Containment Control Starts With the Umbrella

Chapter 790 In fact, reunion is also an abnormal phenomenon

At this time, Rogers carefully observed Natasha in front of him.

This "ninety-year-old" World War II veteran always felt that the Natasha in front of him seemed to be a little different, not as unpredictable as before.

When Arthur said that Natasha would be his deputy, Natasha also bowed to Rogers in a timely manner, and said with a smile on her face:

"It was an honor to assist Captain Rogers."

Natasha's tone and demeanor were as if she was meeting Rogers for the first time, and she did not seem to be fake.

? ?

Now, Rogers was completely confused about Natasha's changes.

Then the 'Captain Umbrella' took Arthur's left arm, away from the Pelican, which was being overhauled and maintained by the ground crew, and Natasha, who was always smiling.

Then he asked in a low voice: "Arthur, what's wrong with Natasha? Look at her...she seems to be a different person, and she doesn't know me anymore."

In fact...

The Natasha that Rogers saw was indeed no longer the original 'Black Widow'.

three days ago.

Natasha, who was forced to draw a pledge on the confidentiality agreement, was sent by Arthur to the Star Destroyer flagship before she woke up, and asked Rebecca to perform a "little" memory of Natasha. change.

Using Umbrella's very mature brainwashing technology, Natasha's memory was completely washed out, and then an artificial memory was implanted, making Natasha think that she was originally a B-level employee working for Umbrella.

Of course, this level of memory modification is very risky, and you may become a vegetable if you are not careful.

That's why Arthur asked Rebecca to be responsible in person, and the result was very successful, and Natasha completely erased the memory of the 'Black Widow'.

Arthur did this because William didn't care about the Avengers at all, and the chairman always believed that these so-called superheroes belonged to the ranks of abnormal phenomena and should be contained by Umbrella.

Fortunately, William is concentrating on consolidating the occupied areas in South and North America, and has no time to pay attention to the Avengers Alliance, which has just been established and is not cohesive enough.

Therefore, whether to directly use the mandatory loyalty of the non-disclosure agreement to make these avengers work for Umbrella unconditionally, or to win over the body and mind of these avengers, William will let Arthur take full responsibility.

Before William led the mixed fleet to lead Washington, the members of the Avengers were only Stark, Banner, Rogers, Natasha, Barton, and Saul.

And because of Arthur's arrival, the universe had a butterfly effect, and Stark did not change his building into the Avengers Building.

The Avengers does not have a decent base. In theory, it is still a combat team affiliated to S.H.I.E.L.D., and the cohesion among the members is also much worse.

And Arthur knows that if he wants to better control and protect the earth, the Avengers must be Umbrella's vassals, as a spokesperson to assist Umbrella in managing the earth.

Although the fighting power of the reunion at this time, in the eyes of many high-level Umbrella, it is just a group of ants without threat.

Even in "Avengers 4", the company's executives still believe that those powerful avengers still cannot pose an effective threat to the company.

Because the Avengers in "Avengers 4", if Captain Marvel hadn't appeared in time, they would probably have been wiped out by the salvo of the Thanos Temple battleship.

With the strength of the Umbrella fleet...

The results speak for themselves.

Only Thor, Captain Marvel, Scarlet Witch and Doctor Strange have a certain level of threat, and Stark, the most intelligent of them, and Rogers, who makes the Avengers cohesive, are equally worthy of vigilance.

But now, Rogers, Barton, and Natasha, the veterans of the Avengers, have been wooed by Arthur using various means.

Arthur and Rogers have been "confidentially" together for nearly half a year, and they used the non-disclosure agreement and Bucky to completely bind the captain to Umbrella.

Nick Fury, who signed the non-disclosure agreement, is also the one who is most willing to cooperate. After all, the chief of the bureau, who is unscrupulous in order to achieve his goals, intends to protect the human beings on the earth.

And Arthur also promised to keep the S.H.I.E.L.D. organization, and even let the three insight plan aircraft carriers that originally belonged to Hydra be delivered to A.I.

With the blessing of the characteristics of the non-disclosure agreement, Nick Fury was one of the first people willing to cooperate with Umbrella.

Immediately afterwards, Arthur asked Hawkeye Patton, who also signed the confidentiality agreement, to assist Nick Fury in stabilizing the group of turtles...the Aegis without a leader.

As a confidant of Nick Fury and a veteran of the Avengers, Barton was dissatisfied with Umbrella's tough methods, but he didn't complain too much.

What happened next was that Arthur asked Serena, Tina, and Cortana for help in finding Bucky, and then used Bucky to get Rogers out of trouble.

Then the last step is to let Rogers have a sense of belonging in this world.

After all, in "Avengers 4", Rogers would rather cause confusion in the timeline than choose to live with Peggy Carter in the parallel universe.

In order to eliminate this last hidden danger, then let Rogers have a 'new love'.

As the saying goes, "If the old one doesn't go, the new one won't come." A big reason why Rogers is so reluctant to part with Peggy Carter is guilt.

Rogers was originally a passive person. Although later Sharon Carter also liked Rogers, she seemed to be emotionally passive, so Rogers was not completely stabilized.

It's different now, Arthur is going to use Natasha to win over Rogers in the final step.


"That's right." Arthur, who quickly restrained the above thoughts, nodded to Rogers without denying it, and said nonsense with a serious face:

"Actually, it was Miss Romanov's initiative to ask us to modify her memory."

"Ask for it? Why."

Rogers was very puzzled, but from the tone of his voice, it seemed that he had no doubt that Arthur was lying.

"It's very simple." Arthur shrugged his shoulders, turned his head and looked at Natasha who had been standing at the tail of the Pelican, and explained:

"Captain, at the time Miss Romanov belonged to the KGB, and was forced to do a lot of shady things, beautiful spy. You know, and now the accident of Hydra appeared on Aegis, which made her a little unacceptable.

When she learned that we have a very perfect memory modification technology, she hoped to completely get rid of the past and start a new life as an employee of Umbrella. "

"Is that so?" Rogers said, looking at Natasha with sympathy, and asked, "Do Fury and Barton know about this?"

"Of course." Arthur smiled without thinking: "I have already explained to Director Fury and Agent Barton."

He also said: "Captain, it's time to get to know your new deputy, let's go."


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