Containment Control Starts With the Umbrella

Chapter 892 Anomaly Analysis File

To undertake the file.

The result is that the physiological reactions of this Astartes are all normal, and all functions still maintain the level before the injection, and also obtained the ability of 'bulletproof skin'.

After the voluntary experiment of the Astartes, it is known that its skin is completely immune to small-caliber spiked bullets at close range, and the limit is the spiked bullets of the standard Gauss rifle.

The Astartes' abdomen suffered penetrating wounds from armor-piercing spike bullets. After being treated by the hive medical team, it has healed and returned to its original formation.

This experiment confirmed that the use of the modified No. 5 compound can give Umbrella's super soldiers the ability of 'bulletproof skin'.

On January 1, 2047, the company began to sequentially inject the modified No. 5 compound serum into the primarch Sparta, the first and second phases of Sparta, and all Astartes.

The injection plan for all super soldiers is expected to be completed by the middle of 2047.

Moreover, when the candidate completes the Astartes transformation operation and passes through the recovery period, they will be directly injected with the modified No. 5 compound serum.

So far, the company has tens of thousands of "invulnerable" super soldiers, and its combat survivability has been further strengthened.

Note: Due to the special skin of the super soldiers, it also brought a certain degree of trouble to the company. For example, after the soldiers suffered heavy injuries, they could not use ordinary medical needles for injection treatment.

Therefore, the company needs to use chromium-titanium alloy needles, and then use the robotic arm to inject treatment on super soldiers.


Project Name: Mark II Thor's Hammer.

Reading authority: Grade A, and above.


The Mark II Mjolnir armor is based on an improved Mark I developed by Dr. Catherine Russell.

The Mark 1 has a history of forty years. Whenever the company has a major breakthrough in technology, the company will give priority to upgrading the Mark 1.

Although Mark 1 is old, it is a special power armor exclusively for Spartan Phase 1 fighters, and Spartan Phase 2 and Astartes have no right to use it.

Moreover, Mark was the company's most outstanding armor in terms of defensive performance until the advent of the Primarch Power Armor.

But the first disadvantage is that ordinary humans cannot wear it.

The second disadvantage is that the cost of a set of Mark 1 is equivalent to the cost of a Phoenix class in the 2010s.

Therefore, it was not mass-produced.

With the successive releases of the Divine Body, MS, and Tao Titanium Armor, the company suspended the continued research and development of the Thor Hammer series.

It wasn't until Umbrella obtained the metal unique to the universe in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, vibrating gold, that the Thor Hammer series was able to develop the second generation.

Due to the improvement of technology and the control of sky-high costs, the company decided to use Zhenjin to develop the Mark II Thor Hammer for the first and second phases of Sparta.

On July 2, 2045, the Hive Research Team completed the development of the Mark II Mjolnir.

The appearance retains the most classic shape of Thor's Hammer, the paint is still mainly dark green, and it has an energy shield generation device that can resist the halo pulse wave.

Defensiveness is at its peak for Umbrella.

Attached information:

The Hive also built Primarch Power Armor for the five Primarch Spartans, using vibranium metal.


Project name: Ulu Metal.

Access to read: Only with the approval of the Olympus Board of Directors.


Uru metal is one of the extremely rare metals in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Many famous weapons are smelted from Uru metal.

Odin's eternal gun Gungnir, Thor's hammer Mjolnir, and Thor's kingly weapon, the Storm Axe, are all forged from Uru Metal.


Arthur Russell, the person in charge of the universe, went to Asgard under the escort of the Primarch Karl on February 3, 2046 in the main universe, and discussed with Odin about using Uru metal to manufacture exclusive weapons for the Russell family. .

After discussion.

Arthur Russell learned that "mortals" cannot control Ulu metal, only gods with holy character, or gods with the blood of gods in their bodies can use it normally.

In the end, Arthur Russell took the second place and chose to create three exclusive weapons for Horus Russell, and the dwarf king Aitri took charge of the project.

Three exclusive weapons, namely bow, spear and shield.

The appearance of the bow is similar to the ordinary bow, but the appearance is more ornate, with gold thread pattern.

Combined with the arrow made of Uru metal and the supernatural power of Horus Russell, its destructive power can even reach 30 tons, as powerful as an electromagnetic gun at 10% of the speed of light.

The bow was named the Bow of Horus by Arthur Russell.

The appearance of the spear and shield is similar to Athena's golden battle spear and battle shield, only slightly different in texture, but the sharpness and destructive power are stronger than the golden battle spear and battle shield.

Horus Russell, who got the bow, spear, and shield, returned the golden spear and shield to their original owners, so that the combat power of the goddess Athena of Umbrella was restored to its peak again.


Anomaly Analysis File.

Project Title: 'Teachers Are Not Human'.

Object Class: Keter → Erase.

Reading permission: B-level, and above.


Although the object has been successfully erased, it still caused a large number of casualties.

File parsing...

Parsing complete.

The videos and conversations in the file mainly come from the buttons and surveillance cameras of the two trainee agents, and the brief information of the trainee agents is as follows.

Nasha Lee.

Nineteen years old, female, human race.

Ripa Morami.

Age nineteen, male, race Sangheili.

The two trainee agents are both sophomores at the Umbrella No. 1 Military Academy located on the outskirts of Haffa.

After nearly twenty years of running-in, the Sangheili race has fully integrated into human society. Sangheili people can go to school, work and join the army without being discriminated against because of their own race.

So the Sangheili can also participate in Umbrella's military academy.

In the spring of 2046, for higher credits, two students chose to go to the colony on the edge of Orion's cantilever for a three-month hidden practice.

The identities arranged by the school for the two are students of the second high school in the capital of planet number X51R-B.

ancillary information;

X51R is a star system on the edge of Orion's cantilever, with a star four billion years old, two terrestrial planets and a gas supergiant planet.

X51R-B is the second terrestrial planet. In 2026, the dome colony will be built. It has rich tungsten ore and an atmosphere thicker than Mars.

During the Human-Covenant War, the system was home to Umbrella's Third Fleet and the UNSC Battleship Group, so it did not suffer too much damage.

When Chairman William Russell passed the event of {REDACTED} (primordia giving the mantle), the company has the technology to fully transform and create planetary celestial bodies.

Therefore, X51R-B underwent a comprehensive transformation by the engineering team, and was transformed fifteen years ago to be no different from the natural environment of the earth, and the population has grown explosively.

The total population is currently stable at 150 million.

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