Containment Control Starts With the Umbrella

Chapter 838 Wanda - Ebony Throat


Ebony Throat, who was originally magic versus magic, yelled when he saw Thanos kicked by Myron and fell helplessly on the sand.

But Wanda seized the opportunity of Ebony Maw to be distracted, and waved her hands, causing her to be enveloped in scarlet light again, and quickly flew into the air.

Immediately afterwards.

Wanda, who was in the air, aimed her hands at the ebony throat in a circle, and in an instant, a more dazzling scarlet beam shot out directly from the palms of her hands.

But it's a pity that Wanda's blow was sure to kill, and he didn't hit Ebony Maw as he wished. On the contrary, Ebony Maw was prepared to defend.


Suddenly, when two beams of light were about to hit Ebony Maw's back, an almost completely transparent defensive barrier blocked Wanda's attack.


Ebony Maw turned around, and with a face like Voldemort's, he said in a low voice, "I'll get rid of you first."

As he said that, Ebony Maw no longer held one hand behind his back and operated magic with one hand, but began to cast spells with both hands.

Ebony Throat waved its hands, causing the sandy ground to raise dust that covered the sky and the sun, trying to interfere with Wanda and the blood crow army's sight.

Then, the ebony throat created extremely high-temperature flames around it, instantly vitrifying the sand, using these vitrified crystals to create a large number of spikes.

He swung his hand towards Wanda who was still in the air, and immediately, thousands of slender spikes shot towards Wanda at an extremely fast speed.

Wanda in the air couldn't see the surroundings clearly because of the dust, but instinctively put her hands in front of her body, creating a defensive barrier of red light.

"Shh~! Shhh~!"

As soon as Wanda's barrier was created, the crystal spikes roared towards her.

Although the barrier blocked some of the crystals, most of the crystals shot towards Wanda again from all angles under the control of Ebony Maw.

This left Wanda with no extra energy to cast magic to dissipate the sandstorm that blocked her vision.

Coupled with the almost endless crystals attacking her, the inexperienced her became flustered, and she couldn't even create a defensive barrier that she was comfortable with.

As long as there is another wave of crystal spikes, Wanda, whose potential has not been discovered, will definitely die under the hands of Ebony Maw.

have to say.

Ebony Maw's actual combat experience is indeed much more than that of Wanda, and he used the illusion of caring about Thanos to attract Wanda to carry out the killing blow.

In fact, defense preparations have been made for a long time, and then a large-scale sandstorm is created to block the sight of Arthur and the Blood Raven troops. At the same time, it can also make Wanda fall into chaos, tired of dealing with the obstruction of sand and dust, and endless crystals attack.

As for Ebony Throat, why did it die so easily in "Avengers 3", the reason is inseparable from what Arthur joked, the magic scene consumes too much special effects funds.

In the later period, "Avengers 4" was also a plot kill by the screenwriter, in order to allow the Avengers to win the final victory.


Ebony Maw underestimated Umbrella's technology, but Sandfall had a great influence on Quill, Gamora and other members of the Guardians of the Galaxy.

But for all the combat units of the Blood Raven, there was no visual confusion at all, and everything around them could still be seen clearly using the helmet screen.

Not to mention Horus who has the blessing of divine power.

Just when thousands of crystals were about to stab Wanda from multiple angles, Horus jumped into the air, stretched his arms and embraced Wanda in his arms, and then wrapped Wanda completely with the armored red cloak. Wanda in my arms.

"Dang~! Dang~! Ding~!"

Horus used his impenetrable body to protect Wanda, who closed her eyes tightly in fear.

Hundreds of conical crystal spikes jingled on his armor, unable to pierce his exposed skin, nor the special cloak of Hades armor.

Moreover, a dazzling golden shock wave, quickly released centered on Horus, directly dissipated the sandstorm created by Ebony Maw.

The weather is bright again and the vision returns to normal.

"Tread." Horus, who was holding Wanda in his arms, also landed steadily on the sand.

? …

? ...

! ! !

At this time, Wanda slowly opened her eyes, and found that she was hugged by Horus in his arms. After using her body to help her block the attack, her charming face showed an unbelievable expression, and at the same time, her face turned red. up.



"Puff tom."

Before Wanda could fully enjoy Horus's embrace full of security, Horus still let go of his hands so ignorantly that Wanda, who let her feet hang in the air, fell directly on the sand.

Although it didn't hurt to fall on the sand, Wanda still looked at Horus with a resentful expression, as if very angry.

"Hey... this nephew is hopeless."

Arthur, who watched the whole process from the sidelines, raised his left hand, covered his face tightly, and lamented why such a strange thing came out of the Russell family.

Horus didn't notice Wanda's emotions and his uncle's teasing at all, and walked towards Ebony Maw with strides.


When Ebony Throat saw Horus attacking, his facial muscles wrinkled, a bit like Squidward transformed from Voldemort to a noseless Squidward, with a serious expression on his face.

"I don't know..."

Ebony Throat just wanted to open his mouth, and was about to have a flirt with Horus, but he didn't expect Horus to use the ability of [Fast Movement] to transform the Trident of the Sea God into his right hand, aiming at Ebony Throat with a little force. throw.



Following the sound of piercing the air and a flash of blue light, Ebony Throat's chest was directly pierced by the trident, with such tremendous force that even the man and the halberd flew tens of kilometers away.

In an instant, the figure of Ebony Throat disappeared from everyone's sight.

But Horus also inherited a characteristic of the Russell family, that is, the last knife.

He raised his right arm high, spread out the five fingers of his right hand, and used his divine power to recall the trident from afar.

Within seconds.

With a sound of "Shua~!", the trident with an ebony throat stuck in the tip of the halberd quickly returned to Horus' right hand from a distance.


At this time, Ebony Throat still breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that Horus had tormented him a lot. Even if he didn't care about it, he would die in a short time.

Holding the halberd in his right hand, Horus raised Ebony Throat, squinted his eyes, looked at Ebony Throat's disgusting face, and wanted to stretch out his left hand to crush it.

However, he glanced behind him out of the corner of his eye and hesitated for a moment when he saw Wanda who had stood up and dusted off her body.

Horus withdrew his gaze, stared at the half-dead Ebony Maw and whispered, "You're lucky."


Horus swung his right hand, and threw the Ebony Maw hanging on the tip of the halberd to the sandy ground, then swung the trident, stabbing hard at Ebony Maw's abdomen.

Now, Ebony Maw didn't suffer too much abuse from Horus, and died happily.

Seeing that Ebony Maw was completely dead, Horus took back the trident in illusion, and Wanda also took the initiative to walk beside him, thanking him with the blush still remaining on his cheeks:


"This is what I should do." Horus still responded quietly.

But this time, Horus dodged his gaze a little, as if he didn't dare to meet Wanda's gaze.

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