Containment Control Starts With the Umbrella

Chapter 872: Internet celebrity packaging plan

heard the words.

Susan's face suddenly became serious.

As the deputy director of the CIA, of course she knew what the people of the motherland had done, but they sometimes had to wipe Walter's ass.

Because that is the motherland.

"Are you scared?" (Bucher)

"I'm fucking terrified, and you should be, too." (Susan)

The above two sentences are the original dialogue between her and Butcher in the play.

When Bucher obtained Compound No. 5 and asked Susan to use the power of the CIA to solve the homelanders, Susan refused on the spot.

As Susan puts it, "It's definitely suicide."

Without William's involvement in the "Black Robe" American drama universe, the U.S. military has nothing to do with the motherland.


Whether the nuclear bomb can break through the body of the people of the motherland is still a problem. Moreover, with the ability of the people of the motherland, they can escape the moment the nuclear bomb detonates.

In other words, the strongest weapon of mankind is not worth mentioning in front of the people of the motherland. This makes the CIA behind Susan, and even the US government and military very afraid of Walter.

Seeing Susan's dignified expression, William still smiled, and turned his head to look at Horus behind him, and continued:

"Director Reina, the person behind me is different from those super Leses from Walter Company. His real name is Horus."

"Horus?" Susan frowned, "Should I know the name?"

"With your CIA's ability, don't you still understand Horus? I'll stop here, and come to us when you figure out the meaning of the name Horus."

After speaking, William left the CIA building with Serena and his grandson and grandson-in-law under the guard of the ghost agents.

I saw William and others leave.

Susan turned to the agents beside her and asked, "Horos... have you heard of this name?"


"Sounds familiar."

"I do know Horus of Egypt."

The agents around shook their heads to express that they didn't know the meaning of the name Horus.

Seeing this, Susan ordered: "Go and investigate Horus."



at the same time.

Outside the CIA building.

A convoy of four black SUVs and a black extended Hummer were parked beside the street in front of the main entrance of the CIA building.

William and others boarded the extended Hummer in the center of the convoy, and the rest of the ghost agents disguised as bodyguards boarded the remaining four SUVs one after another.

The team starts the engines.

Drive towards the suburbs.

Lengthen the inside of the Hummer.

William put his arms around Serena's shoulders and sat on the sofa to the left of the Hummer, while Horus and Wanda sat opposite them.

"Selina." William turned his head to look at Serena's side face, and ordered quietly: "Send a team of ghost agents to deal with the bodies of the tracker and the alien guard."

"Yes." Serena replied with a faint blue light in her pupils, and asked again: "Would it be more natural for Ghost Agent to fake it?"

"No need." William waved his left hand and said, "Walter's gang are not fools, they were destroyed as soon as they were recovered, even if the accident was forged perfectly, they still couldn't avoid the loophole in the timing.

But you can inform Green, and let her order the hidden tiger-shaped bodies to assist the ghost agent in destroying the trackers and alien guards, and throw all the pots on the tiger-shaped bodies. "

"This..." Serena hesitated when she thought of those 'cute' little tigers who were going to take the blame, but she still promised, "Yes."

Seeing Serena started to deal with business, William turned his eyes away from her, and looked up and down at his grandson and grandson-in-law opposite him.


He asked in a kind tone that didn't match his appearance: "Horos, are you two doing recently?"

Horus replied without thinking: "Boring, boring."



It shouldn't be.

William, who has watched the American version of "Old Boy", is naturally impressed by Omei who plays Wanda. The bed should not be boring.

But before William continued to think in a crooked direction, Horus said again: "Grandpa, I really don't want to go to school, those financial classes are driving me crazy!

And I have been in this universe for half a month, and I haven't played against a super happy person yet, my hands are itchy! "


After hearing what Horus said, William realized that his grandfather was thinking wrong.

And Wanda replied very honestly: "Director...Grandpa William, I have enjoyed my college life for the past few days, and let me experience the life of a normal person."

For Wanda's answer, William seems to have known about it for a long time.

After all, Sokovia has been ravaged by war, and Wanda and Pete, a brother and sister, only graduated from junior high school, not even high school, let alone college.

Children living in stable countries do not want to go to school, but children living in troubled areas want to go to school as much as they hope for the stars and the moon.


This is not the answer William wanted.

These two have been together for more than two years, and they have been living together for half a month. Could it be that they haven't had a relationship yet?

Forget it, these two didn't understand the deep meaning of his above question at all, and he didn't bother to gossip anymore.

Immediately, William showed a more serious expression, and said to Wanda: "Wanda, remember that you are an ordinary person now, and you must not show your ability until you get my instructions, do you understand?"

"Yes." Wanda nodded solemnly.

"Horus." William looked at Horus again and ordered:

"Next, under Serena's operation, your 'true' identity as a demigod who has survived for two thousand years will be exposed, and then you will become a figure like an Internet celebrity and a star.

After that, if nothing else happens, Maeve and Starlight will definitely contact you in private, remember to establish a good relationship with them.

After all, after we get rid of the people from our homeland, we need these righteous superhumans to work for us, let's lay the foundation first. "

"Yes." Horus nodded expressionlessly.

Now Horus began to develop more and more facial paralysis like John and Corax.

Usually expressionless, only when fighting, especially when encountering a strong opponent, will he show joy and excitement.

See here.

William was fortunate that Horus met Wanda when he was a teenager, otherwise, after Horus was twenty years old, this grandson would definitely become more 'frigid'.

"William." At this time, Serena also finished dealing with what William had explained, and reported to him:

"I found that the CIA has started to search for information about Horus, and they also found several myths I fabricated. Through monitoring, I also learned that the deputy director of Reina seems to intend to cooperate with us. "

"Yeah." Hearing this, William nodded lightly and said:

"Don't worry, our primary goal now is to package Horus in an all-round way, so that his fan base in a short period of time is comparable to that of the motherland.

In this way, it will be very beneficial for us to take this universe into our pocket. "


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