Containment Control Starts With the Umbrella

Chapter 832: Real Gunfire Salvo


Following Arthur's order, Macha began to command the crew, and the entire Blood Raven fleet began to drive towards the portal.


The celestial body emitting blue light outside the porthole is getting bigger and bigger, indicating that the Observer aircraft carrier is about to contact it.

Finally, the blue celestial body has occupied the entire view of the porthole, which will make people with giant phobia deeply uncomfortable at this moment.

And Wanda, who came to the bridge for the first time...

It was very curious about the portal outside, and did not panic because of the giant.

On the contrary, her brother Pete frowned and closed his eyes tightly, as if he really had a phobia of giants. subsequently.

The bridge was filled with dazzling blue light, but soon, the blue light dissipated instantly, and what appeared in the eyes of everyone was a star emitting faint blue light in the distance.

As for other terrestrial planets and gaseous planets, they cannot be directly observed with the naked eye.

At the same time, this is also the first time that Umbrella has carried out an ultra-long-distance teleportation in the unit of "billion light-years" since he owned the dreadnought battleship.

The diameter of the Milky Way is about 200,000 light-years, and the diameter of the observable universe is about 93 billion light-years. If it is a warp speed or a jump engine, then it is impossible for human beings to reach the edge of the universe before they are destroyed.

After Halsey's research and the calculations of artificial intelligence such as Serena, I learned that the teleportation technology of the Forerunner can theoretically travel to any point in the observable universe.

However, Umbrella and UNSC in the main universe are busy occupying the entire galaxy, so they don't have time to go to extragalactic galaxies.

The star civilizations in the Marvel Cinematic Universe want to travel to all corners of the universe by using some kind of special jump.

For example, in "Guardians of Silver 2", Quill and others had a conversation with Gamora in order to avoid the pursuit of the Sovereign race, all of whom were "little golden men".

It roughly means that they are going to the nearest living planet, and Quill asked how many jumps are needed. Gamora's answer is one, and they need to go to a specific "access port" to arrive in an instant.

In the later period of "Silver Guardian 2", Yondu and Raccoon Rocket made countless jumps in the universe in order to rescue Quill, risking their lives to arrive.

From this perspective, the portal technology of the Forerunner is still superior to all civilizations in the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe.


After the entire Blood Raven fleet sailed out of the portal, Arthur said softly to Cortana again: "Sister Na, immediately conduct a comprehensive scan of this galaxy to confirm the exact location of the planet Vodas."

"Yes." Cortana's pupils emitted a faint blue light, using the observer aircraft carrier as a base station to immediately scan the entire star system.

In less than ten seconds.

Cortana's pupils returned to normal, and reported to Arthur Hui: "I have locked the Vodas galaxy and uploaded the coordinates...The upload is complete."

"Very good." Arthur turned his back to Macha and ordered: "Captain Macha, start warp sailing immediately."


As Arthur's voice fell, everything outside the porthole suddenly elongated, but it was only a moment, and an earth-like planet appeared before everyone's eyes.

This terrestrial planet is not as beautiful as Sandar or the Earth. It does not have a vast blue ocean, nor does it have a large area of ​​rainforest or grassland.

There is only a relatively turbid atmosphere and a few lakes, and the rest is a large area of ​​desert, just like a desert planet.

If William or Halsey were here, they would think that this Vodas planet is exactly the same as the desert planet that passed through the ancient ruins on Kepler 22-b and went to the extragalactic galaxy.

It is a planet where resources are overexploited.

In addition to this desert planet, what caught everyone's eyes was the flagship of Thanos, Temple II, which was visible to the naked eye in front of the fleet.

Temple No. 2 is in the shape of an enlarged 'T' as a whole, where 'one' is the bow, which is divided into upper and lower layers, and '丨' is the middle and tail of the hull, short and thick.

After Cortana's brief scan, it was known that the bow of the Sanctuary II had a transverse width of about seven kilometers, a hull length of about five kilometers, and a height of about two kilometers.

Generally speaking, the size of Temple No. 2 is comparable to that of the Endless Class, or even larger than that of the Endless Class.

In terms of firepower, the Temple II is definitely weaker than the Infinity class. First of all, it definitely does not have an electromagnetic accelerator, and the artillery salvo in "Avengers 4" only has energy cannons similar to plasma cannons.

However, it is not ruled out that Temple II also possesses some kind of weapon that can destroy the ecology of the planet's surface.

at the same time.

There are also a large number of 'donut'-type warships, responsible for the escort of Temple II, and going to the atmosphere of planet Vodas to reduce half of the creatures on the surface.

The fleet headed by Temple II is definitely the largest and invincible existence in the Marvel movie universe.

However, if you compare it with Umbrella's side division, the Blood Raven Fleet, the Temple II Fleet will no longer have the crushing momentum it used to.

At this time, inside the Observer bridge, only Cortana standing behind the porthole, Marcha sitting on the captain's seat, and the crew responsible for various tasks remained.

Arthur has led Horus, Wanda and others to the equipment and refitting area next to the hangar, replaced the combat equipment, and fought against Thanos and Thanos' army on the ground.

Because according to the information provided by Gamora and Nebula, every time Thanos plans to halve the species of a planet, he will personally lead the troops to the surface of the planet.

Not leading by example.

It's about experiencing the planet for yourself, its overpopulation and its decline, and finding out if there are any worthy talents on this planet.

For example, "sons and daughters" such as Ebony Throat and Gamora were adopted by Thanos in this way.

When the Blood Raven fleet warped to Vodas's low-earth orbit, the Temple II and the "Donut" battleship immediately entered a state of emergency, and notified Thanos who was still on the surface.

"Everyone obeys orders." Regardless of how Thanos reacted, Matcha immediately ordered to the crew:

"Inform the two Paris-class ships to launch electromagnetic main guns to attack the opponent's flagship. At the same time, pay attention to the angle of fire to avoid hitting the surface of the Vodas planet.

Then notify the captains of other warships to launch a salvo of artillery fire, trying to eliminate those small warships like donuts at once. "

"Yes, Captain!"

Phew~——! (x2)

Not long after the order was issued, two dazzling electromagnetic cannon ballistics could be clearly observed through the portholes of the bridge. From the moment they appeared, they shot through Temple II almost simultaneously.

The penetrating attack caused a small explosion on Temple II, but the overall hull remained intact.

However, next...

The Temple II and the donut battleship are facing the matrix beam composed of Yamato cannon, tactical missile salvo, long-range large-caliber Gauss cannon and plasma cannon, and dreadnought battleship.

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