raised his hands to cover his head, and retreated a few steps involuntarily.

Immediately afterwards.

Bucky took off the mask covering his mouth and nose, looked at Rogers who was showing a worried expression in front of him, and tried to say in a tone full of doubts:

"I...I seem to know you..."

"Great!" Rogers was on the verge of tears, and said with slightly astringent and red eyes, "Bucky, come with me, and stop doing things you don't want to do for Hydra."

"But... ah!!" Bucky wailed in pain again, the muscles on his face were almost twisted, and his body was trembling uncontrollably.

"Bucky!" Rogers roared worriedly again, wanting to step forward to support Bucky who was suffering.

But Bucky's trembling stopped abruptly, and the atmosphere seemed to freeze. Then the Winter Soldier slowly raised his head to stare at Rogers, and said in a deep voice:

"You are the target of my mission, so you must die...uh..."

But before Bucky could finish his 'ruthless words', the smiling Arthur suddenly flashed behind Bucky, knocking Bucky unconscious with a knife in his hand.

"Puff!" With a sound, Bucky's body collapsed to the ground limply, falling into a coma.

Everything in front of him happened too fast, which made Rogers very surprised and asked Arthur: "Arthur... What are you?"

"Hehe." Arthur still chuckled, turned and walked towards the old-fashioned console, turning his back to Rogers and said:

"Captain, your strength is about the same as that of Sergeant Barnes. Although you can win in the end, it will take at least a few minutes to fight, and you will have to suffer a certain degree of injury.

So I'm here to help you. "

"By the way..." Rogers' eyes twitched.

Half a year ago, Rogers often said the mantra "I can fight all day", but since Arthur and Carl led the Blood Ravens, Rogers found that he could not fight all day...

Although Rogers had never fought the Astartes directly, the Cap always felt a little guilty, so he never said "I can fight all day".

And facing Arthur, Rogers has no confidence that he can win, and he can't even guarantee how many seconds he can last.

But the US team didn't complain too much. Instead, he attached the vibrating gold shield to his left arm again, and then walked slowly to the unconscious Bucky, squatted down, and asked Arthur while observing:

"Arthur, do you have a solution to Bucky's problem? I mean... Hydra must have brainwashed him a lot, do you or you Umbrella have a solution?"

"Of course." Arthur, who approached the console, raised his hand and knocked on the old-fashioned display screen, and said to Rogers:

"Our Umbrella has perfect brainwashing technology. Sergeant Barnes's head problem, I will find time to help you solve it."

As he spoke, Arthur let out a slightly displeased "tsk", and tapped on the screen much harder, roaring in a low voice:

"Hey, you dead man, don't pretend to be dead for me, don't think I don't know you are Zola!"


Rogers, who was concerned about his brother's safety, got up again after hearing Arthur's roar, and walked slowly to Arthur's left side and said:

"This thing is Zora?"


Before Arthur could answer Rogers' question, the largest old-fashioned display screen on the console suddenly lit up, and a human face composed of black and green tones appeared, and said to Arthur Hull Rogers in a more mechanical tone:

"I am Dr. Anim Zola."

Seeing the familiar but unfamiliar enemy reappear in front of him, Rogers' expression suddenly became more dignified, and said:

"I remember that you should have been imprisoned, how could you...be alive like this?"

"Heh-heh-." Zola smiled mechanically, and began to explain the events after the end of World War II with Rogers.

For example, the United States implemented the famous Operation Paperclip, using a large number of German scientists to serve the United States, including Hydra scientists including Zola.

Subsequently, Hydra perfectly parasitized the US government like a parasite, making the US government's behavior more and more like that of Germany and Hydra during World War II.

Among them, Zola also broke the news that the death of the Stark couple was entrusted by Hydra and carried out by Bucky, who was a Winter Soldier.

Seeing Zola broke the news, Arthur showed a satisfied expression.

The purpose of his coming here is to capture Bucky Barnes to appease Rogers' emotions, and to let Rogers know through Zola how sick and hopeless the US government is.

In fact, he could also directly inform Rogers through the Hydra information given by Serena, Tina, or Cortana, but the credibility is definitely not as good as the enemy's self-disclosure.

Arthur needs to appease Rogers' emotions so that he can better switch from Captain America to Captain Umbrella.

In fact, Arthur can use Umbrella's brainwashing and memory tampering technology to allow the company to better manipulate Rogers.

But Arthur did not choose to do this. Whether it will cause hidden dangers is one aspect. The most important thing is to put aside the aspect of strength. Arthur respects this captain with a strong personality.

After Zola finished explaining all the evidence, Arthur returned to his foolish look, turned around and walked towards the elevator and said:

"Second lieutenant, place enough plasma explosives here to free this 'living' Dr. Zola."

"Yes, master."

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