Containment Control Starts With the Umbrella

Chapter 804 Gradually becoming Ares

By the lake shore.

Tens of thousands of Asgardian soldiers wearing shining golden armor were fighting with more than a thousand dark elf soldiers. It should have been a complete victory, but Asgard's hip stretch exceeded Arthur and Horus' expectations .

The dark elves used the boulders in the shallows of the lake, the wreckage of the crashed carrier-based aircraft, and the wreckage of the larger mothership to fight back and forth with the Asgardian soldiers, and even vaguely gained the upper hand.

If it weren't for the hard work of Sif, Vostagg, Fandral, Hogan and other generals, then Asgard's record might be even worse.

On the other hand, Gabriel and Vadim...

"Die alien!"


I saw that the right shoulder armor was engraved with white vertical bars, and the black cloak was hung on the back. The ceramic titanium armor was a special model of Gabriel. While yelling, he waved the kinetic energy hammer held in both hands, and directly smashed into the dark place in front of him. elf.



The noise of the body being smashed into a fleshy paste, and the sound of a huge water splash came to Gabriel's ears.

At this time, Gabriel was leading ten Blood Raven Astartes, fighting fiercely in the shallows in front of the lake, and going deep into the dark elves' lines, the water level even submerged the thighs of these super soldiers.

But the resistance of the water did not affect this group of Blood Raven Astartes.

Moreover, the blood crows were already so red-eyed that they were too lazy to change the magazines for the bolt rifles in their hands. They attached the rifles to the outer armor of the right thigh one after another, took off the chainsaw sword attached to the outer armor of the left thigh, Kinetic sword.


"Om~! Puff! Crack...!"


Then there are two different noises of the chainsaw sword brutally cutting the flesh, and the kinetic energy sword smoothly cutting the flesh.

The standard melee weapons of ordinary Astartes are chainsaw swords and 70 cm long special steel daggers. Only Astartes with the rank of corporal are entitled to free kinetic swords.

But this does not mean that other low-rank Astartes have no right to obtain kinetic energy swords. On the contrary, as long as Astartes are willing to spend money to buy them, they can have standard kinetic energy swords.

If you add more money, you can even customize models, such as the color, power, size, etc. of the energy field.

And the Blood Ravens can be regarded as the richest battle group, so among the ten Blood Ravens Astartes, four of them are equipped with their favorite energy swords.

Together with Gabriel holding a special energy hammer, the eleven Astartes were like sharp knives, quickly cutting through the line formed by the dark elves.

Although the kinetic energy weapons of the dark elves can consume the energy shield of the titanium armor, the Astartes can easily dodge most of the attacks with an agility speed that is not equal to their own physique, so they can unscrupulously fight in the dark. In the group of elves, there was a big kill.

At the same time, not far to the left of Gabriel and the Blood Crows.

The elites with the same agility did not form a formation to break through together like the Astartes, but instead held a double-edged energy sword emitting a lavender light, fighting individually among the dark elves.

Especially Vadim, who went deep into the center of the enemy group, this high-level elite warrior holds energy swords in both hands, harvesting the lives of the enemies like a whirlwind.


"Ha ha-!"

Accompanied by the howls and laughter unique to the elites, their killing efficiency is not weaker than that of the Blood Raven Astartes led by Gabriel, and there is a vague tendency to kill more than anyone else.

In contrast, the Asgardian soldiers who are still fighting on the shore.

"This... is this a mortal?"

"They are enough to be promoted to the ranks of gods in Asgard..."

The soldiers were all overwhelmed by Gabriel and Vadim's fighting methods, skills and momentum.

Fortunately, the dark elves were almost killed by Gabriel and Vadim, otherwise these soldiers would not have time to discuss privately.

And Sif, who had just stabbed a dark elf to death with an Asgardian dagger, looked along the line of sight of the soldiers, and saw that the twenty-member team led by Gabriel and Vadim had killed almost all the dark elves. When all of them were killed, a strange color flashed across his face and demeanor.

After all, there are only twenty-two opponents, and their combat power is stronger than that of thousands of Asgardian soldiers. In addition, Horus, who can become a giant before, makes Sif feel more powerful than Umbrella. A trace of curiosity and taboo arose.

'The organization of mortals is actually stronger than the God Realm that rules the Nine Realms. '

The vast majority of Asgardian warriors have the same inner thoughts as Sif.

On the Rainbow Bridge.

Odin didn't have the heart to participate in the war. After seeing that the situation had completely turned to his side, he returned directly to the palace of Asgard.

Only Thor, Arthur, and Horus stood by the bridge, overlooking the fierce battle on the lake and the shore from a condescending height.

Saul still sighed to Arthur: " that your soldier? Really just a soldier?"

During the Battle of Manhattan, Thor had been flying in the sky and didn't notice the Astartes on the ground at all, so this was the first time Thor watched the Astartes battle up close.

"Hehe." Arthur said with a smile without a hint of modesty, "Of course, and we still have 50,000 such fighters."

"Fifty thousand..." Saul was surprised again.

Although Thor has matured after experiencing mortal suffering, the god of thunder still believes that there is a difference between gods and mortals.

But the current Astartes, as well as the elites of that alien race, have much stronger combat capabilities than the soldiers of Asgard.

"Crack! Click!" At this moment, Horus moved his wrists and neck joints, and jumped down to the bridge.

Immediately, Athena's golden spear appeared, joining the chaotic battle in the lake and shallows, and the cruel method of killing the enemy made the almost emotionless dark elves feel fear.

And the lord of the dark elves, Malekith, was stabbed to death by Horus without even giving him time to rant.


In "Thor 2", Malekith, who has no ether, is not as good as Sol's mother in a one-on-one fight, and Horus doesn't know that Malekith is the leader, but just picks the other party as a soldier.

It can be said that the two important villains in the Marvel Cinematic Universe were killed by Arthur.

On the other hand, Arthur, who was standing on the bridge watching the battle, gradually had the word "Chuan" appear between his brows, because when he saw his nephew, the way he treated the enemy was too cruel, and he even developed in the direction of bloodthirsty.

Even Saul also noticed this, and said to Arthur in a deep voice: "Arthur, you have to pay attention to your nephew, I was the same as him at the beginning, thinking that force can solve everything, if he is allowed to develop like this …

It is very likely that he will be swallowed by his own desire to kill, and become arrogant, cruel and arbitrary. "

"Well, I found out too, but this is the first time he has actually fought an enemy. I will tell him after the battle." Arthur nodded.

Arthur didn't want his nephew, whom his sister-in-law Athena called a new generation of God of War, to become the stupid God of War Ares back then.

The number of saved manuscripts is gradually increasing, and the third update can be resumed tomorrow~!

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