Containment Control Starts With the Umbrella

Chapter 876 Walter is not a fool


Before the reporters expressed their doubts, they saw Horus's right hand move slightly, causing the trident in his hand to swing accordingly.


Boom—~! !

With the swing of the trident, the district bureau where the White House is located actually started an earthquake, and the live broadcast also trembled and the lights flickered because of the earthquake.

Fortunately, before the female reporters couldn't help screaming, Horus used illusion to retract the trident in his right hand, and stopped the small earthquake in time.

The magnitude 4 earthquake was not enough to collapse the White House, so when Horus "manually" stopped the earthquake, everything returned to normal.

At this time.

The scene of the press conference became surprisingly quiet, and the reporters who were the most talkative all looked at each other in blank dismay, not knowing how to continue asking questions.

Because Washington is not in an earthquake-prone area.

Currently, the earthquake record about Washington is a 5.8-magnitude earthquake that occurred on the afternoon of August 23, 2011 in Virginia, south of Washington.

Personal injury caused?


This is the closest, largest, and only recorded earthquake that has been felt by the citizens of Washington since the founding of the United States.

It can be seen from this that unless Horus has some kind of ability to predict the future, he can pinch the time in advance and the earthquake will happen at the moment when he waved the trident.

or else...

Horus can really use the trident to control geological activities as he pleases.

Moreover, no matter which of the above-mentioned abilities, they are not comparable to those "superheroes" under Walter's command.

Predicting the future is much more difficult than manipulating geological activities.

Horus, who took back the trident, ignored the reporters who were in a sluggish state, but turned into a golden spear in his right hand, and held it firmly.

Said softly: "Of course, the reason why I can control earthquakes and tsunamis is because of Neptune Poseidon's trident.

If that doesn't prove that I'm a god, then..."

As Horus spoke, a circle of golden light radiated from his body.

Following this, his body, armor, battle shield, and spear began to enlarge gradually, and the enlargement process stopped abruptly when the top of his head was about to touch the ceiling.



Seeing Horus show his divine power again made the reporters sigh again.

In fact, Horus's change from 1.9 meters to 3.8 meters is not enough to make the reporters feel novel.

Because among the superheroes under Walter's command, at least a few can grow in size due to anger, or "bloat" their bodies like rubber.

What really surprised the reporters was that Horus' armor, shield, and spear were also scaled up to the same scale, which was... different.

"Everyone." Horus said with the same expressionless face: "The gods in Greek mythology all have the ability to turn themselves into giant images.

Few of the demigods can do it. One is Hercules who entered the Temple of Olympus, and the other is me, the son of Athena, Horus. "

"Colossus...?" The female reporter who asked the question was taken aback for a moment, and then continued to ask: "Then, how high can you zoom in specifically?"

Horus replied without thinking: "Converted to this modern unit, it should be more than 170 meters. As for the specific height... sorry, I have never measured it."

One hundred and seventy meters! ! !

At this moment, all the reporters were 'bombed', and even the Minister of Defense standing next to Horus showed a shocked expression, and there was a hint of doubt in his eyes.

See here.

Horus returned to his normal human size, said softly to everyone, "Follow me if you don't believe me", and walked out of the press conference, leaving the Minister of Defense aside .

From the looks of it, this demigod doesn't care about the US government and military at all.

At this moment, the reporters didn't care about the embarrassing Minister of Defense, and got up to follow Horus who walked out of the venue.

Not to be outdone, the photographers took off the cameras on the brackets, and the trailing reporters on their shoulders left the venue.


Everyone who was originally in the room followed Horus to the lawn square behind the White House.

Horus, on the other hand, 'flashed' in the center of the lawn square in the blink of an eye, and began to transform into a colossus after getting away from the crowd.

In the end, it successfully turned into a giant with a height of 170 meters, so that the reporters present couldn't help but took out their mobile phones to take pictures.

Similarly, this scene also shocked the netizens who watched the press conference, as well as the Sevens sitting on the 99th floor of the Water Building.

"This! How is this possible!?" The native of the motherland roared and stood up, not believing the live content on the screen at all.

He is God!

The only God!

It was that guy, that guy named Horus, who took away the halo that originally belonged to him!

Thinking of this, the faces of the people from the motherland became even more gloomy, and they stared at the screen that had turned from a colossus to a normal human-sized Horus.

Seeing the sudden surge of emotion among the people from the motherland, everyone became tense again, and even Madeleine involuntarily took two steps back.


Immediately, Madeleine turned off all the screens without saying a word, so that the people of the motherland could not continue to watch the press conference for the time being.

She also pretended to be calm and explained to everyone: "Okay, the current situation is extremely serious for us Walt."

After the words fell, Madeleine still looked at the people of the motherland, and signaled the people of the motherland to sit back with her eyes.

But the people of the motherland are quite obedient, even if they are unhappy with Horus, they have no choice but to stop complaining and sit back in their original positions.

Seeing this, Madeleine was finally able to breathe a sigh of relief, and once again regained her old demeanor of a strong woman, walked to the side of the V table and continued to explain:

"According to the information we have and the ongoing press conference, we can learn that an arms company named Umbrella is rapidly rising.

It took Umbrella a month to successfully send their products into the US military by means unknown to us, and the military seems to want to use their products to completely prevent us from entering the national defense system possibility. "

"So..." Xingguang, who was still relatively simple in thought, asked, "What does this have to do with us?"

"Money." Without waiting for Madeleine to respond, the locomotive sitting on the right side of Xingguang leaned on the back of the chair and said lazily:

"If we can enter the national defense system, then at least one of the country's annual military expenditures of 600 billion will be ours.

Even if it's one percent, that's six billion. "

"That's right." Madeleine nodded without denying it, and continued to explain:

"In just one month, we lost four first-class heroes, including Black, which made the US government, military and the public begin to question the capabilities of superheroes.

However, this little-known small company took advantage of this time to grab an order from the US military. I, as well as the company's senior management, believed that the two attacks were inseparable from Umbrella. "

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