Containment Control Starts With the Umbrella

Chapter 844: Internet celebrity captain

Captain and Mrs. Captain.

It is the honorific name for Rogers and Natasha in the current society.

When Rogers and Natasha lead the Aegis agents to solve the remnants of Hydra, as well as A.I.M. and other villains (Iron Man 3 villains) who secretly created the 'Extremis Virus', the real-time images of their heroic battles will be captured by artificial intelligence. Finally, edit it and upload it to the Internet.

Just like a certain Twitter who knows the king governs the country, Rogers, an old antique, also has a social account.

At present, the total number of fans on each platform is as high as 770 million, which is still increasing steadily, and there are almost no zombie fans, belonging to the world's top "net celebrity".

Of course, Rogers' social account is definitely not operated by himself, but by Umbrella's smart artificial intelligence agent.

Interact with fans on a daily basis, answer various questions, and even often link with Natasha's social accounts.

Everything Arthur did was to make Rogers the spokesperson of Umbrella. After two years of hard work, the goal has been achieved.

"Captain, is there any new battle plan recently?"

"Captain, what is Umbrella's latest policy?"

Sure enough, when the couple Rogers and Natasha appeared, some journalists who were qualified to enter the venue immediately flocked to the two of them, raising various political and military doubts.

As Rogers, who can directly give an inspiring speech without using a speech script, he is naturally handy with these issues.

Coupled with the assistance of Natasha, who also has excellent eloquence, she perfectly responded to all kinds of tricky questions from reporters.

At this time.

A water elf in a white waterproof tights, Elizabeth Green in a black shoulderless evening dress wearing a mask, and a nine-tailed white fox in a red and white Hanfu entered the arena under the extremely surprised eyes of the reporters.

Of course, the angel Keisha, who was wearing a white dress, was also holding a teddy bear (***2295), chatting and laughing with this group of female anomalies, and came to the venue to accept questions and chats from reporters and people from all walks of life.

In this world, there is no need for Umbrella to conceal the existence of anomalous phenomena, so these anomalous phenomena who can only live on the Star Destroyer have finally experienced two years of free life.

As for 049, who is also an anomalous phenomenon, he has no intention of attending the dinner party at all. He is currently conducting experiments to develop a so-called vaccine with captured Ronan soldiers.

edge of the venue.

The brothers and sisters Wanda and Pete also enjoyed the delicacies on the long table, or in other words, Pete was the only one who concentrated on enjoying the delicious food.

Since Pete had just started to receive his salary, he had no spare money to buy expensive formal clothes, so he had to wear a military uniform to attend the party, and so did Wanda.

At this time, Wanda was restless, looking left and right from time to time, as if looking for someone.

Shortly after.

When all the guests at the banquet were present, the Russell family, who were actually in power on Earth, entered the arena accompanied by four primarchs who also wore extra-large sizes.

William in the commander's uniform, Arthur and Horus in the military uniform, these three look like brothers.

Especially Arthur, with hair, face and body like William 3.0.

And the female companion holding William's left hand is naturally Halsey wearing a red Chinese cheongsam.

Arthur can't do without the company of his female companion. I saw Karl, who was much taller than Arthur, with an unconcealable shyness and nervousness, and Arthur followed William and his wife arm in arm.

But Horus, who followed Arthur, seemed much lonely.

John, Myron, and Corax were like giant moving towers, guarding the Russell family to the center of the venue. Even the lights erected around the venue and above were focused on the William and his wife walking in front.

When everyone at the banquet saw the real host appearing on the stage, they all stopped chatting and turned their eyes to the center of the venue.

"Everyone." Accompanied by Halsey, William looked around at the crowd and said with a raised voice and a smile:

"Today is my Russell family. It is the first time to celebrate with everyone. I eat and drink with open arms today, and I will treat everything!"

After the voice fell, everyone in the venue also smiled, and some even applauded in a very 'spectacular' way.

After a pause, William raised his hands to signal silence, and then continued:

"Presumably everyone knows that for the past month, under the leadership of my second son Arthur and eldest grandson Horus, we humans have allied and cooperated with the god-like Asgard.

Afterwards, the Nova Empire and the Sovereign Empire also merged into the alliance, and secondly, Thanos, the mad titan who solved the cholera in the entire universe.

In just one month, the name of our mankind and the earth directly resounded throughout the galaxy, and no one dared to confront us again.

The Avengers and S.H.I.E.L.D. led by us, Umbrella, and Captain, will never repeat what happened in Manhattan two years ago.

As mentioned in science fiction works, our human beings are no longer bound to the earth, and the goal hereafter is to conquer the stars and seas! "


After William finished speaking, there was loud applause in the venue, and the military people were a little bit excited.

That's the truth.

Two years ago, humans and the earth were almost defeated against the Chitauri, and they were often harassed by various so-called super villains.

But since the arrival of Umbrella, human beings have changed and become the overlord of the galaxy in an instant.

This group of local school officers and generals who were personally promoted by William naturally had a strong sense of belonging to Umbrella.

After the applause.

Arthur led Carl forward in a timely manner, focusing his eyes on himself.

William also took advantage of the opportunity to say: "Everyone, we came from another parallel universe, which was already known two years ago.

And our universe is still full of all kinds of enemies, so tomorrow I will lead the main force back to our universe. At that time, my second son Arthur Russell will lead a newly built fleet to defend the earth to ensure Our human supremacy within the galaxy.

Arthur's ability is obvious to all, so I hope you can help him well, and a reporter friend, if you have any questions...

Just ask him, if not, continue to enjoy the delicious food and drinks at the banquet~! Ha ha! "

After speaking, William directly pushed the pair of Arthur and Carl to those reporters who could never be satisfied.

He led Halsey to disappear among the crowd in a hurry, and returned to the White House secretly, so as not to be surrounded by these reporters.

As for Horus.

Without wearing the invisibility helmet and Hades armor, the reporter really couldn't tell that he was the demigod who could turn into a giant.

So seeing Arthur surrounded by a group of reporters, high-ranking officials and generals, Horus stayed away from the crowd uninterested and prepared to be alone.

At this moment, Wanda's voice came from behind him, "Horos...are you leaving this universe too?"

{Please take two days off~! Also, the author found a picture of Cortana's "prosthetic body", put it in the fan section of this chapter, and hope not to be caught. }

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