Containment Control Starts With the Umbrella

Chapter 891 Analysis of Umbrella’s File 1

August 18.

William led Serena, Horus, Wanda, Halsey, and Rebecca to withdraw from the "Black Robe" universe, and handed over the government and military affairs of the universe to senior A-level employees.

Due to the low threat level of the universe, Willem did not station intelligent AIs.

And among the employees of this universe who signed the confidentiality agreement, only Maeve and Xingguang know the truth of the parallel universe.

Under the control of Umbrella, the U.S. government began to reduce taxes and disarmament to reduce the pressure on the working class.

Then use the superhero effect to gradually replace the government with Umbrella's influence.

October 4th.

After three months of intensive training, the forty-three superheroes under Umbrella's command have been completely reborn. The seven-member team trained by USS instructors, leaving Maeve aside, the combined combat power of the remaining six can barely compete with a personal guard Astarte.

Although it sounds a bit detrimental, it is actually a compliment.

It is no exaggeration to say that a personal guard can completely torture 42 superheroes except Maeve if he is extremely serious.

The combat power is not at the same level at all.

Among the remaining superheroes with justice in their hearts, only Maeve's combat power is impressive.

Moreover, Maeve also obtained the Greek-style armor made of vibrating gold, silver spear and shield, which are absolutely top-notch existences in the "Black Robe" universe.

In the eyes of the uninformed people, Horus once again chose to retire regardless of the world after solving the social cancer of Walt, as well as the super villains disguised by trackers, alien guards, and tigers.

And Maeve also took over the position of Horus under the momentum of Umbrella.

When William and others withdrew from the universe, Maeve accompanied William and others to Minos Island in the main universe.

See the legendary demigod hero Achilles, then the goddess Athena, and then go to the underworld through the passage at the bottom of the island, and be received by Hades, the king of the underworld, and Persephone, the queen of the underworld.

This made Maeve no longer confused as before, and she was even more convinced that she was a demigod.

With no worries, Maeve began to serve Umbrella wholeheartedly, leading the new Seven and all superheroes to fight against evil in society.

Before William completely withdrew from the universe, he also notified his friend and in-law Constantine to let the Chamber of Commerce start to get involved in the universe.

As for the solution of how to maximize the benefits without exposing the existence of parallel universes, William directly threw it to Constantine to think about.

The greatest benefit given to Umbrella by the "Black Robe" universe is the acquisition of the No. 5 compound that can create "Superman" and a population of seven billion.

William plans to use ten years to bring the society of the "Black Robe" universe closer to the main universe, and subtly influence the society, allowing the public to accept the concept of parallel universes.

Ten years later, we will find the right time to announce the truth of the parallel universe.

So far, William has left everything related to the universe of "Black Robe" to senior A-level employees to be responsible, and major events are left to Ivan to decide.

After all, William is a 60-year-old man. No matter how young he is, he can't take care of everything. It's time for the younger generation to take responsibility.

What's more, his eldest son's desire to control power far exceeds that of his younger son Arthur, so he gladly accepted this drudgery.

Return to the main universe.

William continued to help Ivan and his daughters-in-law take care of the youngest at the palace on the outskirts of Haffa.

Horus doesn't need to take care of him. The child has already reached the age of eighteen, and he will marry Wanda soon and move out.

The two little girls, Naga and Kerrigan, are in the rebellious period of fourteen or five years old, so William's "retirement" life is not very easy.

However, one thing that makes William happy is that Yelena is pregnant.

Due to the relative safety of the main universe, the hidden agents in charge of monitoring all got the opportunity to take long vacations in turn, and Li Lie was no exception.

With more time spent together, less work pressure, and the rigid Li Mu becoming more active, Yelena can finally experience the joy of being a mother.

William, on the other hand, can also embrace his grandson or granddaughter after eight months.


Umbrella's file analysis.

Project Name: Secondary Enhancement Plan for Sparta and the Astartes.

Reading authority: Grade A, and above.


Located at 45°12'N, 63°57W, the crossing passageway, the other end of the passageway is the universe named "Black Robe Picket", and there is a serum potion named "Compound No. 5".

According to the performance of film and television dramas and reality, as well as the analysis of Catherine Russell and Dr. Rebecca Lee, it is known that the serum potion can stimulate the potential beyond the limit of human beings.

At present, the one whose potential has been stimulated to the extreme is the subject of observation named John Vogbo, code-named Motherlander.

The observed object was in the universe that traveled through the passage. On July 11, 2019, it fell into a disadvantage when confronting Horus Russell, and was finally subdued by Wanda Maximoff.

Through the research of two female doctors, it was learned that the subject had cyclops, clairvoyance, super hearing, steel and iron bones, etc., which surpassed the limits of human beings.

However, the two doctors have already mastered the steps to create the "Motherland Man" through experiments and the ready-made No. 5 compound information.

Within 30 days after the fertilized egg is implanted in the pregnant woman's uterus, the No. 5 compound serum needs to be injected continuously until the time when the pregnant woman gives birth.

The success rate is about 1%.

Water Enterprise once used hundreds of pregnant women to conduct experiments, and in the end only the observed subjects survived, and the final result of their biological mother and all pregnant women died.

Moreover, when the subject was being delivered, he used uncontrolled Cyclops to burst out, resulting in the death of twelve people including the biological mother.

In view of the fact that the plan to create "Motherland Man" was too anti-human, it was permanently suspended and sealed up by the company's chairman William Russell.

However, the two female doctors did not give up the continuous research on compound No. 5.

Because about 70% of the humans transformed by the No. 5 compound have the ability of bulletproof skin, and they can also resist .22lr caliber bullets at the very least.

According to the long-term research of two female doctors, an improved No. 5 compound was successfully developed on November 2, 2046 in the main universe, which can be used to specifically stimulate the special ability of human "bulletproof skin".


Through human experiments on hundreds of D-class personnel, it is known that there are very few ordinary humans who can withstand this serum modification, and only 7% of D-class personnel survived.

As for the remaining D-class personnel, although they have obtained the ability of bulletproof skin, their bones are shattered, their meridians are broken, and their muscles are permanently damaged.

It is undeniable that these D-class personnel can withstand the impact of 5.56 or 7.62, and other old-fashioned caliber warheads.

Therefore, Dr. Catherine Russell decided to let a super soldier who has become an Astarte be used as an experimental subject to inject the modified No. 5 compound.

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