Horus, who was fighting under the bridge, was already immersed in the pleasure of killing the dark elves. He didn't know that Arthur and Thor on the bridge were worried about his fighting style.

In fact, against the cursed warriors and hundreds of prisoners, and the removal of the remaining dark elves so far, was Horus's first real battle.

From childhood to when he graduated from junior high school, Horus grew up under the protection of Athena and Ivan, and he also knew that his identity was very special, and he possessed physical qualities far superior to ordinary humans.

Later, when Horus went to the underworld to learn how to better use divine power with Hades and Persephone, Pluto and the Queen of Hades often instilled in him that he was the last hope of the Olympian gods. , is also the strongest God of War of the contemporary era.

This made Horus feel a little flustered.

But to be honest, a young man in his teens, who looks heroic and has the power to destroy civilization, and the forces behind him can rule the galaxy, will be arrogant and complacent.

Fortunately, Horus' life values ​​come from Athena, who has cultivated and cared for him for a long time. Although his temper is not very good, he is still friendly to people, but he is a bit arrogant.

As for bloodlust...

After all, it was his first time on the battlefield, and he was very new to everything, and he himself was like the protagonist in the game "Wu Shuang", and the enemy was like a soldier who could be easily harvested, so it was normal that it was difficult to restrain.

In less than two minutes.

The remaining dark elves have all been wiped out, and Asgardian soldiers are conducting final sweeps and inspections to ensure that no one is left alive.

The war is over.

According to Asgard's practice, a celebration banquet will be held after the victory, and Odin also asked Sol to invite Arthur, Horus and others to participate in the celebration banquet.

Although Arthur believed that this war was a tragic victory for Asgard, he certainly would not reveal his true intentions, but readily agreed to the invitation to the banquet.

Asgard spent one day cleaning up the battlefield, collecting the bodies of both sides, and holding a river burial for the soldiers who died in Asgard, and then began to prepare a banquet the next day.

In fact, according to Odin's intention, it is to signal to all the people in Asgard that they will unite with Umbrella.

As for Jane, after all the dark elves were wiped out, the ether in her body began to become more stable, and the situation was not as critical as before, so it was possible to postpone taking out the ether in her body for a day.

After daytime the next day.

The night in Asgard is much more beautiful than the magnificent scene during the day, and the sky above is a real galaxy and nebula.

After all, Asgard is equivalent to a large artificial celestial body, located in the most central area of ​​the Nine Realms, so it is natural to be able to appreciate this beautiful starlight.

at this time.

The entire Asgard is brightly lit, and the streets are full of residents with a thousand-year lifespan. The women play in groups of twos and threes, while the men drink and eat meat happily in the all-night restaurants.

Asgard is the domain of the gods in Norse mythology, and it is also the domain of the Viking mythology. It was enshrined and admired by the ancient Vikings.

Therefore, the costumes, clothing and armor of the residents in Asgard are the same as those in the Viking Age, and their personalities tend to be bold.

In the banquet hall on the upper floor of the Asgard palace, there were a large number of nobles and generals in robes and military uniforms, all of whom were talking to each other with wine glasses in their hands.

There are several long tables in the banquet hall, and the tables are filled with delicacies such as smoked salmon, bacon, grilled shrimp and iced drinks.

The maids in light white, holding discs in their left hands, delivered all kinds of drinks to the guests scattered around the hall, and recycled the empty wine glasses.

The generals of Asgard, led by Vostagg, Fandral, Hogan and others, gathered together to drink and chat with each other, and from time to time they would let out deafening laughter.

It was also the boldness of these generals that made the whole banquet very atmospheric.

A quiet military general like Heimdall sat at a long table with a group of veterans, chatting softly while enjoying food and drinks.

Odin, who was wearing a red robe, sat at the main seat, while Frigga, who was dressed in graceful attire, accompanied Odin to sit next to the main seat in the banquet hall.

Without the intrusion of Arthur and Horus, this gentle and domineering mother of the gods would have died at the hands of the cursed warrior of the dark elves.

Mention Arthur and Horus.

In the evening, under the service of the maids of the palace, the two put on white inner clothes together, and put on a circle of black robes outside.

The two uncles and nephews have different developmental styles, but their facial features and appearance are still very similar. In addition, their ages are not too different, making outsiders look like brothers.


"Ahaha, Vadim! You and your elites are not as skilled as our Astartes, and you are not as good at drinking as we are!"

"Oh~! You fart, how did you know we can't do it when you just started drinking!"

And Gabriel and Vadim, the enemies, also sat in a corner of the banquet hall with their subordinates, holding large wine glasses and blowing each other.

Without the assistance of technicians and mechanical arms, Gabriel and the other Blood Raven Astartes could not take off the titanium armor they were wearing.

However, in order not to affect the atmosphere of the banquet, the maids also prepared super-sized black robes for this group of tall super fighters, which were used to wear over the ceramic armor.

On the other hand, Vadim and a group of elites don't have this trouble, but in order to 'not to be outdone', this group of elites with a string of brains actually chose to wear black robes without taking off their armor.

Take off the helmet.

Take the wine glass.

Gabriel vs. Vadim, Blood Raven vs. Elite, just like the eleventh group drinking each other, the momentum must be to drink each other down.

But both sides also knew that the final winner must be Astartes, after all Astartes metabolism is extremely fast, it is impossible for Astartes to get drunk.

Arthur, uncle and nephew Horus sat not far from the group of drunken subordinates, looking at the platform outside the hall together.

The platform overlooks the entire Asgard, and the scenery is beautiful.

Sol, who had taken off his armor and put on red casual clothes, and Jane, who was wearing a blue dress, were making love to each other on the quieter platform, telling each other how much they missed in the past two years.

Horus picked up the wine glass with his right hand, blew the beer clean in one gulp, then wiped the foam from his mouth with the back of his left hand, and sighed:

"I didn't expect Sol, who is the main god of one party, to be so obsessed with a mortal woman, I really don't understand..."

Hearing this, Arthur, who was sitting on the left hand side of Horus, smiled, put his hand on Horus' shoulder, looked at Sol and Jane with a little deep meaning, and said:

"Hehe, big nephew, sometimes two people love each other but race has nothing to do with it. My sister-in-law is a god, and my angry brother is a human being. Didn't they love each other and gave birth to you?"

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