"haha okay."

Seeing that Odin seemed interested, Arthur chuckled first, sorted out his thoughts, then looked at Jane who was still lying on the medical bed and said:

"Father Odin, according to the prophecy of my witch sister-in-law, it is the ether particle that is parasitic in Miss Foster's body, and it is also the reality gem among the six infinity gems."

"The Reality Gem?" Sol was taken aback.

Without Arthur's intervention, Thor would learn that there are six infinite gems in the universe through the records in the Asgard library after solving the dark elves.

And Asgard already has the space gem, that is, the Rubik's Cube that was taken back from Manhattan. It is not appropriate to have two gems, so Thor gave the reality gem to the void at the end of "Thor 2". Earth's Elder Collector of the Universe.

And the reality gem has the ability to rewrite reality, which can make the user's dream come true. All science and natural laws are meaningless in front of the reality gem.

At present, Umbrella has fully mastered an infinite gem, which is the soul gem embedded in the Loki scepter taken by the Hydra commando.

On December 31, 2012, after Umbrella's overwhelming fleet descended on Washington and took control of the situation with complete crushing, Arthur asked William for the military power of the Blood Ravens.

Then, Arthur led Gabriel, Vadim and other blood crows and elites to Sokovia and directly destroyed the Hydra base there. The Baron Sterak didn't even say the word of surrender. Gabriel smashed his body with a hammer, and he really became a scumbag.

While obtaining the Mind Stone, Arthur and others also captured two "superhumans" transformed by Baron Starack, brothers and sisters Peter and Wanda Maximoff.

That's Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch.

At first, when these two superpowers launched a surprise attack, it really put the Blood Ravens into a slight embarrassment. After all, Arthur's order was to capture them alive as much as possible.

However, after Arthur personally used [Fast Movement] to catch up with Pete and knocked him out, Wanda could only bow down and catch him.

Because of Umbrella's intervention, Pete also indirectly continued his life, and he no longer had to die because of plot killings, and Ultron, which led to the launch of "Reunion 2", never had a chance to show up again.

To be honest, if Serena, Cortana, Tina and other intelligent artificial intelligences want to rebel, each of them is Ultron...

So even if Ultron came out, Serena and the others would join forces to hunt and kill them.

After possessing the Mind Stone, Arthur naturally set his sights on the Reality Stone, after all, the ability of the Reality Stone is the most useful.

After hearing Arthur say the Reality Gem, Odin's face darkened, and after a moment of silence, he continued: "And then."

"Then the dark elves will use their 'invisibility' technology to hover over Asgard in the near future in order to seize the Reality Gem.

Moreover, one of them, the Cursed Warrior, should have been mixed with the prisoners of the Nine Realms, lurking in the prison under the palace of Asgard. "

Arthur said the above content with a smile on his face, and then added: "Father Odin, our Umbrella's purpose is very simple, that is to ensure Asgard's dominance over the Nine Realms, and at the same time hope that Your life is guaranteed, after all we don't want to face that troublesome goddess of death, Hela."

! ! !

"Where did you hear this name!" When Arthur said the word Hella, Odin's only left eye opened angrily, and a golden shock wave visible to the naked eye swept across the surroundings from his body.

This blow knocked down the surrounding Asgardian soldiers and medical officers to the ground, and some female medical officers were even blown away by the shock wave, while Jane rolled out of bed witty and hid behind the medical bed.

Even Sol, who was standing next to Odin, was staggering and unable to maintain his balance.

Odin's temper is also very violent, and he is not the old and kind father in "Thor 3", and Arthur is not Odin's child.

On the contrary, Horus, wearing the armor of Hades, holding a golden spear and shield, stepped forward to protect Arthur, the second uncle, behind him when Odin unleashed his anger.

The shock wave may have some impact on Asgard's soldiers, medical officers, and Sol, but it's nothing to Horus.

Horus stared at Odin sharply, and there was a faint light on his body. If it weren't for Arthur's previous warnings, this fifth-generation Greek god might have gone up to fight Odin directly, no...

It should be said to beat Odin violently.

"Father." Sol, who confirmed that Jane was fine, immediately stabilized his figure, and quickly walked to Odin's side to persuade him: "Calm down, what Arthur said was just a prophecy, and mother is still in the palace well."

Sol didn't know the point of Odin's anger. He also thought that Odin was angry because of Frigga's death, and even ignored the death goddess Hela mentioned by Arthur.

Odin, who had gradually calmed down, fixed his left eye on Arthur standing behind Horus, with undisguised fear and vigilance in his eyes.

Because Hela is the pain that can't be erased in Odin's heart, she is the daughter, the most powerful and unmanageable daughter, but in the end she turned against each other and became an enemy.

More importantly, except for Odin himself, Asgard today does not know the existence of Hela, so how did Arthur know?

Coupled with the powerful divine power emanating from Horus, Odin did not have the confidence to subdue the opponent, which was why Odin showed a taboo look.

"Hehe." Arthur still smiled indifferently, stepped to the left side of Horus, and said to Odin:

"Father Odin, I can keep the content about the goddess of death absolutely confidential, and we Umbrella have no malice. Everything we do is for mankind and the earth, and the earth is also under the control of your Asgard. one of the nine worlds,

In the future, we, Umbrella, will wipe out the threatening enemies in the universe, and you, Asgard, just make sure not to destroy yourself. "

"Hey!" At this moment, Odin withdrew his vigilant attitude, shook his hand, and said in a somewhat angry tone: "Listening to what you said, it seems that we Asgard are making trouble for you Umbrella."

'That's right... If it weren't for your princes fighting among themselves, how could there be so much chaos in the universe? '

Arthur complained secretly in his heart, but still showed a sincere expression on his face, and bowed slightly to Odin to salute, saying:

"Of course not, if the universe does not have your Asgards, then the universe will fall into chaos.

And..." Arthur said this, turned his head to look at Jane who was hiding beside the medical bed, and suggested to everyone:

"If you, Father Odin, agree to cooperate, then we should focus on solving the dark elves and the reality gem in Miss Foster's body now."

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