Containment Control Starts With the Umbrella

Chapter 831 Going 100 million light-years away

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As the Supreme of the Nova Empire, Rael finally agreed to reach a preliminary cooperation with Arthur, and the request is to solve the threat of Thanos and Thanos' army that is increasingly threatening.

Rael, or the polity of the Nova Empire, is completely different from the polity of the Western world dominated by the United States on Earth.

Knowing that Arthur's Blood Raven Fleet has the absolute power to destroy the Sunda star and all the planets and facilities within the territory of the Nova Empire, Arthur must not be angered.

Besides, Arthur also saved Sandar, and he is not as unreasonable as Ronan, so agreeing to Arthur's cooperation proposal is the best decision for Nova Empire at present.

In other words, if you have no strength, you can only accept the fact that you are being bullied, and then accumulate strength to get rid of Umbrella's control again.


Before Arthur discussed with this group of people, he asked Cortana to apply for an electronic file of the non-disclosure agreement from his father, William, and it had already been approved.

So when the negotiation is over, the cooperation is reached, and the non-disclosure agreement is signed, the Nova Empire, the Marauder mercenaries, and the so-called Guardians of the Galaxy will no longer have the opportunity to "accumulate".

After solving Ronan and the Dark Star, and getting Rael, Yondu, Quill and others to sign a non-disclosure agreement, Arthur learned about the current developments of Thanos through Gamora and Nebula.

So Arthur first used quantum communication to get in touch with William who was staying on Earth, and asked his father to send a team to Sedar, and began to let Umbrella officially get involved in all aspects of Sedar.

William, who was busy dealing with people's livelihood in the White House, immediately asked Serena to select A-level employees on Earth after learning that Arthur had managed another empire involving dozens of galaxies, and then personally led the Star Destroyer and the four A dreadnought battleship was instantly teleported to Sanda, the capital of the Nova Empire.

When the 20-kilometer-long Star Destroyer arrived in the sky above Sanda City, Rael, who had signed a non-disclosure agreement, as well as the government officials and generals of the Nova Empire, fully realized the power of Umbrella.

At the same time, the various forces gathered in Sanda City also intuitively felt Umbrella's crushing momentum. It won't take long for these people to spread Umbrella's deeds to the entire galaxy and even the entire universe.

In addition to William's intention to show off his power, the most important thing is to completely control the senior management of the new star government.

After arriving.

William asked Serena and Tina to use their powerful infiltration and hacking capabilities, as well as the intelligence network deployed by previous agents, to build a complete framework of the Nova Empire in a short period of time.

Immediately afterwards, William sent Prussia and her ghost agents to secretly make all officials, generals, and school officers of the Nova Empire sign a non-disclosure agreement.




With all kinds of horrible methods, the ghost agents are very handy, after all, they are the dark side of Umbrella.

Like a major who defected from the Kree Empire and returned to the Nova Empire, after learning that the Nova Empire and Umbrella reached a "cooperation" but was actually controlled by Umbrella, he intends to lead his subordinates to defect again , preparing to form a group of wandering mercenaries in the galaxy.

However, the major was only discussing this idea with the lieutenants before being overheard by Serena.

Late night in Sanda City.

While the major was sleeping soundly in the barracks, a ghost agent in biochemical armor bypassed layers of sentries, as well as the guards standing guard outside the dormitory, and came straight to the major's bedside...

Early the next morning.

The major changed his previous tone and prepared to continue to serve the Nova Empire. Although the lieutenants under his command were very puzzled, they still followed the major's order.

The same thing is happening in Sanda City all the time.

According to William's plan, after these high-ranking officials and military officers have signed the confidentiality agreement, they will arrange A-level personnel of Umbrella's direct lineage to be the deputy of these high-ranking officials and military officers. power.

In the end, the Nova Empire will completely become a subsidiary of Umbrella.

However, these will take a long time to complete, and in a short time, William still needs to do some superficial work.

As for the earth, it is currently entrusted to Andre to take full responsibility.

With that veteran around, even if some superheroes or supervillains appeared on Earth, they would be contained within minutes.

Andre doesn't have the heart to deal with those so-called superheroes. This veteran thinks that to deal with those super villains, sending regular troops to deal with them is the best decision, rather than letting a group of clowns in cosplay costumes solve them.

As for Arthur...


Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Earth time: June 15, 2014.

Arthur led the Blood Raven Fleet to leave Earth and headed to Sundar on June 6th, and then he, Horus, Wanda and Pete stayed on Sundar for five days.

On June 13th, William led the Star Destroyer and the Dreadnought to Star Sundar, ready to take over Arthur's work.

The father, son, grandpa and grandson reunited for two days, and Arthur led the Blood Raven fleet on the 15th, preparing to teleport to the nebula about 100 million light years away from the Milky Way.

According to the information provided by Nebula, who has signed the confidentiality agreement, and the Gamora sisters, Thanos is planning to launch an attack on a planet named Vodas in a star system in this nebula.

at this time.

Sandar in low Earth orbit.

The Observer aircraft carrier, battleships, Paris-class and Roger Young-class of the Blood Raven Fleet lined up, and two nine-kilometer-long dreadnought battleships formed a small matrix.

Then, a Dreadnought fires a beam that creates a portal.

A portal with a diameter of about twenty kilometers appeared in front of the Blood Raven fleet.

Inside the bridge of the Observer aircraft carrier.

Arthur, dressed as William 3.0, stood behind the giant porthole with his hands behind his back, staring at the portal that had just opened.

Behind him are Cortana, Horus, Wanda, Karl, Myron, Pete, Sif, Gabriel, and Vadim in uniform.

At the same time, this is the first time Wanda and Pete have worn Umbrella's military uniform.

Pete, who was originally a ruffian, has a bit of a heroic temperament after cutting his over-bleached hair short and wearing a straight black military uniform.

As for Wanda...

Although the military uniform will enhance a person's temperament and make people feel more mature, Wanda still gives others the impression of a little girl.

As for Quill, Gamora and others who boarded the ship together, they did not have permission to come to the bridge.

"Arthur." At this moment, Cortana walked forward slowly and reported in a low voice:

"This is the first time since Umbrella obtained the dreadnought battleship and the technology to build the dreadnought battleship, he opened a portal that can be sent to a distance of 100 million light years...

Do you want to drive in directly? "

heard the words.

Arthur only thought for a few seconds, then nodded lightly, then looked at Macha sitting on the captain's seat from the corner of his eye, and raised his voice to order:

"Captain Macha, it's time to take us to a galaxy 100 million light-years away, let's deal with that guy named Thanos."

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