Time: July 17, 2014.

Location: Washington.

Half a month ago, William subdued the arrogant and arrogant Sovereigns in just half an hour. This also made the Milky Way no civilization dare to directly challenge Umbrella in a short period of time.

According to William's original intention, he wanted to put a "single soldier halo" in the home star system of the Sovereign family, so that there would be no more Sovereigns in the home star system.

However, William knew that the opposite was true. If the coercion was too great, the civilizations of the entire galaxy would unite and declare war on Umbrella and Earth.

Although he can fight against the entire galaxy with his own strength, and even use the "small halo" to directly eliminate all intelligent races within a thousand light-years, but...

In this case, what is the difference between William and Thanos?

Therefore, it's good to show off your strength properly. After all, the Star Destroyer's tonnage and size are there, and only Soverin, an arrogant race, dares to directly challenge it.

In the next few days, William forced Sovereign's high-level executives to sign a non-disclosure agreement, and also arranged for a large number of A-level personnel and a reinforcement regiment of the Marine Corps to be stationed on Sovereign's home planet.

With the strength of the Marine Corps, it is enough to suppress any form of riots by the Sovereign race. Immediately, William led the fleet back to Earth.

By July 17th of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, William was ready to lead the Zero Fleet and the Blood Raven Fleet back to the main universe.

However, before returning to the main universe, William plans to hold a grand celebration dinner at the White House on the 17th, thus handing over the control of Marvel Earth to Arthur.


At seven o'clock in the evening in Washington, the sun in the west has not set for a long time, and the brilliance of the setting sun shines on the whole city.

View from the sky.

After William's management, Washington has been completely different from two years ago.

The streets were planned more neatly, super-giant buildings rose from the ground, and the number of flying boats in the low sky gradually increased.

More importantly, the law and order in any neighborhood is very good. It will no longer be like the United States two years ago, where a robbery occurred every fifteen seconds, or tens of thousands of people died every year. for shooting.

The law and order has been effectively improved, which is also the main reason why people in the United States are not disgusted with Umbrella.

Just imagine, wearing pajamas and flip flops, going to the empty supermarket downstairs, and almost being shot to death, every individual will have resentment towards the government.

The number of pedestrians and tourists on the streets has also increased a lot.

Central Washington.

At this time, the White House, which had been requisitioned by William as a residence, was bustling with traffic.

On the streets outside the White House, there were a large number of black SUVs, SHIELD agents in black suits, and a large number of reporters holding cameras.

Inside the White House, guards wearing 'golden armor' conduct vigilant patrols, and the surrounding blocks are cleared to avoid any possible attacks.

Behind the main building of the White House, on the flat lawn square, there are a large number of upper-class people gathered, surrounded by long tables covered with white cloth.

On the long table are all kinds of delicacies, delicacies and drinks, and the waiters in maid outfits and tuxedos are also holding trays to deliver desserts and champagne to these upper-class people.

Those who attended the celebration banquet included local officials and generals who were promoted to high positions by William himself, as well as Umbrella's senior A-level employees and school officials, as well as some celebrities and journalists who received invitations.

Like Andre with a gray beard, wearing Umbrella's general uniform, holding a bottle of vodka that comes with him, drinking with local officials and generals to his heart's content, and complaining about the garbage, disgusting and scoundrels of the US government by the way Behavior.

And also instill a strong Soviet consciousness in these local people.

For Andre, the only Yankee who can make him pleasing to the eye is Mike O'Donahue who leads five battleships on a galaxy expedition.

Umbrella's high-level people, such as Prussia, Macha, Rebecca, Gabriel, and Vadim, also attended the dinner in their respective dresses.

Gabriel, who was wearing an oversized suit, was still fighting wine with Vadim, who was wearing a custom-made suit, at the edge of the venue.

Second, are the main characters in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Stark, who was wearing an expensive suit, led Potts, who was wearing a blue backless evening dress, chatting with Banner and Barton, who were wearing more ordinary clothes.

Even Nick, who was wearing a black leather trench coat that has never changed for thousands of years, also changed into a more decent suit at this time, but he still did not change the essence of "Madefake Man", and he was still a member of the Avengers who talked a lot. talk to them.

However, like Thor, Quill, Gamora, Nebula, Raccoon and Groot in Silver Guardian still do their own thing, wearing clothes that best represent them.

Only that idiot Drax didn't wear a shirt, so he was still exposing his upper body and eating hazel at the edge of the venue.

Saul got together with the well-dressed Jane, the short but "big" Daisy, and the somewhat crazy Dr. Savage.

As for Steve Rogers, who gradually changed from Captain America to Captain Umbrella under Arthur's operation, he wore a straight Umbrella military uniform with a gold-cast 'captain' collar badge on his collar. .

Under Arthur's proposal, William gave Rogers the rank of "Captain of Glory", and gradually downplayed the word "United States", leaving Rogers with only the title of "Captain".

And what surprised many people was Rogers' dinner companion.

Just look at her wearing a backless red evening dress, highlighting her perfect curvy figure, and her hair color is also eye-catching red under the lights around the venue.

Looking at the face, everyone discovered that it was one of the six elders of the Avengers, the black widow Natasha Romanov.

However, the current Natasha has been completely brainwashed by Umbrella, and she has no idea that she used to be a member of the KGB, nor does she know that she used to work for S.H.I.E.L.D.

At the same time, she completely forgot about the various espionage missions she had performed, such as the mission of using beauty to obtain intelligence.

At this time, Natasha only knew that she was an agent who graduated from the Umbrella First Military Academy, and she was here as a B-level employee to assist Rogers, the leader of the Avengers.

Moreover, Rebecca, who performed the operation of erasing and modifying her memory, found that Natasha's body had been sterilized by the KGB when she checked Natasha's body.

As a kind-hearted doctor, Rebecca relied on Umbrella's powerful biotechnology and used Natasha's cells to successfully clone Natasha's uterus, making Natasha completely return to the original normal person .

I don't know if it was Arthur's flicker, or Natasha herself hoped to have a good impression of Rogers. After two years of cooperation and fighting side by side, the pair finally admitted their relationship at the beginning of 2014.

{In the scene of driving a pickup truck in "American Team 2", Natasha once asked Rogers: "Who do you want me to be?"

Rogers replied straightforwardly: "How about friends?"

Natasha laughed at herself, and then said with an extremely serious face: "You almost got involved in a relationship (love) that didn't happen, Rogers."

The original sentence of the last sentence is: "There is a chance you might be in the wrong business, Rogers."

The vast majority of translations in China refer to 'wrong business'. In fact, Business not only refers to business and industry, but also refers to relationships.

In this conversation, it is obvious that it has nothing to do with industry or business.

So 'wrong business', definitely refers to 'wrong/complicated relationship', implying romance.

In the comments on this clip on Youtube, most foreigners mocked Natasha, but was rejected by a ninety-year-old virgin.

But Captain America and Black Widow were a very suitable pair of CPs, but they were demolished by Marvel. It’s not that the author doesn’t like the Hulk, it’s just that Hulk and Black Widow don’t have any CP to say...}

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