Containment Control Starts With the Umbrella

Chapter 792: Seven hundred and eighty-ninth

June 1, 2014.

Location: Occupied Umbrella, Washington.

Local time: 09:14.

The Star Destroyer-class flagship belonging to Umbrella's Zero Fleet hovered at an altitude of 50,000 meters above the surface of Washington. Even though it was about 50 kilometers above the ground, standing on the streets of the city, it was still clear. See the silhouette of Umbrella's largest warship.

Washington has already entered the summer, the woods in the suburbs, and the green belts in the city are already lush with leaves and overgrown with short grass. Coupled with the occasional birdsong and cicadas, it will make people feel that the summer vacation has come early.

View of Washington from the air.

It can be found that many super-giant buildings have risen from the ground, and these buildings are also equipped with large-scale holographic screens. Even though the sun is shining, they still play very clear three-dimensional imaging advertisements.

Between the buildings, there are a large number of flying boats that look like cars, flying in an orderly manner.

Just by looking at it, it will make people feel that Washington, the former capital of the United States, has a faint taste of Hafa.

In fact, under the transformation of the engineering team's "basics", Washington has developed into a regular city like the main universe.

Holographic technology is everywhere, with low-intelligence artificial intelligence assisting in traffic management and public security, and social artificial intelligence has gradually integrated into human society, enriching human life in this universe.

And William also used local veterans or policemen to sign non-disclosure agreements and contracts, equip them with mechanical skeletons and traditional firearms as security, and cooperate with local police stations.

Under Umbrella's management, the law and order in the United States, which used to be robbed every fifteen seconds, has been greatly eased.

People no longer have to carry firearms with them or in their cars, or put on bulletproof vests as soon as they get off the plane.

As for the issue of racism...

William still adopts the principle of violent law enforcement. Once racially discriminatory remarks are made online, the artificial intelligence will really locate along the network line, and then the security will take door-to-door arrests.

The criminal law and punishment are determined according to the situation, usually three to fifteen years in prison, and the maximum is the confiscation of all personal assets.

Of course, people who are racially discriminated against, especially the black people, cannot take advantage of the 'discriminated privilege' to engage in behaviors such as being lazy, playing cheap, and playing tricks.

Once discovered, the security guards will also arrest these people, and the criminal law may avoid it, but the punishment cannot be avoided.

No money?

Then you will be forced to work 10 hours a day without pay. This trick is most effective for some groups who like to be lazy and not work.

procession? protest?

It will be strangled in the cradle by intelligent artificial intelligence.

Dignity is fought for by oneself. Even if it was once behind due to historical reasons, a certain country and race have gradually regained their standing on the top of the world because of their spirit of self-improvement and belief in ancestors and national heroes.

Even if there are discriminatory remarks, it is because of jealousy, prejudice, and pessimism.

On the other hand, another group of people will only ask for privileges under the banner of 'I have been racially discriminated against', but they don't know that they are discriminated against for a reason.

Therefore, for the issue of racial discrimination, William is too lazy to use the main world to start from the basic quality of children and directly choose violent law enforcement and punishment.

Closer to home.

The field of vision zooms in.

The oval-shaped lawn located in the most central area of ​​Washington, its north direction is the former President's Park, and the White House is located here.

The appearance of the entire White House campus has not changed at all, but the personnel patrolling the park have changed from Secret Service agents in suits to Forbidden Army Astartes wearing the exclusive ceramic armor of the Imperial Army.

And there is also a large energy shield generator installed underground in the White House, which is used to resist various forms of bombing, including nuclear weapons owned by this world, and cannot break through the energy shield wall of Umbrella technology.

The current White House has become the living place of William's family, which is equivalent to William's palace.

Even if the Star Destroyer-class flagship is big enough, it is still a confined space. Even if there are cabins that simulate the natural environment, there is no real nature... nature.

The second floor of the White House at this time.

The original president's master bedroom.

Wearing black pajamas with long sleeves and trousers, William was sitting on a single sofa by the window, holding an Umbrella technology tablet in his hand, dealing with the affairs of this universe.

On the bed was Halsey, who was wearing the same set as William, but in white pajamas.

Halsey was lying sideways on the bed, not covered with a quilt, just holding a mobile phone in one hand, seemingly checking some files like William, but actually just watching some interesting short videos.

In fact, after Tony Stark returned to the Stark Building and signed a non-disclosure agreement under the secret operation of the ghost agent, the Iron Man shared the unique technology of Stark Industries with Umbrella.


Apart from Stark's miniature reactor created by using new elements, Halsey really has no interest in Stark's industrial technology.

So now she is also researching Stark's micro-reactor, as well as the technology of the Iron Armor, or reverse-engineering to create the super serum of the US team.

And not long ago...

She and Halsey have cracked the super serum that can create the physical fitness of Captain America, but this serum is not as effective as the specially made T virus and vaccine.

What's more... this serum is so picky, people with unhealthy minds will mutate, and their bodies will also have uncontrollable deformities and mutations.

In this regard, William was not too disappointed.

You must know that according to the tradition of more than ten years, before undergoing plastic surgery, the students of Astartes will spend a night alone with the "famous ladies" models with excellent figure and appearance.

After all, after becoming an Astartes, sex will be suppressed, and William, who is very considerate to the employees, will of course let these seventeen and eighteen-year-old boys experience the joy of life.

If the Astartes students who are in the body are left behind, and the super serum is used to perform transformation surgery...

Then it is very likely that deformities and mutations will occur.

In this comparison, T virus and vaccines are not so troublesome.

William, who was sitting by the window, felt that he had not obtained effective technology and resources at all when he came to the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Only Zhenjin, and the six infinite gems are worth him to get.

Mention vibrating gold.

At present, Wakanda's high-level executives have signed a non-disclosure agreement, so William has already dispatched an engineering team to excavate and continuously transport it to the main universe.

William will not do anything, at least he will leave about 10% of the stock in Wakanda, which is enough with the population and area of ​​the small country of Wakanda.


At this moment, there was a knock on the door of the bedroom, and Arthur's voice came: "Dad! There is finally news from London!!!"

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