Containment Control Starts With the Umbrella

Chapter 789 Familiar yet Strange


With a deafening explosion, the original bunker containing Zola's "brain" was destroyed by the plasma bomb placed by the ghost agent.

The ground began to collapse rapidly, and then the entire camp was destroyed, turning into ruins.


The Pelican has slowly risen, but the hatch at the rear of the cabin is not closed. I saw Arthur and Rogers standing in the cabin, overlooking the training camp that is gradually collapsing.

Afterwards, the two walked into the cabin, the cabin door was closed, and the pilot drove the Pelican back toward Washington.

Not long after.

A large number of Umbrella engineering transport boats painted black and orange came around the destroyed camp, landed, unloaded a large number of engineering team members wearing orange mechanical skeletons, and then began to transform the area.

The shipboard engineering team of the Zero Fleet began to use their due expertise, that is, to use [rapid construction] to build infrastructure as much as possible.

And according to William's order, Wang Zhaofeng, the director of the engineering team in the main universe, will send seventy-seven low-Earth orbit space stations to the Marvel Cinematic Universe within the next two years.

The size of these orbital space stations is equivalent to two Paris-class battleships, and they are equipped with 30-ton electromagnetic guns and energy shield devices that can generate anti-halo pulse waves.

In this way, the Marvel movie Earth two years later will become a fortress planet, providing absolute defense for humans in this universe.

William has spared a few years in this universe, but it doesn't mean that he will lead the mixed fleet to stay here all the time. After all, there are countless alien races in the Marvel movie universe, and the territory has expanded to the entire observable universe.

At present, Mike is leading five large-scale warship groups, with the assistance of Robert's Extreme Legion and Evelyn, in the great expedition to conquer the remnants of the Star Alliance.

With the current number and strength of Umbrella and the UNSC, although it is not a big problem to conquer the remnants of the Star Alliance, the problem is that the territory of the Milky Way is too broad.

It will take at least hundreds of years to occupy the entire galaxy, and the universe in Marvel movies is the size of the observable universe for human beings.

Even if Umbrella has enough financial, material and manpower to carry out a two-line expedition, how long will it take in terms of time?

Not dozens or millions of years?

Probably more.

So what William needs to do now is to let the earth in this universe have the ability to protect itself, and let the engineering team transform the earth as much as possible.

After solving the main villains in the movie universe, William will leave behind a battle group-sized fleet and troops. Elites such as the Blood Ravens will not stay behind, but will choose newly formed battle groups to station.

Back to the present.

The Pelican, equipped with the latest hydrogen engine, drove from New Jersey back to the sky over Washington in just a few minutes.

At this time, only one Star Destroyer-class flagship was moored at an altitude of 20,000 meters above Washington, and other warships were scattered over major cities and towns throughout South and North America to suppress hidden dangers of military resistance.


The Pelican, carrying Arthur, Rogers and others, took off quickly, and entered the hangar through the plasma valve when the pilot got in touch with the Star Destroyer.

Under the guidance of the ground crew, the Pelican landed slowly to the designated area.

Come to a stop.

turn off the flame.

The hatch opens.

The high-ranking officials of Hydra, wearing plastic belts on both hands, were escorted by twenty ghost agents and walked out of the cabin of the Pelican first.

Afterwards, more than a dozen personnel wearing suits, underarm holsters, and red and white umbrella collar badges stepped forward to take over the ghost agents to escort these high-ranking Hydra officials away.

These people in suits with very 'kind' smiles on their faces are actually agents who graduated from the Umbrella First Military Academy.

After graduation, these young agents were directly sent to the Zero Fleet because of their excellent grades and physical fitness. Their main duties were to obtain various types of intelligence, and they were also responsible for interrogating valuable targets.

Although many confidential files and materials are now stored on the Internet, there are still many paper files and materials, so the agents need to pry them out of the mouths of these Hydra officials.

And, as the current principal, Li Mu will share his experience and insights as a senior agent with these outstanding graduates.

Therefore, interrogating an official of Hydra's level requires only a small means to tell the truth.

However, even if they reveal very useful information, the final end of these Hydra officials will still become D-class personnel in orange costumes.

The best result is to be used to death by Dr. 049, Rebecca and other doctors, and the worst... is to be experimented to death by Halsey.

That's right, Halsey's level of terror as a human has far surpassed that of 049, which was a high-risk anomaly.

Being experimented by her personally, it can be said that life is worse than death.

After the agents took away the Hydra officials, another group of technicians in white coats came to the tail of the aircraft. It happened that Rogers led Bucky, who was wearing 'handcuffs' and 'anklets', out of the cabin.

The handcuffs and anklets used to bind Bucky are titanium alloy handcuffs and anklets specially used by ghost agents to trap humanoid anomalies, so even if Bucky has awakened from a coma, there is no way to break free from the restraints.

Coupled with Rogers' persuasion, Bucky didn't resist much, so he followed Rogers obediently and left the cabin of the Pelican.

Immediately afterwards, the technicians picked up Bucky from Rogers, and with the assistance of 20 ghost agents, they went to the medical cabin to treat Bucky's head. Using more advanced brainwashing and memory modification technology, as much as possible It reminded Bucky of the past in a short time.

Looking at Bucky who was far away, Rogers had a sad and worried expression on his face, as if it was not too much for a couple to part.

Arthur, who was beside him, squinted at the group of Rogers, and couldn't help complaining in his heart:

"Sure enough, Captain America's true love is the Winter Soldier..."

"Step~, step~."

At this moment, the sound of high heels stepping on the deck came to the ears of the two, and the sound was gradually increasing, as if getting closer to the two.

The two went together to hear the reputation.

I saw Natasha, who was wearing a suit of SHIELD agents, with wavy red hair scattered on her shoulders, walking slowly in front of the two.

Seeing Natasha's arrival, the corners of Arthur's mouth raised without leaving a trace, and then he resumed his previous grinning smile, raised his hand and patted Rogers' right shoulder, and said:

"Captain, my father gave me a lot of authority to assist you Avengers who are willing to work for Umbrella, so... how about I ask Miss Romanov to serve as your exclusive deputy?"

"." Rogers didn't reply directly, but looked at Natasha with a frown.

The World War II veteran found that Natasha had also become a familiar but strange existence.

{Everyone, because I have to move with my roommates these two days, so I will make two updates for the time being, thank you for your support~~! }

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