Containment Control Starts With the Umbrella

Chapter 899: The New Generation


Arthur and Carl temporarily lived in the Russell Palace, and, on the morning after the family dinner, the two followed Halsey to the biological laboratory on the third floor of the hive.

There, Carl received a comprehensive examination by two doctors, Halsey and Rebecca, to treat the infertility problem of the only female protozoa.

Two of Umbrella's top female doctors soon discovered that the cause of Karl's infertility was that he could not be fertilized because of blocked ovulation.

The main reason for the obstruction of ovulation is inseparable from Karl's long-term battle and psychological pressure.

For this reason, Karl can no longer wear the Primarch Power Armor for a short period of time, and needs to rest for several months to recover.

Regarding this decision, Karl was not prepared to accept it. After all, as one of the Primarchs of the Imperial Army, the battlefield is her proper destination.


When Karl and Arthur returned to the manor and saw Yelena taking her son out again on the fountain square in front of the palace, Karl turned around and grabbed Arthur's shoulders, and said solemnly:

"Arthur, I want a baby too."

"Okay..." Arthur said with cold sweat on his forehead, his face twitching weakly:

"But can you let go first... If you increase your strength, your husband and my shoulders will be taken off."


Seeing Arthur's painful expression, Karl realized that she had failed to control her own strength, so he let go of her hand with a groan.

"Hiss... Sister Karl, it's also fortunate that your husband is me, otherwise ordinary people would have been killed by you long ago."

Arthur, who had regained his freedom, moved his right shoulder that had just been grabbed, and teased Carl by the way.

Nowadays, not only is the per capita white-haired control in a certain country, but nearly 90% of men have no resistance to white-haired women.

In addition to albinism, humans rarely have natural gray hair, but it does not mean that there is no such thing.

Karl's deceased biological parents had ordinary blonde and brown hair, but in Karl's body, there was a mutation, the hair color was silvery white, and the eyes were also light yellow.

The odds of this mutation are about one in seven million, which is lower than the one in two million chance of an asteroid hitting the Earth.

When it is placed among the tens of billions of human population, the number of natural white hair and silver hair is still considerable, and most of them are women.

So Arthur is very fortunate that he can marry the strongest white-haired girl Karl.

But... At the same time that it is pleasing to the eye, Arthur also suffers from it.

Although the incident of pinching DD that his father William was worried about at the beginning did not happen, but every time he made out with Carl, his body would suffer injuries of varying degrees, and the next day there were bruises all over his body.

There is no way, what is gained is what is lost, Arthur can only use this sentence to comfort himself.


In order to make Carl recover, Arthur accompanied his white-haired wife to stay on the earth and take care of herself.

At present, there is no abnormal phenomenon worthy of dispatch by the Zero Fleet. The remnants of the ghost-faced beasts in the galaxy are almost wiped out by the coalition government of the human Sangheili.

After all, the two veterans, Mike and Andre, can completely defeat the only remaining ghost-faced beasts in terms of experience and age.

It wasn't that William was cruel and wanted to exterminate the ghost beasts, but to appease the Sangheili as an allied race, the ghost beast race must be expelled from the galaxy.

Sangheili has lived with humans for decades, but they still hate the ghost-faced beast, and the two sides are deadly enemies.

Many survivors of the Human-Star Alliance War also deeply resented the atrocities committed by the Brutes. Naturally, William would not have the Heart of the Virgin, so he would kill them as soon as possible.

In this way, Arthur and Karl spent half a year on Earth in peace.

After half a year of recuperation and treatment, Karl's infertility symptoms were finally cured.

And the sky paid off. After Arthur's "bloody battle" efforts, Karl, the mother of the Primarch, finally became pregnant as she wished.

Of course, incidents like Spartan's pregnancy are not uncommon.

In the first and second phases of Sparta, there are many female super fighters. They only have their pain nerves restrained, but they still have the seven emotions and six desires of ordinary human beings.

As for the little Spartans born from their wombs, after being monitored by medical personnel, it was found that they all had the physical fitness of human beings.

However, the small Spartans born from the combination of ordinary humans are much different from the first and second stage Spartans, and are on the same level as the Astartes.

William didn't know what would happen to Karl and Arthur's children, but they would definitely be better than those little Spartans.

Wanda, who was pregnant for nine months, had already entered the expected date of delivery, and the entire Russell family felt very nervous.

Not only is the child in Wanda's womb, it is the youngest and youngest generation of the Russell family, but also because the child's parents are demigods and witches.

In order to ensure Wanda's safety, Horus transferred his wife to the general hospital in Umbrella before the due date.

The general hospital located in the center of Haffa is the starting point of Umbrella and has the top medical team in the whole society.

current time.

January 24, 2051.

General Hospital in the center of Haffa, on the second floor, in the waiting hall outside the delivery room.

The entrance and exit passages here are guarded by a group of personal guards Astartes wearing golden power armor and red cloaks.

The nurses in light pink uniforms all walk through the corridor nervously, because there are not only tall and rough personal guards here, but also enough characters to influence the entire galaxy.

The Russell family is here.

"Wow~!! Wow!"

At 14:14 in the afternoon, a loud cry of a baby came from the delivery room.

At the same time, the red warning light on the door of the delivery room also turned green, and the door of the delivery room was pushed open by two nurses.

Just look at Wanda, who was lying on the hospital bed with her private parts covered by a white cloth, being pushed out of the delivery room by the nurses.


See here.

Horus directly used the ability of [Fast Movement], and quickly rushed to Wanda's side.

Horus breathed a sigh of relief knowing that Wanda was just a little exhausted, and her complexion was slightly pale.

Later, Horus remembered that he and Wanda still had a child, and the head nurse also came to him with the baby protected by swaddling clothes.

At this time, William, Arthur and other members of the Russell family also surrounded Horus and Wanda, visiting the new generation of the Russell family together.

It's a boy.

But because of the newborn, his face is wrinkled and his hair is thin, so he still can't tell what the child looks like.

Under the doctor's warning, the family asked the nurse to take Wanda and the child to a ward with a safer environment.


Athena, the grandma, didn't know what to think, and directly named the child Horusen, which means adding "on" after Heros.

Heroson, literal translation is the son of Horus.

Athena may be inspired by the Nordic gods, so add a son directly after the name.

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