Containment Control Starts With the Umbrella

Chapter 845 Adolescent restlessness

"Horos, are you leaving too?"


Horus, who was about to eat some delicious food and drink some fine wine at the edge of the venue, was taken aback when he heard Wanda's voice behind him.

Then he turned around and looked at Wanda with a sad face.

Seeing Wanda's appearance, Horus's eyes dodged a little, and he glanced at Arthur and Carl surrounded by reporters, and replied without any concealment:

"Ah... I'm going back, to be honest, I'm a little homesick."

"Then me and... those of us with super powers will follow your grandfather and return to your universe together?"

Wanda wanted to talk about her and Pete, but because of her shyness, she added the group of Avengers.

"This..." Horus frowned slightly, raised his right hand and scratched the back of his head, saying:

"According to my uncle, I should let you stay in this universe, after all, this is your home..."

"This is not my home." Wanda interrupted without waiting for Horus to finish, "Especially this is the United States! It was the United States that caused war in my hometown and killed my parents with weapons made by Stark!"

Wanda has made no secret of her distaste for America.

In the movie, Hawkeye and the US team enlighten her, making her feel at home in the Avengers, but she still doesn't like the US very much.

But in this universe, the people who enlighten her are Gabriel, Vadim and other members of the Blood Ravens, so she has a strong sense of belonging to the Blood Ravens.

In addition, Umbrella didn't like the US government very much, so Wanda's dislike of the US reached its peak.

Although the U.S. government no longer exists, the headquarters of Avengers is located in North America, which always makes her recall the scene of her parents' death involuntarily.

See here.

"." Horus didn't answer, his face and body hesitated, but in the end he stretched out his left hand, patted Wanda's right shoulder lightly, and said comfortingly:

"The U.S. government has been destroyed by us. It's a thing of the past, and parents can't be reborn... So Wanda, don't be blinded by hatred. It's time to look forward."

heard the words.

Wanda's complexion changed for the better, she no longer had a look of deep hatred, and she raised her hand to cover her mouth with a smile and said:

"I always thought you were a strong man, but I didn't expect you to say some comforting words. It really surprised me and scared me~"

"This..." Horus said helplessly, "Uncle always said that I'm 'powerful and brainless', but I didn't expect my image to be so fixed. My mother is Athena, the goddess of wisdom and war...

If I let my mother know that I am so reckless, hey, a beating is inevitable. "

Looking at the helpless Horus, Wanda was silent for a moment with flickering eyes, then boldly approached Horus, and said with an expression of admiration:

"Don't care what others say about you. In my eyes, you are invincible. Didn't Mr. Russell also say that in the face of absolute power, all schemes are useless."

"Eh..." Looking down at the beautiful woman who was close at hand, Horus' cheeks also blushed involuntarily.

Even he could smell the fragrance of Wanda's body, which made the adolescent Horus restless.


"Hello, are you also a member of the Russell family?"

"I don't know what your relationship is with Mr. Arthur Russell?"

At this moment, many reporters moved closer to Horus, and even wanted to squeeze Wanda away who was talking with Horus.

In the public combat videos indicated by Arthur, Horus is the most eye-catching existence, but in these public videos, Horus is wearing an invisibility helmet, so outsiders don't know the true face of Horus at all.

Squeezed away by the reporters who broke in, Wanda didn't want to use her abilities, so she had no choice but to stay away from Horus.

But Horus has a bad temper...

"Get out!" He growled extremely angrily, and the golden light of divine power was still exuding from his whole body.

"Crack it! Crack it!" His fists also made a creepy joint sound because of the clenched fists.

To be honest, although Horus was tired of the reporters, it wasn't enough to make him angry. The real reason for his anger was that these reporters didn't respect Wanda at all.

In other words, this group of reporters interrupted his dialogue with Wanda to deepen his relationship.


Hearing Horus' roar, Arthur quickly turned his head and looked towards the edge of the venue. He happened to see Wanda being pushed away by the reporters, and Horus who was about to use his divine power to teach the reporters a lesson.

"Not good!" Arthur exclaimed suddenly, and then hurriedly walked towards Horus, turning his back to Karl and said:

"Sister Carl, you help me answer the question first, I have to leave beforehand to deal with it, and I will be right back!"

"Ah?!" Carl was confused when he saw Arthur going away, but before he could react, she was surrounded by a group of reporters.

As a Primarch, she only needed to fight and kill, and she didn't have much contact with outsiders at all.

So when the reporters gathered around and asked questions with various mobile phones and recording pens, Carl turned into a glamorous look again, and only answered the questions with "um", "yes", "no" and so on.

On the other hand, Arthur, who was running fast, took advantage of the moment when Horus' anger was about to erupt, passed through the crowded reporters in time, came to Horus's side, put his arms around Horus' shoulders, and smiled at the reporters. :

"Everyone! Everyone! This is my father's eldest grandson, and also the eldest son of my brother who has never met, and he doesn't like being surrounded by a group of people asking questions, so just ask me if you have any questions."

"So that's how it is."

"Then Mr. Arthur Russell, what's your next plan?"

"Mr. Russell..."

Seeing this, the reporter quickly turned the topic to Arthur, and stopped asking Horus, who had been suppressing his anger.

The reporters were not fools, they could tell that Horus was not an ordinary person, and at the moment when Horus roared, many reporters could clearly feel Horus' killing intent.

Since Arthur came forward to give the steps, the reporters took advantage of the situation and stopped pestering the stern-faced Horus.

"Hehe, I'll answer these right away." Arthur said, pointing to Carl's position, and said to the reporters with a kind smile on his face:

"I have something to discuss privately with my nephew. If you have any questions, you can ask my girlfriend. She is our top super soldier in Umbrella."

After speaking, Arthur led Horus out of the crowd without waiting for the reporters to answer, and walked towards the long table where Pete and Wanda were.

Seeing this, the reporters had no choice but to leave tactfully, and then went to 'annoy' Carl who didn't like to answer.

Staying away from the crowd, Arthur told Horus in every possible way: "Nephew, in the next few years... I will watch without your uncle, you have to restrain your violent temper."

"They are really annoying..." Horus replied straightforwardly, "It's not bad that I didn't kill them."

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