Containment Control Starts With the Umbrella

Chapter 793 The Speaker of the Whole Universe


Hearing Arthur's words, William and his wife were taken aback, but they also put their mobile phones and tablets aside.

William got up and walked to the door, opened it, and saw Arthur in a neat military uniform.

At this time, Arthur had already obtained the rank of lieutenant, with a black military uniform collar, and a collar badge representing the rank of lieutenant.

And Arthur seems to be a little taller, his hair is combed back like his father and his brother, and the childishness on his face has faded a lot, but he still has a bit of a bohemian look.

17 years old.

Before he knew it, Arthur had been in this world for almost two years.

Since Ivan is in charge of the company in the main universe, without the hindrance of his brother, coupled with William's intentional cultivation, Arthur is finally able to let go of his ambitions.

Except for Thor, the current Avengers, the rest of the veteran members are willing to work for Umbrella under Arthur's persuasion and various small tricks.

As for Thor, Thor is not a 'difficult strategy'. Compared with Rogers, Banner or Stark, Thor should be the easiest character to control.

Strong, but IQ is more urgent.

The reason why Saul has not been able to work for Umbrella is because Saul has not appeared on Earth since the crisis in Manhattan was lifted.

In this regard, Arthur knew the reason.

In "Thor 1", because of the duel between Sol and Loki, the Rainbow Bridge was destroyed, Asgard lost contact with the Nine Realms, which in turn led to rebellions in various parts of the Nine Realms.

In "Avengers 1", Sol was able to return to Earth without a rainbow bridge. In fact, Odin used dark matter to help Sol carry out an ultra-long-distance transmission.

After the crisis in Manhattan was lifted, Thor used the Rubik's Cube to escort Loki back to Asgard, and he was busy quelling the rebellion in the Nine Realms, so he couldn't return to Earth.


At this time, Arthur was a little excited, and stood in the corridor outside the room and said to William: "Dad! There is an abnormal gravity in an abandoned warehouse in the suburbs of London, which means that the plot of "Thor 2" will start soon."

""Thor 2"..." William was a little dazed.

To be honest, as a time traveler, he should know most of the plots of Marvel movies in theory.

But unfortunately...

Decades have passed, he has long forgotten many plots, and he doesn't bother to watch the Marvel movies shot in the main universe.

Take it easy.

William said with a smile on his face again: "Arthur, as I said a long time ago, the Avengers and the villains of this universe are entrusted to you to take full responsibility. I will not interfere in this regard, and the army can also let you transfer."

Since coming to this universe, William has not focused on the Avengers and villains from beginning to end. He has been focusing on how to make human life in the occupied area better, and eradicate dissatisfied and underground organizations that want to 'backstab' .

The protagonists in the movie are those American teams, Iron Man or Thanos, but in reality... For William, the protagonists are the entire human species.

To be honest, William didn't directly let John and Myron lead the troops to control and contain those so-called superheroes, but he didn't care about it because of Arthur's face.

"I know, but..." Upon hearing William's words, Arthur still explained with a smile on his face:

"Dad, I want that kid Horus to help. After all, I need to contact the gods in Norse mythology, so I need my nephew, the 'God of War'."

"Horus?" Hearing this, William nodded without any objection: "Of course it's no problem, you can take him there, because the kid has nothing to do, he's about to get sick."

"Okay! Dad, then I'm leaving! You and Mom can continue to do what you like~!"

After speaking, Arthur directly helped his old father close the door, then immediately turned around and walked towards the first floor of the White House.

inside the house.

William looked at the closed door, couldn't help smiling helplessly, shook his head and sighed: "Boy Arthur... hey."

"Hehe~." Halsey, who didn't speak the whole time, couldn't help covering her mouth and laughing after seeing Arthur leave in a hurry:

"The character of Arthur's child is according to me. Once he has something to do, he can't take it easy."

"I know." William replied, then turned around and walked to the bed, sat next to Halsey again, and told her his thoughts:

"That kid Arthur seems to be very concerned about those Avengers, and he understands the Marvel Cinematic Universe better than us two old men and granny."

The voice just fell.

The smile on Halsey's face disappeared. As an old couple, she certainly understood what William meant. After a moment of silence, she said:

"William, do you want Arthur to represent Umbrella and stay here for a long time to rule stably?"

"That's right." William explained without denying: "This kid Arthur is very capable. To be honest, he is much stronger than his brother Ivan, and he has inherited your intelligence. You can't hide anything from him. s eyes…

So I am going to form a new battle group, let Arthur be the leader of this battle group, and then Karl will select two hundred Astartes who have been transformed by her gene seeds to serve as the main battle group. force.

As for the fleet, I will contact the shipyard on Reach alone to get him an Infinity-class flagship, and then equip him with 30 Paris-class and Roger Young-class ships, and six battleships.


He also had to leave dozens of 'Single Soldier' ​​auras for him. When encountering a more radical civilization or race, delete them all at once, and leave him a few 'small' auras, enough to threaten the entire universe. "

After listening to William's explanation, Halsey's expression returned to normal.

After all, she is a mother, so of course she doesn't want her son to travel far away and stay in this dangerous universe, but seeing that William is so partial to Arthur, she no longer has the bad face like before.

You must know that the number of battleships in a battle group is often no more than six. For example, the Blood Ravens have six warships, which is already the largest in the battle group.

But the battle group that Arthur is going to lead...

It is already the configuration of Umbrella's main fleet.

William originally planned to leave a regular battle group stationed, but following Arthur's proposal and warning, he believed that this universe was still very dangerous.

More importantly, the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe is managed by Arthur, which means that Arthur is the highest speaker in this universe, and the territory he governs is millions of times larger than the main universe, the Milky Way.

But the premise is that Arthur can make good use of this large battle group and the Avengers to rule the entire observable universe.

Take it easy.

Halsey finally agreed: "Well...he is my favorite son, but only he can stabilize the situation in this universe."

"Don't worry, although I like to bully my sons, I won't joke about the danger of their lives. There is an entire Umbrella fleet, which is enough to protect the safety of his kid."

As William said, he reached out and patted Halsey on the back, motioning for his wife to relax.

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