Ebony Maw was a little shocked.

But only some.

Although Ebony Throat expressed disdain for the strength of the other three, he didn't expect to be solved just like that, so he was going to deal with Arthur and others seriously.

As for the one who could raise Ebony Maw's vigilance, there was only Horus standing beside Arthur. After all, Horus could change the size of his body at will.

Ebony Maw and Thanos have fought in the universe for many years, and have never encountered an enemy like Horus, especially Horus who also has the power gem.

While Ebony Maw was thinking about how to defeat the enemy, Arthur turned his head to look at Wanda and said in a low voice, "Wanda, that guy who looks like Voldemort will be handed over to you."

Hearing this, Wanda nodded almost without any hesitation, "Leave it to me."

After finishing speaking, Wanda walked forward slowly, and her hands began to dance slowly, and then a strange red light began to surround her.


With a single click, a red light ball was instantly released by Wanda, raising dust and attacking Ebony Maw.

See here.

Ebony Maw's face became even more solemn, obviously he didn't expect Arthur to have a 'wizard' on his side.

But Ebony Maw just waved his left hand casually, forming a sand wall directly in front of him.


The sand wall perfectly offset Wanda's attack, and the red light mixed with sand and dust rushed around in the form of shock waves.

"Hey!" Arthur, who saw the red light passing through his body, couldn't help sighing to Horus:

"Nephew, I finally know why that Voldemort died early. This battle scene needs special effects, haha~!"


Horus didn't pay too much attention to talking to Arthur, but just nodded lightly, and his gaze was always on Wanda who was competing with Ebony Maw in magic.

Horus didn't think that he had too many thoughts on Wanda, but he was simply afraid that Wanda would lose to Ebony Maw, and he was ready to rescue Wanda in time.

Well, that's right.

At this moment, Thanos, who had been hit by the 1.25cal super-heavy bolter bomb, finally recovered, and immediately let the double-edged knife spin rapidly to resist Myron's crazy shooting.

The spinning double-edged knife can withstand the energy attacks of Thor and Stark, and naturally it can also withstand 1.25cal bolt bombs.

It's just that the armor on Thanos' body has become bumpy due to Myron's sudden attack, and the skin of his arms has also turned black in many spots.

From the looks of it, even the titan Thanos couldn't bear the super-heavy bolt bombs with his body.

The moment the double-edged knife spun, the bolt bomb lost its threat to Thanos, and also saved Thanos' life.

See here.

Myron moved the index finger of his right hand away from the trigger, then turned his head to look at Carl, and said with a serious expression: "Carl, help me unload the ammunition box behind me."


Karl didn't quarrel with Myron either. She attached the electromagnetic sniper rifle to the back of the power armor and helped Myron remove the huge ammunition box.


The moment the super-heavy explosive bolt and the ammunition box landed, there was a muffled sound, and a cloud of dust was also raised.

"Huh~!" Myron took a breath, stretched his shoulders, turned his head to look at Arthur and said:

"Brother Arthur, it's settled. I'll be the Thanos. Don't let other people take my head. I didn't like this purple sweet potato essence more than 20 years ago."

I saw Arthur circled his hands, bent his waist slightly, then stretched out his right hand to Thanos, made a gesture of invitation and said:

"Brother Meren, play whatever you want, it's best to let him play to death."

"Hahaha! Just waiting for your words!" Myron laughed loudly, and then walked towards Thanos who looked alert.

At the same time, Myron also removed the kinetic energy sword attached to the outside of his right thigh, held it well, and recharged it.

"Buzz~!" An electric sound effect sounded.

The blade of the kinetic energy sword was covered by a looming red energy field.

Drax, who was watching the battle from the sidelines, saw that the heavy blaster failed to shoot Thanos to death, and immediately wanted to rush up to replace Myron and fight Thanos one-on-one.

Thanks to Gamora, Quill, Rocket, Groot, and Nebula teaming up to stop him, otherwise Drax might have been beaten down by Myron before he could fight Thanos.

But sisters Gamora and Nebula didn't have much hope for the silly-looking Myron.

In the eyes of the two of them, Myron is just a big man with nothing but strength. If he wants to hit or kill Thanos, only Horus can do it.

"Step, step, step~"

Meren stepped to a few meters in front of Thanos, stopped, and placed the kinetic energy sword in his right hand in front of him, and took off the special steel dagger hanging on his waist with his left hand.

Myron's kinetic sword, with a blade length of 1.7 meters, was the only one Halsey made specially for him.

The temperature of the energy force field is close to 15 million degrees of the core of the sun, even if it is against the magic weapon that only exists in mythology, it is not afraid at all.

As for the special steel dagger, it is the standard equipment of every Astarte, without too many special features.

When Myron, who was holding double swords, was just about to pose in a pose he thought was very handsome, Thanos put away the double-edged sword and said:

"Son, I don't know you..."

"Clang! Buzz~!"

But before Thanos finished speaking, Myron brandished his kinetic energy sword and slashed at him. Fortunately, Thanos did not relax his vigilance, so he reluctantly raised the double-edged knife before the kinetic energy sword was about to cut through the purple neck. withstand.

And Myron said in a deep voice with anger on his face: "Only the boss (William) can call me a child, you bastard is not worthy! Die!"

With that said, Myron turned around, swung the special steel dagger with his backhand with strength, and stabbed Thanos in the head.

Myron's movement speed didn't match his body shape after wearing the Primarch's power armor. The speed was so fast that Gamora and Nebula, the superhuman sisters, couldn't see Myron's attack speed clearly.

The same goes for Thanos.

However, Thanos is a thousand-year-old cosmic warlord after all. Relying on experience and instinct, he barely escaped this attack again.

But then, Thanos was completely powerless.

Because Myron, who is wearing the power armor of the Primarch, is close to an appalling three meters tall, no matter in terms of size, height or strength, Myron is an existence that can crush Thanos.

And Myron's attack speed is really too fast, and it's different from Hulk's smashing and beating. The angles of swinging swords and daggers are tricky.

Soon, Thanos became scarred, but Myron was still safe and sound.

In particular, Thanos' expression became even uglier, his brows were tightly frowned, cold sweat covered his wrinkled and purple old face.

Being scratched by a sword with a high temperature of 1500 degrees, the severe pain is self-evident. Even Thanos' best "assistant" double-edged knife was cut to pieces by Myron with a kinetic energy sword.

The current Thanos has no weapons and can deal with Myron again.

In fact, before becoming a Spartan, Myron was already the top human warrior, and he had decades of combat experience against more dangerous anomalous phenomena...

It's hard not to win.

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