Containment Control Starts With the Umbrella

Chapter 873 Demigod's 'Past Events'

the next few days.

The attack on the auditorium at the time of Starlight's debut became more and more fermented and became the primary topic of discussion among people all over the world. After all, the famous Sevens suffered their first defeat.

And the center of the topic vortex is Horus who turned the tide by himself.

With Serena's help, Horus instantly killed the tracker and the alien guard, and there was a video of Horus scaring away the tiger with a single look, continuing to dominate the homepages of major online platforms.

The debate over who Horus is on the Internet has also begun to intensify.

July 3rd this day.

The official website of the CIA released a large number of identity files about Matthews Holt, Matthews Kent, and Matthews Ostrovsky, etc. about "Matthews".

The age of these Matthews archives runs from the 1970s to the 1990s of the 20th century.

The photos also gradually changed from extremely blurry black and white to sharper and clearer color photos.

On the day of the live broadcast on July 1, all netizens saw a group of agents in CIA jackets taking Horus away from Maeve and Starlight.

And on July 3rd, the CIA inexplicably released these Matthews files, which initially confused netizens for a while.

But as the netizens read these files, they gradually became enlightened, because these files all pointed to a person, and it was Horus who instantly killed the tracker and the alien guard.

The reason why the CIA will release Horus' files at this juncture is because the CIA has secretly reached a cooperation with William, preparing to support Umbrella's rapid rise to power, against Walter and the native who is on the verge of losing control.

After some operations by the CIA, all netizens are more eager to know the true identity of Horus.

From the 1870s to the present, it means that Horus is at least 150 years old! Of all Walter's superheroes, there is no one over a hundred years old.

Could it be undead?



Netizens gave full play to their wild imagination.

At nine o'clock in the Atlantic time zone on July 4th, the CIA published another piece of information on its official website that stunned netizens.

Because this message has only one word - Heros.

Seeing this, in order to satisfy the excess curiosity in their hearts, netizens began to search for who is Horus.

It's okay not to search, but this search gave me a shock.

In the unofficial history of Greek mythology, Horus is actually the only son of Athena, and in order to protect her image as a virgin goddess, Athena has never publicized the existence of Horus.

On August 12, 480 BC, it was also the second day of the tragic Battle of Thermopylae, where the three hundred warriors of Sparta were accomplished.

As a newly grown Spartan, Horus, together with less than 100 Spartan heavy armored infantry, resisted the Persian division of more than 100,000 people in the village of Gravia in the Engiona Mountains.

After Thermopylae was captured, the Persian army could invade Greek city-states and villages unimpeded.

However, due to the fact that the Olympic Games are still being held, the villages, towns and city-states on the front line cannot receive support from the Greek coalition forces at all.

Gravia Village, where Horus and a hundred Spartans were stationed, was less than ten kilometers away from Thermopylae.

Moreover, these hundred Spartans still defied the order of another king at that time (Sparta adopted the dual king system) and sent troops to Gravia Village in spite of the taboo of Olympus Day.

It's a pity that before Horus and the others supported King Leonidas' three hundred warriors, the Persian army of one million had already broken through Thermopylae.

Immediately, Horus and a hundred Spartans chose to stop the Persian army from continuing to penetrate Greece in the village of Gravia, which is easy to defend and difficult to attack.

I never thought that the Persian army of 200,000 people was actually defeated by the Spartan infantry with less than 100 people.

The 300 Spartans at Thermopylae, together with the 7,000 Greek allied forces, barely held back the million-strong Persian army.

However, Horus led the group of Spartans and defeated 200,000 Persian partial divisions, and he also set a record of slaughtering tens of thousands of Persians alone.

This battle was the first battle of Horus, who had just grown up, and at the same time, he had achieved what he deserved as the son of Athena, the strongest demigod.

However, it is precisely because this unofficial history is too exaggerated that the "historians" have chosen to ignore it and tell it as a folk tale.

After this battle, Horus quickly shone like a meteor in the dark night sky, and quickly fell into the long river of history. No one knew what the end of this demigod would be.

So there are very few people who know the existence of Horus.

But the Internet is a magical place after all. After the vigorous investigation and search of millions of netizens, the deeds of Horus, the demigod, were pieced together to summarize the above-mentioned complete process.


This is the first word that comes to mind when netizens watch the deeds of Horus.

Huaxia is shit, English is WTF, and Russian is Brett. Anyway, they all represent the shock of netizens.

According to the description of Unofficial History, Horus has a standard and muscular body, and his height converted into modern units is about 1.9 meters. He looks heroic, handsome, and masculine.

Of course, these are the benchmark 'configurations' for male demigod heroes.

The most representative of Horus in the wild history description is that he possesses Athena's exclusive artifact, golden spear and shield.

In the live broadcast not long ago, under the attention of everyone, Horus conjured a golden spear out of thin air.

All kinds of evidence point to Horus, who may be the son of Athena who has disappeared for more than two thousand years, the demigod Horus.

After learning the truth, all major social media and forums on the Internet exploded.

This is a real demigod!

Although Queen Maeve is also a "half-god", Maeve's mother is too famous, and her position is still a low-level servant of the high gods. Maeve is only in her thirties.

What about Horus?

Her mother is Athena, one of the twelve main gods of Olympus. She also participated in the well-known Persian-Greek war in the Western world, and her age has reached an astonishing 2,500 years old.

This is a real god!

Moreover, Horus did not show his true strength at all when he dealt with the tracker, the alien guard and the tiger body, which also made the two waves of netizens fight each other again.

Debate over who is the strongest 'superhero' today.

And the fan base supporting Horus's side has skyrocketed, and their confidence has also skyrocketed.

What they support is the demigods of ancient times. No matter how strong the people of the motherland are, it is impossible to beat the gods.


July 7.

Manhattan, New York.


The conference hall on the ninety-ninth floor of the Water Building.

It is spacious and bright, with expensive marble floor tiles and stone pillars, fan-shaped floor-to-ceiling windows with extremely wide views, and several giant display screens hanging on the walls.

The most conspicuous among them is the 'V' shaped conference table located in the center of the hall.

at this time.

Sitting on the left side of the letter V are Maeve, the locomotive and Starlight, and on the right side are the transparent man and the deep sea.

And the native who wears the national flag as a cloak is standing by the floor-to-ceiling window with his hands behind his back, overlooking the whole of Manhattan.

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