Containment Control Starts With the Umbrella

Chapter 857 Starting a Business of Selling Arms

Manor house.

Located in the western outskirts of the center of New York, Morriston is a rich gathering area, where celebrities from all walks of life in North America, Hollywood movie stars, business and political families, etc. live.

And Serena used her ability to easily hack into the network to directly legitimize the identities of William, Horus, Wanda, Green, and a group of ghosts and hidden agents.

After all, she is a smart artificial intelligence, and she doesn't need to forge any documents at all, because she can directly make 'real' documents.

Afterwards, Serena opened bank accounts for everyone, and extracted "some" from the gray containment of senior American officials, directly allowing William to own millions of assets in this world.

When William knew that Serena was doing this, he instantly had a sense of the system. Isn't that what the original system did.

Serena's fabricated identity for William is still the Russell family, whose background is the lonely nobleman whose family immigrated to North America in the eighteenth century.

What are the old photos of the 19th and 20th centuries, the list of jazz grantors in the British government records, the enterprises and companies owned by the Russell family...

Wait until everything is arranged by Serena, creating the illusion that the Russell family has long existed in this world.

After all, the human society in "Black Robe" has also completely entered the era of information and networking, and all the records of a person are presented on the Internet.

As long as there are historical records of this person and family on the Internet, then this person and family really exist.

As for the manor villa, Serena has no way to swallow it for herself, otherwise the loophole would be too big.

However, when Selina bought the manor with the gray income of those high-ranking officials, it was more than enough to compile the history of the manor.

While handling the above affairs, Serena also registered a completely legal arms dealer, whose name and logo still used Umbrella and Red and White Umbrella, and the owner of this Umbrella was naturally William.

According to William's request, Serena described on Umbrella's official website, claiming to be a high-tech arms company established in 2003, with many conceptual cutting-edge individual weapons.

As for the reason why it has not been widely known, it is due to the confidentiality of the research and development stage. It was not until recently that the display pictures and videos of the finished products were uploaded to the official website that Serena had already prepared.

The high-tech weapons in the display pictures and videos are actually the individual combat systems of the Marine Corps that Umbrella had completely eliminated more than 20 years ago.

Although this individual soldier system has long been eliminated, in this universe, it is still visible but untouchable top-level equipment for fourth-class Ma Run.

Under Serena's secret control, the weapons display pictures and videos on Umbrella's official website were quickly noticed by the U.S. Department of Defense, which also indicated an invitation for negotiation of intentional purchase.


Serena played the role of customer service to communicate with the Ministry of National Defense, and set the date for meeting and negotiation on June 16, which is tomorrow in this universe.

Leaving the mountainous area of ​​the crossing passage, taking a convoy of SUVs driven by hidden agents, and driving for nearly an hour, they finally came to the 'home' of this universe.

The manor is built on the suburban hills in the west of New York, and there are many wealthy neighbors, unlike the Russell Palace in Haffa, which is "only me".

Four black SUVs driving in this rich Morrison neighborhood are not enough to attract the attention of pedestrians, because this kind of convoy is too common.


The team passed the gate of the manor, drove through the inner garden passage, and stopped in the open space in front of the main entrance of the villa.

Open the car door.

get off.

William looked up and down this three-storey villa with a very large area, and couldn't help sighing to Serena standing beside her:

"Serina, when Arthur and the others sneaked into the human society of the Marvel universe, they spent a lot of energy. I didn't expect that you could make the Russell family one of the richest people in this universe in just a few days.

Thanks a lot. "

Hearing this, Selina was delighted, but she didn't show it too much in front of so many people.

Just smiled and said: "These are trivial matters for our intelligent intelligence."

"Hehe." William also smiled, then turned to look at his grandson and grandson-in-law, and said:

"You two have a good rest these few days and get familiar with the unique culture of this universe. By then, my grandpa will pack you two into superheroes."

"As long as you can kill those super happy people, especially that fellow." Horus responded with a slightly ferocious face.

At present, most of the senior A-level employees have watched the first and second seasons of "Black Robe Pickets". As a member of the Russell family, Horus has also watched the complete episodes.

Horus is very... extremely disgusted with the super-sexy things in the show.

It is true that he is bloodthirsty and likes to slaughter, but that is when he is facing the enemy, and when dealing with ordinary innocent people, Horus will never bully the small with the big.

But the content of "Black Robe" refreshed his three views, which caused Horus to simmer with an anger that had nowhere to go since he came to this universe.

See here.

Wanda put her arm around Horus' right arm, comforting her irascible boyfriend, and said to William:

"Please rest assured, the chairman, we will not act lightly until we act according to the plan."

Seeing Horus, who was calmed down by Wanda, his mood gradually recovered, William couldn't help laughing and said:

"Wanda, don't always call me Chairman and Chairman, Horus is my eldest grandson, and you are his girlfriend, so don't be so outrageous."

Wanda blushed and promised, "Yes..."

"Okay." William waved his hand again, looked around at the ghosts and hidden agents who were following, and ordered:

"Get ready, we're going to Washington tomorrow morning to show the school officers the weapons we eliminated from Umbrella."



June 16, 2019.

Location: Andrews Air Force Base, southeast of downtown Washington.

On an empty training field outside the base.

Dozens of American military officers wearing military uniforms of different colors gathered here, including several officials in suits.

Among them, three officers with the rank of colonel represented the US Department of Defense, watched Umbrella's weapon display with their own eyes, and were the main persons in charge who negotiated with Umbrella.

At the same time, these three colonels are also representatives of the US navy, land and air forces.

And William, accompanied by several ghost agents in suits and Serena wearing rimless glasses, had a "happy conversation" with the three colonels.

At this time.

A sergeant of the U.S. Air Force, wearing Umbrella's individual combat system, came to the training ground under the eyes of everyone's expectations.

This individual combat system includes gray painted full-sealed combat uniforms, mechanical skeletons and titanium alloy armor to improve strength and defense capabilities, and an airtight helmet with a HUD display mask.

Appearance is strength.

Just looking at the appearance of this combat system, it directly won the favor of the US military.

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