
Horus's eyes lit up and he hummed.

As the son of Athena, Horus, who also inherited the power of the main god of Olympus, actually wanted to restore the glory of the Greek gods...

On the plus side of course.

As for the messing around between close relatives, or the robbery of mortal women, Horus also hated it, after all, his mother Athena hated these facts very much.


When a group of people followed Sol to the center of the bridge, a group of Asgardian soldiers in golden heavy armor and helmets with two horns came to welcome Thor who had returned.

Sol also told these soldiers, saying that Arthur, Horus and others were the guests he invited to Asgard, so the soldiers did not make things difficult for Arthur and others.

Under the escort of the soldiers, the group came to the center of Asgard and entered the palace without any hindrance.


Shortly after.

The middle area of ​​the palace.

In a not-so-spacious medical room, Jane, who had awakened, was lying on a medical bed emitting blue light, and directly above her was a human meridian projection similar to holographic technology.

A group of female medical officers in light blue ancient costumes were doing a series of examinations around Jane, and one of the older female medical officers was fiddled with the meridian projection emitting a strange red light with both hands.

Surrounding the medical room were Thor, Arthur, and Horus with serious expressions, as well as the Asgardian soldiers guarding here.

The Blood Raven Astartes and elites led by Gabriel and Vadim are, after all, the guards of Arthur and Horus, and they are potential threats, so they can only wait outside the medical cabin.

After waking up, Jane didn't look as weak as before. She looked around curiously, and even chatted with the elderly female medical officer.

However, Sol's expression became more and more dignified.

Because a young female medical officer had just reported to him in a low voice, which meant that with Asgard's technology and means, it was impossible to remove the unknown object parasitic in Jian's body.

And Jane is still a strange elf, observing the surroundings without knowing her own state, which makes Sol's mood extremely depressed.

Arthur, who had been standing beside Sol, of course noticed the change in Thor's expression, and then he approached the gloomy Thor again, and said in a very confident tone:

"Mr. Odinson, let's try my suggestion again. With Umbrella's biotechnology and my mother's wisdom, it is absolutely possible to extract the objects in Miss Foster's body."

Tony Stark in "Avengers 4" can create a syringe-shaped ether extractor, so Arthur believes that his mother Halsey can also.

As for himself, it's not bad, but his mother is here, so why should he use his brain?

"Well, it seems that's the only way to go." Saul nodded without refusing, and looked at Arthur with a friendly gaze, and said:

"You don't need to call me Mr. Odinson anymore, just call me Saul, and I will also call you Arthur. Regardless of whether you can cure Jane or not, you are my Saul's friend."

"Hehe, good." Arthur replied with a smile.

"Sol, are my words deaf to you?"

At this moment, a majestic voice came from the main entrance of the medical room. As the speaker walked into the room, the soldiers and medical officers all stepped back and bowed to the person in salute.

Saul, Arthur, and Horus were also caught by the movement, and all their attention and eyes were on the speaker.

Just look at the man's right eye wearing a golden eyepatch, his beard and slightly longer hair are already gray, his face looks very old, but it gives people a sense of calm and prestige.

With the metal armor and cloak in the style of Norse mythology, as well as the respectful attitude of soldiers and medical officers, it is not difficult to guess that this is the king of the gods in Asgard, Odin Paulson.

'Huh? '

The moment Arthur saw Odin, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he sighed inwardly.

He can feel that Odin's strength is definitely not simple. After all, Odin's identity and status are equivalent to Zeus, the twelve main gods in Greek mythology.

And this Odin in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, let alone the strength, at least this Odin is ten thousand times more reliable than the hungry Zeus in color.

In the movie, Odin didn't show how powerful he was at all, until "Thor 3" ended in a deadly way, making a few people mistakenly think that Odin's strength is not strong.

But when Odin was still in charge of Asgard, Thanos, who carried out the "species halving plan" in the universe, would not let his army have any conflicts with the Nine Realms in charge of Asgard.

It cannot be said that Thanos dare not confront Odin, but Thanos is very wise and patient, knowing that confronting Odin head-on will only detract from his own strength.

From the side view, Odin's strength must not be underestimated.

"Father..." Saul walked slowly to the medical bed, and said in a deep voice while protecting Jane behind him, "She is very sick, and I thought only Asgard could save her."

"She is a mortal, and of course mortals will get sick." Odin walked into the medical room, staring at Sol with one eye and warned: "Mortals have no right to come to Asgard, and you have brought so many mortals. It is a black spot that you cannot erase before you become king."

Hearing Odin call himself a mortal, Horus immediately stepped forward and asked Odin angrily, "Who do you call a mortal? Huh?!"


Hearing this, Odin didn't get angry, but just gave a voice of doubt, and then carefully observed Horus who was standing on his right hand side.

Just looking at it for a while, the corner of Odin's only left eye suddenly twitched, as if he noticed that Horus was different.

Immediately, Odin's one-eyed gaze was full of vigilance, and he asked Horus in a deep voice, "Who are you?"

"My mother is Athena, the goddess of war and wisdom, and I am the new God of War of Olympus, Horus Russell."

"Hey..." Arthur sighed helplessly when he saw his somewhat powerful and brainless nephew, and complained in his heart:

'I also know that my sister-in-law is the goddess of war and wisdom...but nephew, why did you follow the war? It’s a bit like Ares’s…’

However, complaining is all about complaining, and Arthur didn't want to froze his relationship with the king of the Nordic gods before fooling Odin into signing a non-disclosure agreement.

Take it easy.

"Hello..." Arthur stepped forward, raised his hand to stop his nephew behind, and showed enough respect to say to Odin:

"King of Asgard, I am Horus' uncle, Arthur Russell, and I am deeply sorry for Horus' rude attitude just now.

When Loki invaded the earth, Thor and I defended the earth together, which is equivalent to the relationship of comrades-in-arms, and the purpose of my coming here is actually to reach a cooperative relationship with you Asgard. "

"Reach a cooperative relationship?" Odin narrowed his one-eyed eyes slightly, and after thinking for a moment, he said with interest: "Tell me."

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