Containment Control Starts With the Umbrella

Chapter 858 William: I am a patriotic capitalist

Seeing the air force sergeant wearing the Umbrella individual system enter the arena, everyone including William stopped their small talk and focused their attention on the sergeant.

Immediately afterwards.

The sergeant saluted the American representatives, then stated his name and rank, and after getting the approval of the three colonels, he began to test the individual equipment.

The first is whether this individual system will have a negative impact on the wearer under extreme loads, and whether it will affect agility.

The limit load of this old-fashioned individual equipment is 1.2 tons. Of course, there is no such thing as a 1.2-ton weapon among any individual weapons known so far.

So under the operation of a group of technicians in white coats belonging to Umbrella's side, the sergeant was equipped with any useful or useless main weapons, melee weapons, ammunition, etc.

In the end, the weight of the "full equipment" was 350 kilograms. In addition to the huge backpack, which was full of various accessories and magazines, there were several secondary weapons of different calibers attached to the belt.

Three hundred and fifty kilograms of load.

This is an impossible challenge for the most elite black ops force in the US military.

Under normal circumstances, for a human being who has undergone long-term weight-bearing and fighting training, the limit load is about equal to his own body weight, with an average of between 100 and 150 kilograms.

Moreover, human beings carrying such a weight are unable to carry out conventional battles and actions.

The current world record holder is Agris Kazelniks of Latvia, who moved 20 meters with a weight of 300 kilograms on his shoulders.

Twenty meters.

Three hundred kilograms.

But this record of creating the pinnacle of human beings was easily broken by Umbrella's individual equipment.

Just look at the air force sergeant, under the weight of 350 kilograms, basic movements such as walking, jogging, squatting, and fast turning are not affected.

More importantly, the sergeant will not feel any fatigue until the power of the hydrogen battery is exhausted.

At this moment, all the American representatives present were taken aback, but what followed was surprise.

These representatives thought that Umbrella's promotional videos were a bit watery, but they never expected that the actual effect was even more eye-catching than those promotional videos.

"Mr. Russell."

At this time, the colonel representing the U.S. Army, in addition to being shocked, did not forget to ask William:

"How long is this individual system's continuous combat time?"

As early as the end of the 20th century, the U.S. military revealed to those famous arms dealers that it intended to purchase mechanical exoskeletons.

Whether it is the main universe or the universe of "Black Robe", the US military intends to strengthen the individual soldier system.

The main reason why this plan has been delayed in mass production is energy.

If you want to drive a set of mechanical skeletons, you must carry out wired power transmission, and ordinary batteries simply cannot last for a few minutes.

As for the individual nuclear reactor?

With that technology, the U.S. military has already launched the Power Armor program.

So what the colonel is most worried about is the continuous combat of Umbrella's individual system.

"Hehe." William said indifferently with a relaxed smile: "The hydrogen battery technology that Umbrella has mastered is enough to allow this single-soldier system to continue fighting for 24 hours."

"Twenty-four hours?" The colonel was taken aback for a moment, but then immediately said:

"Very good, then please show us the other functions of this equipment."

William nodded without any objection: "No problem."


According to the reminder of the Umbrella technicians, the air force sergeant turned on the shooting calibration function of the mechanical skeleton and the helmet mask, and displayed shots at distances of 100, 300, 600, 700 and 900 meters in the shooting range. Hit percentage, averaging 91 percent of performances.

You must know that the firearm used by this air force sergeant is the M16A4, which is the most unpopular in the U.S. military.

Although Colt claims that the furthest effective range of this firearm is 800 meters, it is actually just for Marun to have a gun to shoot. Only a very small number of accurate shooters can really use this poor-performance firearm.

But with the assistance of the Umbrella individual system, within a range of 900 meters, such a high hit rate can be achieved.

This time, the American representatives of all parties present had the urge to directly purchase this set of individual equipment.

See the heat is almost the same.

The corner of William's mouth raised inadvertently, and he was about to start fooling the American representatives.

"Cough cough." After the sergeant finished shooting the target, William coughed lightly to attract everyone's attention, and then Lu solemnly said to the representatives:

"Everyone, this set of mechanical bones not only has the functions of increasing the wearer's limit load, assisting in aiming and sharing real-time dynamics, but also the most important point..."

Speaking of this, William's tone became even lower: "It allows the wearer to have power no less than those of superheroes."


heard the words.

All the American representatives present had wonderful faces, expressions, and gazes, but most of them showed signs of fear.

Yes, superheroes are superheroes to civilians, but they are a group of potential hidden dangers to military and government officials.

In the current U.S. government, only a very small number of people know the existence of "Compound No. 5", so they are somewhat conflicted about the two hundred superheroes under the command of Vought International.

Coupled with the recent Walter, he directly expressed his ambition to let superhumans join the army.

But with the addition of these superhumans, why do we need ordinary human soldiers? Where does the military expenditure for purchasing various high-end weapons come from?

This is bound to touch the army, as well as the 'cake' of other arms dealers.

And William also seized this point and infinitely magnified the dissatisfaction of these American representatives with Walter, which triggered the entire army and arms dealers to attack Walter.

After all, the diameter of the crossing passage is only six meters. William can't directly use the fleet that crushes everything to govern the world by force like he conquered the Marvel Universe.

A gradual process is required.

Take it easy.

William took the initiative to break the silence and said to these representatives: "Everyone, the mechanical skeleton of our Umbrella has a limit load of 1.2 tons.

But everyone should know that what the mechanical skeleton can do is not just as simple as increasing the load, but also can increase the maximum strength of the soldiers who wear it.

In the case of close combat, every soldier wearing a mechanical skeleton has the power to punch a ton, which is enough to close the gap between us ordinary humans and those super freaks of Walt. "

After speaking, William showed a loyal and patriotic appearance again, and continued to fool the representatives:

"Everyone, our Russell family has immigrated from England to America since the end of the eighteenth century, and has witnessed the rise and fall of our country.

What about Water International?

That guy Federico Walter originally served for Hi/T/Le, and he defected to our country when Germany was about to be defeated. For this alone, Walter International must never set foot in the military field! "

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