That evening.

On the large fountain square in front of the main entrance of Russell Palace.

William, Halsey, Serena, Yelena and others are no longer dressed in pajamas in the morning.

William was wearing a light gray suit, while the three Halsey girls were wearing Chinese cheongsams of similar styles, the colors were red, blue, and bright red.

The two ladies, Halsey and Serena, stood beside William, one red and one blue.

Yelena hugged Li Jing, who was a little confused and was sucking her right thumb, and Li Lie, who was wearing a black military uniform, stood behind William.

Behind William, there are Ivan as the eldest son, Athena, Nova, Shia, Megan, Horus and Wanda, Kerrigan and Naga.

Ivan wore a black commander's uniform, and his four wives also wore women's uniforms.

The grandchildren, Horus and Wanda, were wearing black suits of the same style, and Wanda's lower abdomen was still slightly bulging, so she didn't fasten the buttons of the suits.

After Horus and Wanda finished their journey in the universe of "Black Robe", they held a wedding and got married the next year, and the two finally transformed from boys and girls into men and women.

Afterwards, the young couple will assist the Zero Fleet to contain high-risk abnormal phenomena, and fighting together makes the relationship between the husband and wife more harmonious.

So in March of this year, Wanda became pregnant with the fourth generation of the Russell family.

This made Horus, who was usually expressionless, into a fool who would show a smirk from time to time.

As for Naga and Kerrigan, they belong to the youngest generation at this stage, and there is no need to dress formally, so these two sisters with deep affection wear the same style of white dresses.

The two of them have become slim female college students, and they will enter St. Mary's University in Haffa at the beginning of school, talking and laughing in private to discuss college life.

The original Russell family withered away, leaving only Andre who liked to talk about 'Suka' and 'Bret', and the original owner who used to like to spend time and drink, and was the last property of the family.

The current Russell family already has a group of children, and William will even have a great-grandson in his arms soon.


Just when the family first came to the square, the noise of hydrogen engines came from the western sky.

Looking up, I saw a black painted, enlarged and comfortable version of the Pelican heading towards the sky above the square.



Come to a stop.

The door on the left side of the cabin is opened, and the steps are unfolded for the people in the cabin to get out easily.

At this time, I saw the white-haired Carl, who was wearing an oversized military uniform, bent down and walked out of the cabin to the square.

Following Carl was Arthur in a white shirt, no tie, a suit jacket on his left shoulder, and his hands in his trouser pockets.


She still has the same foolish look as before, but the calm and calm aura of a superior cannot be concealed by the external demeanor.

Seeing that the whole family was waiting for him, Arthur was overwhelmed with shock. He quickly took his hands out of his trouser pockets, took Carl, who was more than half a meter taller than him, and ran towards the family.

Arriving in front of the crowd, Arthur still said carelessly and nonchalantly: "Hi, dad, mom, sister, brother, I didn't expect me to be so big!"

"Good boy." On the other hand, Halsey smiled at Arthur in a motherly tone:

"It's really hard work for you to handle all the affairs of a universe these years. You don't need to ask your father for advice. Mom will give you and Karl a half-year vacation. Let's take a good rest."

"Hey~!" Arthur said with a silly smile, "Then I'd rather be respectful than obedient."

"Okay, how old are you, and you are still so foolish, the whole family has been waiting for you for a long time."

William reprimanded like a strict father, turned around and walked towards the palace, and raised his voice to the maids not far away:

"The second young master has already returned, ready for the banquet."


The maids bowed to William, and then returned to the palace before the Russell family, and began to prepare the dinner for the families who mastered the four universes.

At this time, Arthur walked up to his sister Yelena, and teasing Li Jing, who was still talking uncomfortably, said:

"Old sister, this kid looks as handsome as brother-in-law, no! He's even more handsome than brother-in-law. He will definitely be a general of our mankind in the future, and he will also be a general who will command thousands of troops."

"Hoho~!" Yelena was provoked by Arthur's words and laughed, pretending to say:

"You, how old you are, you're always not upright. Have you forgotten what your sister taught you?"

"Yes, yes, my sister, I understand, come, let me hug my handsome nephew." Arthur stretched out his hand.


Arthur took his nephew, and made a throwing motion on purpose, trying to scare Li Jing.

Unexpectedly, Li Jing just giggled and was not afraid of being thrown out by Arthur at all. It seemed that William's grandson was quite courageous.

After Arthur handed Li Jing back to Yelena, he greeted his brother Ivan and many sister-in-laws one by one, and then Horus and Wanda who had a very good relationship with him.

Finally, there are Naga and Kerrigan who are chasing him for gifts from the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Since Arthur entered the Marvel Cinematic Universe, it has been seven years at least, and the couple haven't been able to see their incomprehensible uncle.

However, the second daughter had a good impression of Arthur. After all, Arthur used to use some novelty dolls to coax them when they were in their early teens.

Walking into the hall of the palace, under the guidance of the maids, everyone went to the restaurant on the west side of the palace.

A very large long table is used in the restaurant, enough to accommodate thirty people.

William didn't specify the order and particularity of the seating at the table, so everyone sat next to those they were close to.

Not long.

The maids pushed the trolleys and placed Chinese-style famous dishes, Japanese-style sushi, Western-style Wellington steak and other delicacies on the long table in sequence.

During the period, William also asked Arthur about some matters in the Marvel universe, such as the end of the villain Ego in "Silver Guardian 2" and so on.

For Yigo's crusade, Arthur just dispatched a Paris-class frigate, and with Yondu acting as a guide, it sailed to the low-earth orbit of Yigo's planet at a warp speed.

Using a 30-ton caliber electromagnetic gun, aiming at the center of the earth in Yigo is a single shot, directly solving the villain who claims to be a god.

The former Captain America has now become Captain Umbrella, wearing a black uniform and a golden shield with a red and white umbrella.

Arthur used the influence of Steve Rogers to successfully stabilize the situation on Earth. With his exclusive artificial intelligence, the Milky Way in the Marvel Cinematic Universe has completely become Umbrella's property.

The family dinner lasted for nearly two hours, which increased the relationship between relatives. The current Russell family is still friendly and harmonious, but the number of families in a hundred or a thousand years will definitely increase exponentially.

Fortunately, William and Halsey privately decided not to make brothers and sisters for Yelena, Ivan and Arthur, otherwise, the situation of "benevolent father and son filial piety" may really happen in the future.

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