
Boom~! ! !

In an instant, Thanos is most proud of Temple II, as well as the Donut Fleet, only suffered a salvo of artillery fire from the Blood Raven Fleet, and they were taken away directly, completely becoming Vodas Star Orbit Space Junk.

So far, the right to control the orbit has been smoothly handed over from the hands of Thanos to the Blood Raven Fleet.

After the Temple II and the Donut Fleet were settled, the Blood Raven Fleet began to get closer to Vodas Star, and Cortana also conducted a comprehensive scan of the surface of Vodas Star.

The final conclusion is that there are traces of firefights on the entire Vodas star.

However, at the equator on the sunny side, there is a zone that is still an oasis, but a large number of high-energy reactions and large-scale urban buildings have been found.

Based on Cortana's judgment, this huge oasis city should be the planetary capital of Vodas civilization.

And Thanos is also very likely to be leading the four generals, the Chitauri army with Leviathan, and the Ortred tribe with four arms and two legs, like beasts, to attack the planetary capital with the strongest defense.

(The Outirders are the beast race that invaded Wakanda in "Reunion 3". The English name is Outirders, which literally translates to Outlanders, so the transliteration is Outriders.)

Cortana locked on the possible location of Thanos, and Macha commanded the Blood Raven fleet to arrive at the orbit above the oasis capital, and descend to an orbit twenty kilometers above the surface.


at the same time.

The airdrop preparation area of ​​the Observer aircraft carrier.

The size of this area, while not as large as the hangar, is the second largest area on Observer.

Since Halsey and Rebecca cracked the plasma technology and promoted the plasma gas valve, the battleship with the Astartes troops stationed has undergone certain internal transformations.

The original Hell paratrooper airdrop preparation cabin and the Astartes airdrop preparation cabin were opened up and combined into one.

After all, the individual airdrop pods of the paratroopers are different from the large airdrop pods of the Astartes, and the slide rails cannot be used universally.

Moreover, when the airdrop was carried out, the entire preparation area needed to be sealed and decompressed so as not to affect other areas of the warship.

But with the gas valve of plasma, the above-mentioned problems are all solved.

Now, in the center of the deck in the airdrop preparation area, there are a total of 20 large slide rails and 200 small slide rail channels.

There are a large number of mechanical arms that can move freely above the deck.

Around the deck, there are neatly arranged individual airborne pods, as well as a large airborne pod that can accommodate twelve Astartes at a time.

at this time.

The blood raven paratroopers, painted in dark black and wearing airtight individual equipment, are gathering in this area.

The shoulder armor of each paratrooper is painted in white, and the blood-dropped crow representing the Blood Raven Chapter is engraved on the shoulder armor.

The 1,200 Blood Raven paratroopers logged into their individual airdrop pods in order according to their numbers, and waited for the ground crew to control the mechanical arm, and placed the airdrop pods on the slide rails for airdrop.

Except for these blood crow paratroopers.

Two hundred Blood Raven Astartes and a thousand Blood Raven Elites, also under the leadership of Gabriel and Vadim, logged into the large airdrop warehouse, waiting for the next airborne order.

Among these most elite troops, Horus, who was wearing the armor of Pluto and the invisibility helmet, also boarded an individual airborne pod to wait.

Although each paratrooper has his own retrievable airdrop pod, a battleship also has a large number of spare storage, so it is more than enough to bring one to Horus.

When everyone enters the airdrop pod, the light in the area immediately changes from bright to dark red.

Immediately afterwards, the ground crew immediately controlled the robotic arm, picked up the large and small airdrop pods and placed them on the slide rails.

Wait a moment.

The green light is on, which means that the warship has entered the best airdrop position.

Seeing this, the ground crew immediately manipulated the robotic arm to release the restraints of each airdrop pod.

Two hundred and twenty large and small airdrop pods entered the slide rail, and after a certain acceleration in the slide rail, they popped out of the Observer aircraft carrier's hull in an instant.

In the airdrop warehouse.

Through several small portholes in front of him, Horus first saw the dimly lit slide rail, and then saw Vodas star whose atmosphere reflected faint blue light.

Looking up, I found that the huge Observer aircraft carrier moved away rapidly, and finally gradually disappeared from Horus's field of vision.

"Nephew." Before the airdrop pod entered the black barrier area, Arthur's voice sounded in the pod and said:

"The landing area of ​​your airborne troops is a desert, some distance away from the capital of Vodas, but there should be quite a few Chitauri or Ortrids.

It shouldn't be a threat to you, but... I still need you to become a giant, so that Sister Na can record your battle video for a wave of political and military propaganda.

Do you understand? "

Horus nodded and said, "Understood."

"Well, then... I hope you have a good time, and we will see you later."


As soon as the uncle and nephew finished their conversation, Horus felt a sense of frustration, and a high-temperature flame quickly burned outside the warehouse.

This meant that he and his accompanying airborne troops had officially entered the black barrier area.


Soon, the flames outside the warehouse dissipated, and Horus also heard the howling of the high-altitude wind.





When the first batch of large and small airdrop pods came below 2,000 meters, the bottoms of all the airdrop pods turned on jets to slow down.

But Horus twisted his neck, and the joints made a "click" sound.

Then he stretched out his right hand and grabbed the lever in the center of the barn door. With one pull, the barn door was blown away and disappeared without a trace.

"Wow~! Huh!"

At the same time, air with a suitable temperature also poured into the cabin, even blowing Horus's short hair a little messy.

But Horus, who paid attention to appearance, didn't care about these at the moment.

He unbuckled his seat belt, squatted down with his knees bent in the cabin, and then used the airdrop box as a point of leverage, his legs burst out with a [huge force] that only a demigod possessed, and rushed out of the airdrop box almost at the speed of sound .

After borrowing the bounce to stay away from the landing zone of the large army, Horus was in a rolling stable figure at a height of about a thousand meters above the ground.

look down.

Then I saw scattered dilapidated towns, boundless deserts, looming oasis cities in the north, and...

Tens of thousands of Ortrids are carrying out massacres in the town.

And the Outriders with low IQs also noticed the abnormal movement in the sky, and raised their heads to look at the sky.

As the fastest descending Horus, he adjusted his posture and fell towards the desert on the edge of a town.

Seeing this, hundreds of Outriders rushed out of the town with their teeth and claws open, looking up at the sky, just waiting for Horus to throw himself into the trap.

"Hoo~! Boom—!"

Just looking at Horus with his feet on the ground, he smashed directly into the group of Outreds and the desert with hot feet.

All of a sudden, because of the impact of Horus' Leap of Faith, the sand and soil were blown up, forming a small sand 'mushroom cloud', and by the way, a lot of dark red blood was splashed.

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