Containment Control Starts With the Umbrella

Chapter 875: Official Appearance


The people from the motherland exhaled indecently like a child, and instantly changed their face, from the look of wanting to kill someone just now, to one with open arms and a kind smile:

"That's right, now is not the time for infighting. We are the seven-man team, the greatest heroes in the world. Come on! Smile, let's forget about the unpleasantness just now!"


The other five people, including Maeve, showed very embarrassed smiles, and responded to the people of the motherland with a very guilty conscience.

Who knows what this kid-tempered guy will look like in the next second.

See here.

Of course, the people of the motherland know that these guys are duplicity, but so what? He just needs these people to be afraid of him, since he can do whatever he wants anyway.

Immediately, the motherlander sat at the head of the 'V' table, put his hands together, leaned on the armrest of the seat with his elbows, looked at Madeleine and asked curiously:

"Tell me, what's the plan for those people in the company?"

"Let's read the news first."

Madeleine ignored the nonchalant motherlanders, and went straight to the row of monitors on the right side of the 'V' table, touched the control, and called up a live broadcast of the press conference.

Just look at the location chosen for this press conference, which is the press conference hall of the White House in Washington.

A wooden lecture table with a sky blue background, an oval White House logo in the center, and the American Stars and Stripes beside the desk.

After all, the White House doesn't have a lot of space, so the layout of this press conference hall is small, and the decoration is a bit rudimentary.

The invited reporters sat on compact wooden seats, waiting for the spokesperson to take the stage.


Wearing a custom-made suit with an American flag pinned to the collar, the Secretary of Defense, with gray hair and the air of a veteran, walked up to the podium with a speech in his hand.

Coming behind the speech table, the Minister of Defense coughed lightly, and began to report the major events encountered in the past few days with the reporters present and all the audience behind the screen.

To sum it up, the mainland of the United States is being targeted by an organization.

This organization has very powerful hacking technology. At the same time, experts speculate that the other party also has extremely high biotechnology, which can be cultivated into an organized monster army.

In response to the massacre of the teenager Kicks and the hostage-taking case in the auditorium of the Water Building, the U.S. government judged that the police and the FBI were no longer able to deal with the attack of this organization.

Seeing that the U.S. Secretary of Defense said this, the people of the motherland showed a little expectation.

Because the other party said that the police and the FBI were helpless, so at this time, there was a chance that they, a group of superheroes, would take over.

But what the Minister of Defense said next made the faces of the people of the motherland darken again.

The original words of the Minister of Defense are: "Because the superheroes belonging to Walt have lost four superheroes including Black in a row recently, the Ministry of National Defense has determined that Watt is also incapable of handling and responding to this organization. attack again.

In order to ensure the safety of the American people and the homeland, the military decided to set up an exclusive task force, and this task force also has a strong foreign aid. "

After the words of the Minister of Defense fell, the motherland stared at Shen Hai sitting at the end, and Shen Hai shrank his head in fear.

It is because of the recent successive defeats of superheroes, coupled with the cold escape of the deep sea, that the US military has completely lost confidence in Walter.

What annoyed the people of the motherland even more was that if he was allowed to deal with the tracker, as well as those alien guards and tiger bodies, he could also achieve instant kills like Horus.

But the other party seemed to be deliberately targeting him. When these monsters launched an attack, he was either separated by the United States from the crime scene, or he was lured away from New York by the other party's fake Madeleine's phone number.

It's like a fist hitting cotton with a sense of nowhere to vent.

Immediately afterwards.

As the speech continued, a task force member wearing Ambre's individual equipment came from behind the scenes to the podium and stood behind the Secretary of Defense without saying a word.

This time, the reporters present immediately raised their hands to ask questions. After all, this kind of equipment that looks like a "future soldier" can attract attention no matter where it is.

And the seven-man team on the 99th floor of the Water Building didn't know what the US military was going to do.

I saw the Minister of Defense raised his left hand and waved it to his side, and introduced to the reporters and everyone in front of the screen:

"This is the latest individual equipment manufactured by Umbrella Military Industry. The military expects to purchase 17,000 sets of this equipment from Umbrella in the next ten years.

It can provide the elite of our army with a load-bearing capacity that exceeds the limit of human beings, and it can also allow the wearer to have a running speed of 50 kilometers per hour, the ability to share the battlefield in real time, and other advanced functions.

In this way, the elite of our army can be compared to, no, it should surpass the group of superheroes under Walter's command.

Through the live video of the two incidents, it is not difficult for us to see that Walt's superheroes have no cooperation at all.

At present, the task force built in response to this incident will be the first to be refitted and put into use.

So everyone here, and everyone in front of the screen, please have confidence in our US government and military, and we will definitely eradicate this terrorist organization.

As for foreign aid..."

Speaking of this, the Minister of Defense once again put his left hand behind the scenes, and introduced to everyone solemnly:

"Let us invite the legendary son of Athena, the Spartan warrior of ancient Greece, and the demigod Horus."

! !

Although the reporters present, as well as the group of people on the 99th floor of the Water Building, all guessed that the foreign aid invited by the US military was Horus.

But no one expected that the United States would bring Horus directly to the White House and attend a press conference hosted by the Secretary of Defense.

At this time.

I saw Horus, who was wearing the armor of Pluto but not the invisibility helmet, walked slowly from behind the scenes to the podium, and came to the left hand side of the Minister of Defense.

"Mr. Minister!" At this moment, a bold female reporter raised her hand and asked:

"Although all kinds of speculation and evidence on the Internet are in favor of the gentleman who solved the crisis of Water Building, he is the demigod Horus in Greek mythology, but...

Just letting him dress up as a Spartan warrior is not enough to prove that he is the legendary demigod, right? "

Hearing the reporter's question, the people of the motherland really want to fly to the White House and thank each other face to face.

Because the people of the motherland are sure that there is no so-called god in the world except him!

"Hey." But before the Minister of Defense could reply, Horus let out a disdainful chuckle.

Afterwards, he once again used his transformation ability in full view, summoning a golden shield with his left hand and Poseidon's trident with his right hand.

He held up the trident and said softly: "This is the trident of Poseidon, the god of the sea. I only need to wave it hard to create a world-shattering earthquake and tsunami.

Of course, as a god, I still have the most basic compassion, so let me just show you a magnitude 4 earthquake. "

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